Peggy Browning Fellowship Applications Now Being Accepted!

2016 Summer Fellowships

Funded positions in labor-related organizations throughout the United States

2016-2017 School-Year Fellowship

1 funded part-time position in Chicago

Application deadline: January 15, 2016

Information available at the website online!



is pleased to announce the



SUBJECT: Any topic in the field of employee benefits law.

OPEN TO: Any J.D. and graduate (L.L.M. or S.J.D.) law students enrolled at any time between August 15, 2015 and August 15, 2016. 

SUBMIT BY: June 2, 2016 

UP TO TWO PRIZES: Alvin D. Lurie Memorial Award: $1,500 AND Sidney M. Perlstadt Memorial Award: $1,500

Winners will be honored during the College’s annual black tie dinner on September 17, 2016 in Philadelphia, PA.  They will receive a plaque and an employee benefits treatise published by Bloomberg BNA Books. The winning papers will also be distributed to the Fellows of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, experienced attorneys who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the employee benefits field in a wide range of practice settings including law and consulting firms, universities, labor unions, advocacy organizations and government agencies throughout the United States.  The College will also use its best efforts to have one or more of the winning papers published in the Benefits Law Journal or another professional or scholarly publication, if deemed suitable by the College’s Writing Prize Committee and the editors of the publication. For information concerning the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, contact Brian Dougherty or consult the website.

  1. Eligibility/Topics.  Except as provided in (6) below, applicants must be enrolled full-time or part-time in law school between August 15, 2015 and August 15, 2016 and seeking a J.D. or a graduate law degree (e.g., L.L.M. or S.J.D.).  Papers must deal with employee benefits topics.  As an illustrative example, a paper might address legal issues involving health benefits, pensions, 401(k) plans, severance, executive compensation, claims, appeals, current or former spouses’ or domestic partners’ benefits, collectively-bargained benefits, benefits in bankruptcy, ERISA litigation, fiduciary obligations or the tax treatment of benefits/contributions. 
  1. Papers should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced, in 12 point type, with an inch margin on each side), not including footnotes.
  2. Papers must be submitted as email attachments to Brian Dougherty via email and should be submitted as Word or pdf documents.  No information identifying the author or law school should be included in the text, the footnotes, or the filename.  That information, an address, a telephone number and enrollment status information should be provided in the email message.
  3. Submissions may include papers prepared for class assignments, law journals or other purposes, as well as those written especially for the Prize.
  4. Student papers submitted for publication in law reviews or other law school journals or periodicals but not yet published are eligible for the Prize, provided that (i) the version submitted for the Prize does not reflect any changes made to the paper after submission of the manuscript to any publication and (ii) the College receives any consents necessary to publish or republish the article.
  5. Selection of Winners.  Winning papers will be selected by the Writing Prize Committee based on the factors they deem relevant.  Among other factors, the Committee will consider: (i) depth and creativity of legal analysis; (ii) thoroughness of legal research; (iii) organization and writing style; (iv) difficulty of subject matter; and (v) consideration of employee benefits policy implications.  A focused, in depth analysis of a discrete topic generally is considered more favorably than a broad survey piece.  Presentation (e.g., organization, proofreading, proper grammar, etc.) also carries substantial weight.  The determination of the Committee is final.  It is anticipated that winners will be notified by July 22, 2016, or shortly thereafter.
  6. Publication of Winning Articles(s).  The College will use its best efforts to arrange for publication of the winning papers in a professional or scholarly publication, if deemed suitable by the Writing Prize Committee and the publication’s editors.  In addition, the winning papers will be posted on the College’s website.
  7. Prizes.  There are cash awards for two winning papers.  However, the College may, in its discretion, decide to split prizes, to award additional prizes or to award fewer than two prizes.  Winners will be guests of the College during its annual black tie dinner to be held on September 17, 2016 in Philadelphia, PA.  The College covers the travel and lodging expenses for the prize recipients.
  8. Deadline.  Papers must be submitted in the manner described in paragraph 1(b) above and must be received no later than Midnight, Eastern Time, on June 2, 2016.
  9. Disclaimer.  The College disclaims responsibility for any failure to give due consideration to any submission due to any email or other electronic transmission, storage or archival errors, regardless of the cause.  However, the Committee may waive the eligibility requirements applicable to any student whose submitted paper was not afforded due consideration on account of such an error in a prior year’s contest.

Questions concerning the Competition should be directed to Brian Dougherty, Chair of the ACEBC Writing Prize Committee.      

2016 Alford Excellence Award

On May 6, 2016 , the Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section (“MJL Section”) of the Delaware State Bar Association will hold its annual Judge Haile L. Alford Memorial Breakfast. The event is held in honor of Haile L. Alford, the first African American female judge in the State of Delaware. Judge Alford was appointed by Governor Mike Castle in 1992 and served on the bench until her untimely death in 2003 at the age of 54.

During the Alford Memorial Breakfast, the MJL Section intends to grant the 2016 Alford Excellence Award, a $3,000 scholarship, to at least three future practitioners who will sit for the July 2016 Delaware Bar Examination.


Application materials include: (1) the 2016 Alford Excellence Award Application and (2) a personal essay (1000 word limit).

Part I

2016 Alford Excellence Award Application: T he Alford Excellence Award will be awarded to at least three applicants with superior academic credentials, leadership qualities, a commitment to community service, and who intend to actively practice law in the State of Delaware.

Part II

Personal Essay: Each applicant must complete a persuasive essay, which highlights his/her demonstrated leadership abilities, commitment to community service, personal barriers, which have been overcome and/or provides examples of academic achievements, awards and certificates, personal qualities and character. In addition, applicants should address why they desire to actively practice law in Delaware.

All application materials should be submitted via email by April 1, 2016 to:
The Alford Excellence Award Selection Committee
Attn: Tamika A. CrawlBey, MBA, JD
Chair, Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section

Each applicant must complete all the requested information in the Application and include copies of a transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable) and a résumé. Applicants may also include copies of other relevant documents, such as awards, recognition certificates, etc.


Orlando, Florida: Appeals Law Group will be holding its annual Winter Essay Writing Competition, open to all current full-time and part-time matriculated students in an ABA accredited law school. This $500.00 scholarship will be awarded to the law student who presents a 1000 word or less essay on the following topic:

Whether a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for non-violent marijuana trafficking under Federal law violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment? 

All essays must be submitted via email and must be in Word or PDF format. The deadline for submission is February 1, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be announced on February 4, 2016. 

About Appeals Law Group: Appeals Law Group is a firm dedicated to the pursuit of justice, focusing on civil rights litigation, criminal and civil appeals, post-conviction relief, criminal trial defense, and executive remedies including pardons and commutations of sentence. The attorneys at Appeals Law Group practice in all federal and military courts of appeal across the nation and are licensed in North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Washington DC, Minnesota, Washington State, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.

Visit the website for additional information.

Professor Schnably Seeks a Research Assistant for the Spring 2016 Semester

Professor Schnably is seeking a Research Assistant for the Spring 2016 semester. Hours are flexible, but around 10-15/week.

Areas: mainly constitutional law and international human rights law, but there may be others as well. Strong legal research skills are crucial; knowledge of Spanish helpful for some projects, but not required.

To apply, please email a CV and an unofficial law school transcript to Professor Schnably, with a copy to his assistant, Andrea Garcia.


LatinoJustice PRLDEF Term & Summer Legal Internships in NYC and Orlando

LatinoJustice PRLDEF is one of the foremost Latino civil rights organizations in the country, serving a pan-Latino constituency. Since 1972, we have been bringing precedent-setting impact litigation that has profoundly improved the way Latinos are treated in our society. Our current areas of focus include immigrants’ rights, voting rights, redistricting, housing, education, employment, job discrimination, the treatment of day laborers, freedom of movement, and all forms of bias that affect Latinos. Recent historic victories include Lozano v. Cityof Hazleton, enjoining a Pennsylvania town from enacting its own anti-immigrant ordinance; Doe v. Mamaroneck, stopping local township and police from discriminatorily harassing Latino day laborers; Perez-Santiago v. Volusia County, successful Section 4e voting rights case requiring Florida county to provide bilingual ballots; and Aguilar v. U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement, successfully challenging ICE’s home raids practices in NY, resulting in groundbreaking settlement reforming ICE’s national home raids procedures, payment of $1 million dollars in damages and fees and providing immigration relief to plaintiffs facing removal. 

LatinoJustice interns conduct fact investigations and legal research, draft sections of legal briefs and memos of law, participate in client & witness interviews and trial preparation, and accompany staff lawyers to court proceedings and legislative hearings. Law students are included in every stage of planning, developing and prosecuting our impact cases. Recent student work has included research into the First Amendment rights of day laborers, the Fourth Amendment rights of individuals involved in immigration home raids, and the Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection. Term interns are expected to work 12-15 hrs/week during the semester subject to class schedule availability.

Each summer, several 1L and 2L students from around the country join LatinoJustice for a 10-12 week full-time internship. Past summer interns have sometimes continued working with us on our cases upon returning to school, and writing law review articles on related issues they worked on. We have also sponsored several former term and summer interns for postgraduate public interest fellowships at LatinoJustice. LatinoJustice’s NYC office is located at 99 Hudson Street in the Tribecca area of downtown Manhattan, where we organize a Summer Racial Justice series with colleagues from the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) and NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF). This NYC summer series provides unique networking opportunities to hear from leading civil rights practitioners in the Metropolitan NY area. Past presentations have included the future of desegregation, emerging issues in immigrants’ rights, school to prison pipeline, and building public interest careers via clerkships and fellowships.

LatinoJustice’s new Southeast Regional Office, located at 523 West Colonial Drive in Orlando, Florida opened in July 2014. The Southeast Regional Office also offers great networking opportunities with local Latino community organizations and Hispanic bar groups.

We are seeking energetic, motivated law students with a record of commitment to social justice work who have excellent legal, written, research, and communications skills. Bilingual Spanish/English is a plus but not required. We are happy to help students obtain academic course credit through school clinical externship programs and/or satisfy pro bono volunteer requirements at school or for bar admission.

To apply, please submit cover letter specifying your geographic office of interest and resume to Deputy General Counsel Jose Perez. For questions concerning LatinoJustice’s Southeast Regional Office internship positions, email Associate Counsel Martha Pardo.

Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowships

The Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program provides assistance to doctoral students who wish to use the research resources available in the University of Miami Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) in support of dissertation research. The goal of the Goizueta Foundation Graduate Fellowships is to engage emerging scholars with the materials available in the CHC and thus contribute to the larger body of scholarship in Cuban, American, Latin@, hemispheric and international studies.

Launched in 2010 with a grant from The Goizueta Foundation, the program has grown to support the research of 67 emerging scholars from 35 universities. In 2015 the Foundation made a $1 million gift to endow the program as part of the University’s Momentum2 campaign, allowing the CHC to continue awarding research funding to doctoral candidates from across the United States. The 2016-2017 award recipients will be the first class of Goizueta Fellows.

Award Categories:

Graduate Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships 

Pre-Prospectus Summer Fellowships will allow doctoral students to determine how the Cuban Heritage Collection may serve their research needs as they prepare the dissertation prospectus. These are exploratory fellowships to determine if research resources in the CHC will support a dissertation. Fellowships of $1,500 will be granted for one month in residence between June 1 and August 31 of 2016.

Graduate Research Fellowships

Research Fellowships will support doctoral students who wish to use the Cuban Heritage Collection as a primary resource for a dissertation. Doctoral students applying for these fellowships will have completed their course work and passed their qualifying examinations. They will be prepared to pursue research based on an approved prospectus. Fellowships of $3,000 per month will be granted for periods of one to three months. These fellowships will take place between June 1, 2016 and May 31, 2017. All recipients must be in residence during the course of the fellowship and may not hold concurrent teaching positions. 

Applications will be evaluated by independent reviewers based on:

  • merit of the proposal
  • applicant’s qualifications
  • demonstrated need to access the Cuban Heritage Collection’s particular holdings


  • All U.S. citizens and permanent residents of the United States who are doctoral candidates enrolled at a university in the U.S. are eligible to apply.
  • Foreign nationals residing in the United States on F-1 student visas who are doctoral candidates enrolled at a university in the U.S. are eligible to apply.
  • Former Graduate Pre-Prospectus Fellows may apply for a Graduate Research Fellowship.
  • Applicants may be required to provide positive proof of residence.

Applications: All application materials must be received by Monday, February 1, 2016, and submitted electronically on Interfolio. Attachments are preferred as PDF files. Fellowship applicants must submit the following:

  • application form
  • research statement: a project abstract of no more than 300 words
  • proposal: a project description of no more than 1,500 words
  • research plan: a list of Cuban Heritage Collection materials to be consulted during the fellowship period. The list need not be comprehensive but should demonstrate your specific need to carry out research at the Cuban Heritage Collection.
  • curriculum vitae
  • three confidential letters of reference

Apply hereApplication Deadline: February 1, 2016 Questions about the fellowships program or application instructions should be directed here.

Deadline Approaching – Summer 2016 FASPE Ethics Fellowship for Law Students

Deadline Approaching – Summer Ethics Fellowship for Law Students! The application deadline for the 2016 FASPE Law fellowship is one month away.

What: The Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPELaw uses the conduct of lawyers and judges during the Holocaust and in Nazi Germany as a launching point for an intensive study of contemporary ethical issues in the practice of law.

Where: FASPE is predicated upon the power of place. Fellows visit sites in Berlin, Germany, as well as Auschwitz and other sites in Poland, where they consider how to apply the lessons of history as they confront the ethical challenges of law today. All program costs are covered, including round-trip travel from New York to Europe, European travel, lodging, and food.

Who: FASPE Law is designed for students intending to become practicing attorneys, whether in the private sector, with public interest organizations, or the government. Ten to 15 Fellows will be chosen for the 2016 program. The law program is one of five programs offered by FASPE, all of which are designed to address contemporary ethical issues through this unique historical context. Law Fellows travel and share some seminars with Journalism and Business Fellows. The 2016 program will be led by Professor David Luban of Georgetown University.

When: FASPE Law will run from Friday, May 20 through Thursday, June 2, 2016. 

How: To apply or to learn more about FASPE, please visit: the website. For a flyer on FASPE Law, follow this link. 

Deadline: Completed applications are due by January 5, 2016.

FASPE programs are non-denominational. Candidates of all religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions, please contact Thorin R. Tritter, Managing Director of FASPE.



Milwaukee Law Firms 1L Holiday Reception

You are cordially invited to join the law firms of Foley & Lardner LLP; Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.; Michael Best & Friedrich LLP; Quarles & Brady LLP; and Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren S.C. for their annual Home for the Holiday receptions for first-year law students attending out-of-state schools. The receptions will be held on Tuesday, December 29, 2015, at the locations noted below. Times are staggered so that you may attend all firm receptions. They look forward to meeting you! 

2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
1000 North Water Street
Suite 1700
RSVP to Sandy Faull  
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
777 E. Wisconsin Avenue
40th Floor
RSVP to Rebecca Bradley 
Quarles & Brady LLP
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
411 E. Wisconsin Avenue
24th Floor
RSVP to Linda Lamp 
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
100 E. Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 3300
RSVP to Natasha Klein  
Godfrey Kahn SC
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
780 North Water Street
17th Floor
RSVP to Suzanne Schillig 

American Bar Association Business Law Section 2016 Mendes Hershman Student Writing Contest

Enter the 30th Annual Mendes Hershman Student Writing Contest for a chance to win up to $2,500 and an all-expenses-paid trip to the Business Law Section Spring Meeting in Montréal, QC, Canada, April 7-9, 2016.

All students enrolled in an ABA-accredited law school are eligible to submit original papers authored during the current academic year, which cover a topical business law subject. Submissions may be prepared specifically for this contest; repurposed from a class, seminar, or as an independent study; or developed as a proposed law review/journal note, comment, or article.

Membership in the ABA & Business Law Section is not required for entry. Visit the website for more information.