2016 Alford Excellence Award

On May 6, 2016 , the Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section (“MJL Section”) of the Delaware State Bar Association will hold its annual Judge Haile L. Alford Memorial Breakfast. The event is held in honor of Haile L. Alford, the first African American female judge in the State of Delaware. Judge Alford was appointed by Governor Mike Castle in 1992 and served on the bench until her untimely death in 2003 at the age of 54.

During the Alford Memorial Breakfast, the MJL Section intends to grant the 2016 Alford Excellence Award, a $3,000 scholarship, to at least three future practitioners who will sit for the July 2016 Delaware Bar Examination.


Application materials include: (1) the 2016 Alford Excellence Award Application and (2) a personal essay (1000 word limit).

Part I

2016 Alford Excellence Award Application: T he Alford Excellence Award will be awarded to at least three applicants with superior academic credentials, leadership qualities, a commitment to community service, and who intend to actively practice law in the State of Delaware.

Part II

Personal Essay: Each applicant must complete a persuasive essay, which highlights his/her demonstrated leadership abilities, commitment to community service, personal barriers, which have been overcome and/or provides examples of academic achievements, awards and certificates, personal qualities and character. In addition, applicants should address why they desire to actively practice law in Delaware.

All application materials should be submitted via email by April 1, 2016 to:
The Alford Excellence Award Selection Committee
Attn: Tamika A. CrawlBey, MBA, JD
Chair, Multicultural Judges and Lawyers Section

Each applicant must complete all the requested information in the Application and include copies of a transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable) and a résumé. Applicants may also include copies of other relevant documents, such as awards, recognition certificates, etc.