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September 2015

Jameson Crane III Disability and the Law Writing Competition

Thomas Jefferson School of Law is pleased to announce the second Jameson Crane III Disability and the Law Writing Competition. Made possible by the generous gift of Thomas Jefferson School of Law alumnus Jameson Crane III, this competition seeks to encourage outstanding student scholarship at the intersection of law and medicine, or law and the […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 28, 2015)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015: Nuts & Bolts Application Workshop – 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., Law Campus Room A-110 – Workshop designed to provide an overview of the different types of judicial clerkships and the application processes.

Michael Weiner Scholarship for Labor Studies

All Major League baseball players, through the Major League Baseball Players Trust, honor the life of former MLBPA Executive Director, Michael Weiner, through the “Michael Weiner Scholarship for Labor Studies.”   This scholarship seeks to recognize and support the efforts of graduate and/or law students dedicated to improving the lives of workers, by awarding up to […]

K&L Gates Public Interest Fellowship Program of the K&L Gates LLP Fund 2015 – 2016 Application Guidelines

The Pittsburgh Foundation and K&L Gates LLP are proud to offer the K&L Gates Public Interest Fellowship Program. The fellowship was established in September 1999 to offer law students the opportunity to assist public service organizations located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 2016, the program will award one successful candidate a fellowship that enables them to […]

2015-2016 Beveridge & Diamond Constitutional Environmental Law Writing Competition

Organized by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and The National Association of Environmental Law Societies (NAELS): The U.S. Constitution has long been interpreted by judges and understood by most Americans to support comprehensive environmental protection. However, arguments questioning the constitutional legitimacy or application of environmental law continue to be made. ELI and NAELS invite law […]

Welcome to Our “Coffee Connectors” Program!

We are pleased to introduce you to our Coffee Connectors Network, created to provide law students with opportunities to connect with Miami Law alumni across the country. Through our network of alumni, you can connect with a diverse group of attorneys, learn about different practice areas and ultimately better transition from law school into practice. With more than […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 21, 2015)

Monday, September 21, 2015: Young Alumni Career Panel – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Law Campus Room F-309 – A panel with young alumni to discuss career opportunities beyond on campus interviews. The event is being sponsored by CDO and the Alumni Office. For further information contact Brenda Louard in the CDO. Thursday, September 24, […]

The American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL) is Now FREE to Law Students!

The American Bar Association, Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL) is now FREE to law students. Any law student can sign up for five Sections free of charge in addition to free ABA membership. Please share this news and the links below with your law school students who are interested in intellectual property law. Some […]

The Council of School Attorneys (COSA) Invites Law Students to Attend its 2015 School Law Practice Seminar in Miami, Florida

The Council of School Attorneys (COSA) cordially invites local law students to attend its 2015 School Law Practice Seminar in Miami, Florida on October 22-24, 2015. The School Law Practice Seminar draws attendees from across the U.S. and Canada and is specifically designed for attorneys who represent public schools. This in-depth Seminar allows school attorneys […]

Reserve Your Space at the 20th Annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions

Reserve Your Space at the 20th Annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions on November 12-13, 2015 at the Ritz-Carlton on South Beach, FL. On November 12-13, 2015, the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association will be hosting the 20th annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions on South Beach.  They have cordially […]