Deadline Approaching – Summer 2016 FASPE Ethics Fellowship for Law Students

Deadline Approaching – Summer Ethics Fellowship for Law Students! The application deadline for the 2016 FASPE Law fellowship is one month away.

What: The Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPELaw uses the conduct of lawyers and judges during the Holocaust and in Nazi Germany as a launching point for an intensive study of contemporary ethical issues in the practice of law.

Where: FASPE is predicated upon the power of place. Fellows visit sites in Berlin, Germany, as well as Auschwitz and other sites in Poland, where they consider how to apply the lessons of history as they confront the ethical challenges of law today. All program costs are covered, including round-trip travel from New York to Europe, European travel, lodging, and food.

Who: FASPE Law is designed for students intending to become practicing attorneys, whether in the private sector, with public interest organizations, or the government. Ten to 15 Fellows will be chosen for the 2016 program. The law program is one of five programs offered by FASPE, all of which are designed to address contemporary ethical issues through this unique historical context. Law Fellows travel and share some seminars with Journalism and Business Fellows. The 2016 program will be led by Professor David Luban of Georgetown University.

When: FASPE Law will run from Friday, May 20 through Thursday, June 2, 2016. 

How: To apply or to learn more about FASPE, please visit: the website. For a flyer on FASPE Law, follow this link. 

Deadline: Completed applications are due by January 5, 2016.

FASPE programs are non-denominational. Candidates of all religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions, please contact Thorin R. Tritter, Managing Director of FASPE.