Fall 2008 Judicial Internship Program

2L’s and 3L’s: Are you interested in Interning for a Judge this semester?

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court program places second and third year students in a direct working relationship with County and Circuit judges in the Civil, Criminal, Juvenile, Family and Domestic Violence Divisions. A minimum of 5-10 hours per week is required. Interns are not permitted to work with any law firm or other legal agency while participating in this program. To sign up for this program and be guaranteed a judge assignment, please stop by the Career Development Office and pick up an application. Attach a resume and short writing sample to the application and turn it in by Friday, September 5th at 4:00 p.m.

Get Ready for Phase II / Session I of Fall OCI!

The following programming has been scheduled to coincide with the bidding and interviewing process for Phase II // Session I of the Fall 2008 OCI Program:

Not familiar with OCI or Symplicity? Then the OCI Information & Symplicity Training Session is for you! Learn how to bid before the bidding deadline of August 24. You will see firsthand how to place your bids for Phase II // Session I employers. The session will take place on Tuesday, August 19 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109.

Need help updating your resume before the bidding deadline of August 24? Attend a Resume Workshop on Wednesday, August 20 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109.

Wondering what the callback interview process is like? The Ins and Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Acceptances and More will feature a law firm recruiting coordinator and 3L students who went through the process before. The panel discussion will take place on Thursday, August 21 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109.

Want to brush up on your interviewing skills before interviews begin on September 8? Stop by the Interviewing Skills workshop on Thursday, September 4 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109.

Prepare Yourself for Callback Interviews

With Fall OCI underway, it is time to start thinking about any potential callback interviews. To help you through the callback process, the CDO has several useful resources:

I. Ins and Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Acceptances and More Panel Discussion

Are you wondering what happens after the initial on-campus interview? How to prepare for a callback interview? What to expect during the callback interview? How to accept an offer? Please join the Career Development Office for a panel discussion on “The Ins & Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Acceptances & More.” Gunster Yoakley will be here – along with fellow students who successfully navigated the callback process last year – to give you tips on how to prepare and what to expect. Don’t miss this opportunity to have all your questions answered.

The panel will take place Thursday, August 21 at 12:30 in Room 109.

II. CDO Callback Guide

The CDO Callback Guide provides useful tips on how to handle the callback process. Have to travel? Unsure about lunch? Information on this and many other related topics are covered. A copy of the Callback Guide is available at the link at the bottom of the email. Hard copies are available in the CDO or online.

Also included in the Callback Guide are a copy of the NALP Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (for callback-related expenditures incurred during out of town travel), the NALP Open Letter to Law Students and the article “Student Professionalism During the Interview Season: A Quick Guide to Your Ethical Responsibilities in the Offer and Decision-Making Process.”

III. NALP Timing Guidelines

The NALP Timing Guidelines are standards many firms use to determine when a student must accept an offer. The guidelines have been changed for the 2008-2009 school year. It is important that students are aware of and understand the timelines so that they meet every offer deadline. To learn more about the guidelines, please visit the NALP website to view the guidelines in full. The guidelines are also discussed in the Callback Guide. If you have any questions about the new guidelines, please speak with your advisor so that you understand your deadlines.

Phase II of Fall OCI is Here!

Phase II of the Fall 2008 On Campus Interview (OCI) Program will take place from Monday, September 8 to Friday, October 31. As Phase II is longer than Phase I, it is divided into three sessions, the first of which will take place from Monday, September 8 through Friday, September 19. To participate, you must complete the bidding process via the Symplicity system.

Bidding for Phase II // Session I employers will begin tomorrow, Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. EST and will conclude Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 11:00 p.m. EST. You may log onto Symplicity to view those employers participating in Phase II // Session I. Please keep in mind that you will only be able to view those employers accepting applications from your class year or LL.M. program. Likewise, you will only be able to submit bids to those employers accepting applications from your class year or LL.M. program.

To help you through the bidding process, the CDO is providing you with detailed instructions on both the OCI program and the Symplicity system. The Fall 2008 On Campus Interview (OCI) Program Handbook is online or in hard copy at the CDO.

Please take the time to read the Handbook to acclimate yourself with the Fall OCI process and the Symplicity system. For information related to the OCI program, please read the “General Information” section and FAQs. For specific instructions on how to view participating employers and bid using Symplicity, please read the “Student Guide to Symplicity.” Reading this information before bidding will answer most of the questions you have, will minimize any problems you may encounter with the system and will make the bidding process much easier for you.

U.S. DOJ Summer Law Intern Program (2Ls) and Honors Program (3Ls)

Interested in working for the federal government next summer or after graduation? If so, then consider applying to the United States Department of Justice Summer Law Intern Program (for 2Ls) and Honors Program (for 3Ls).

The Summer Law Intern Program (SLIP) is the Department’s competitive recruitment program for compensated summer internships. Selection for employment is based on many elements of a candidate’s background including academic achievement, law review or moot court experience, legal aid and clinical experience, and summer or part-time legal employment. The Department also considers specialized academic studies (including undergraduate and post-graduate degrees), work experience, and extracurricular activities that directly relate to the work of the Department.

The highly competitive Honors Program is only way that the Department hires entry-level attorneys. Selection for employment is based on many elements of a candidate’s background including academic achievement, law review or moot court experience, legal aid and clinical experience, and summer or part-time legal employment. The Department also considers specialized academic studies (including undergraduate and post-graduate degrees), work experience, and extracurricular activities that directly relate to the work of the Department.

To apply for either program, you must complete the online application by Tuesday, September 2, 2008. To access the online application and get more information about each program, please visit the appropriate link:

SLIP: http://www.usdoj.gov/oarm/arm/sp/sp.htm.
Honors Program: http://www.usdoj.gov/oarm/arm/hp/hp.htm

Government Honors and Internship Handbook Now Available

Interested in a summer or post-graduate position with a federal government agency? The Government Honors & Internship Handbook is a comprehensive collection of available opportunities.

The 2008-2009 Handbook is now available online at http://www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm. The site is password protected. To obtain the login information, please contact your career advisor.

Fall OCI Resources

With Fall OCI just around the corner, the CDO has compiled a number of resources useful during this time. All of the following materials are available in the Resource Library, in the paper holder located to the left of the copy machine.

o Fall OCI Checklist

o Fall OCI Myths and Legends

o Fall OCI Bidding and Interview Dates

o Get Ready for OCI Workshops

o Habits of Highly Effective Summers (article)

o Help! My Grades Stink! (article)

o Job Fair Information (2008)

o NALP Open Letter to Law Students

o NALP Travel Expense Reimbursement Form

o Steps to Follow when Applying to Large Law Firms

o Steps to Follow when Applying to Small and Mid-Sized Firms

o Student Guide to Symplicity

o Student Professionalism During the Interview Season: A Quick Guide to Your Ethical Responsibilities in the Offer and Decision-Making Process (NALP article)

o Utilizing Online Resources to Conduct Online Searches

Save the Date: Small Firm Interview Program, March 2009

The Second Annual Small Firm Interview Program sponsored by the Florida Bar General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section will be held on March 21, 2009 in Orlando, FL in conjunction with its annual Solo and Small Firm Conference. The program will enable employers to interview law students and recent graduates from all of Florida’s law schools.

Information will be available late fall at http://www.gpssf.org/convention.php.

August 2008 Calendar

Job Fairs, Workshops and Other Events Taking Place in the Month of August
August 1-2
Southeastern Minority Job Fair (SEMJF), Atlanta, GA

August 6-8
Mock Interview Program (Phase I)

August 7
ABA Student Division Career Fair, New York, NY

August 8
Washington DC Interview Program

August 11-15
Fall On Campus Interview Program (OCI) Phase I Interviews

August 11
Vault/MCCA Legal Diversity Career Fair, New Orleans, LA

August 14
Vault/MCCA Legal Diversity Career Fair, New York, NY

August 15
Boston Lawyers Group Job Fair, Boston, MA
IMPACT Job Fair for Law Students with Disabilities, Arlington, VA
Southeastern Law Placement Consortium (SELPC) Job Fair, Atlanta, GA

August 16
Delaware Minority Job Fair, Wilmington, DE

August 19
Get Ready for OCI Phase II/Session I: OCI Information and Symplicity Training Session, 12:30 p.m. – Room 109

August 20
Get Ready for OCI Phase II/Session I: Resume Workshop, 12:30 p.m. – Room 109
Northwest Minority Job Fair, Seattle, WA
Vault/MCCA Legal Diversity Career Fair, San Francisco, CA

August 21
Ins and Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Offers and Acceptances, 12:30 p.m. – Room 109
Boston Lawyers Group Job Fair, Washington, DC
Resume Referral/Direct Contact bidding deadline

August 22
Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair, Kansas City, MO
West Coast Interview Program, Santa Monica, CA

August 23
Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair, Kansas City, MO

August 25
Business Etiquette with Sharon Abrahams of McDermott, Will & Emery, 12:30 p.m. – Room 108

August 26
Get Ready for OCI Phase II/Session II: OCI Information and Symplicity Training Session, 12:30 p.m. – Room 109

August 28
Get Ready for OCI Phase II/Session II: Resume Workshop, 12:30 p.m. – Room 109
Postgraduate Fellowship Opportunities, 12:30 p.m. – Room 216B

Fall 2008 Mock Interview Program

The Fall 2008 On Campus Interview (OCI) Program is just around the corner. Don’t miss the opportunity to practice your interviewing skills before OCI and receive immediate feedback. Local practitioners have agreed to participate in this program to make sure you are prepared for the fall recruiting season. The Mock Interview Program will be held from August 6-8 (Phase I) and September 3-5 (Phase II).

To sign up for a mock interview, please log onto Symplicity and select “OCI, Resume Referral and Direct Contact Schedules” from the top navigation bar. From the session drop down menu, select “Fall 2008 Mock Interview Program (Phase I)” and select the date that works best for you. You will then have the option to select a time and the resume that will be supplied to the mock interviewer. Select “signup” to complete the sign up process.

Please note that each date listed may have different times. Please review the various dates to find the time that works best for you. Each mock interview will take 30 minutes. You are only allowed to sign up for one mock interview per program. Sign ups for mock interviews are on a first-come, first-serve basis so it is to your benefit to sign up early.

If you have any questions, please contact Davian Darby.