Prepare Yourself for Callback Interviews

With Fall OCI underway, it is time to start thinking about any potential callback interviews. To help you through the callback process, the CDO has several useful resources:

I. Ins and Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Acceptances and More Panel Discussion

Are you wondering what happens after the initial on-campus interview? How to prepare for a callback interview? What to expect during the callback interview? How to accept an offer? Please join the Career Development Office for a panel discussion on “The Ins & Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Acceptances & More.” Gunster Yoakley will be here – along with fellow students who successfully navigated the callback process last year – to give you tips on how to prepare and what to expect. Don’t miss this opportunity to have all your questions answered.

The panel will take place Thursday, August 21 at 12:30 in Room 109.

II. CDO Callback Guide

The CDO Callback Guide provides useful tips on how to handle the callback process. Have to travel? Unsure about lunch? Information on this and many other related topics are covered. A copy of the Callback Guide is available at the link at the bottom of the email. Hard copies are available in the CDO or online.

Also included in the Callback Guide are a copy of the NALP Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (for callback-related expenditures incurred during out of town travel), the NALP Open Letter to Law Students and the article “Student Professionalism During the Interview Season: A Quick Guide to Your Ethical Responsibilities in the Offer and Decision-Making Process.”

III. NALP Timing Guidelines

The NALP Timing Guidelines are standards many firms use to determine when a student must accept an offer. The guidelines have been changed for the 2008-2009 school year. It is important that students are aware of and understand the timelines so that they meet every offer deadline. To learn more about the guidelines, please visit the NALP website to view the guidelines in full. The guidelines are also discussed in the Callback Guide. If you have any questions about the new guidelines, please speak with your advisor so that you understand your deadlines.