Fall OCI Resources

With Fall OCI just around the corner, the CDO has compiled a number of resources useful during this time. All of the following materials are available in the Resource Library, in the paper holder located to the left of the copy machine.

o Fall OCI Checklist

o Fall OCI Myths and Legends

o Fall OCI Bidding and Interview Dates

o Get Ready for OCI Workshops

o Habits of Highly Effective Summers (article)

o Help! My Grades Stink! (article)

o Job Fair Information (2008)

o NALP Open Letter to Law Students

o NALP Travel Expense Reimbursement Form

o Steps to Follow when Applying to Large Law Firms

o Steps to Follow when Applying to Small and Mid-Sized Firms

o Student Guide to Symplicity

o Student Professionalism During the Interview Season: A Quick Guide to Your Ethical Responsibilities in the Offer and Decision-Making Process (NALP article)

o Utilizing Online Resources to Conduct Online Searches