Annual Law Student Conference on Public Interest Litigation

Friday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 24th, 2012.

Each year the Institute for Justice, the nation’s leading libertarian public interest law firm, brings 40 top law students to Washington, D.C., to learn how to use law as a force for freedom. Though many of the alumni go on to private practice and other avenues outside the public interest field, they apply the conference’s lessons in their careers and often work on pro bono
cases to advance the cause of liberty.

In addition to IJ attorneys and staff, previous faculty have included Georgetown University School of Law professor Randy Barnett, George Mason University School of Law professor Todd Zywicki and Cato Institute scholar Roger Pilon. Previous conference keynote speakers include well-known justices from around the country, who offer a public interest view from the bench.

For more information or to apply, visit the website.

Travel scholarships are available for a limited number of students accepted into the program. Applications are accepted through March 1, 2012.

Free Webinar Series: The Summer Public Interest Job Search: Expert Tips on Cover Letters, Resumes, Interviewing, and Networking

This two-part webinar series, cosponsored by NALP and Equal Justice Works, will provide law students with insight on the key elements of the summer public-interest job application process. Attorneys with years of application review experience will highlight do’s and don’ts; explain how and why public interest application materials may substantively differ from law firm
materials; and explore the dynamics of personal interactions in interviews and networking situations.

Part One:

Wed., 1/25/12 at 3pm Eastern – Best Practices in Drafting Cover Letters and Resumes. Reserve your Webinar seat now!

Part Two:

Wed., 2/1/12 at 12pm (Noon) Eastern – Best Practices in Interviewing and In-person Networking. Reserve your Webinar seat now!


St. John’s University School of Law Seeking Associate Director of Career Development & Externship Program Coordinator

St.   John’s University  School of Law is seeking candidates for the position of Associate Director of Career Development & Coordinator of the Externship Program . Applicants must apply through the law school website.

Join the ABA Law Student Division 2012-2013 Leadership Team

The ABA Law Student Division has numerous leadership positions available either by election or appointment. Among the many opportunities and benefits, ABA Law Student Division leadership will provide you with:

  • The opportunity to work with law student leaders across the country, including SBA Presidents, ABA Representatives, national law student organization leaders, as well as licensed attorneys and judges;
  • The opportunity to participate in roundtables, debates, and discussions addressing law student issues and concerns;
  • The ability to foster your leadership, diplomacy, and project management skills; and
  • The opportunity to create policy and present legal education issues that affect law students regionally and nationally.

Past leaders have stated that the professional, educational, and personal rewards they gained from their experience as an ABA
Law Student Division leader were invaluable. If you enjoy a good challenge and are ready to roll up your sleeves, enhance your leadership experience, and work toward improving the legal education experience of your fellow classmates, then submit your nomination or application for one of the leadership positions outlined below. All candidates must be ABA Law Student
Division members in good standing (dues paid in full). Nominations must be signed by your dean and postmarked by the deadline date indicated. Please visit the website for the eligibility requirements, the nomination/application forms, deadlines, and
mailing instructions.

If you have any questions or would like more information about any leadership position, please do not hesitate to contact the ABA or one of the ABA Law Student Division leaders  for details.

2012-14 NALP Street Law Legal Diversity Pipeline Project Fellowship

The Fellow will administer this program and support its growth. The Fellow will have  responsibility for providing training,
curriculum development assistance and planning support to participating law firms, law schools and high schools. NALP and Street Law have tailored the Legal Diversity Pipeline Program to match with research suggesting that several factors play a role in encouraging young people to follow career paths: education about that specific path, career role models, social support and
persuasion, and a chance to experience career-related tasks. The Fellow will play a role in all of these program dimensions, both in their implementation and in assessing effectiveness. The Fellow will report directly to NALP’s Director of Public Service Initiatives, and will be employed by NALP, but will work closely with Street Law, Inc.

For more information please see “DIVERSITY DIGEST: NALP Street Law Fellow” in the Symplicity Document Library.

Deadline to apply is February 8, 2012.

The American Bar Association, Law Student Division, Offers Writing Competitions

You must be an ABA Law Student Division member to be considered for the opportunities listed below, unless otherwise indicated.

Business Law – Mendes Hershman Writing Contest
Entry deadline: January 20, 2012
Award: $2,500 cash, and travel expenses to attend the Section’s Spring Meeting.

International Law – Rona R. Mears Student Writing Competition & Scholarship Awards
Entry deadline: January 20, 2012
Award: $1,000 cash, and a $1,000 travel stipend to the Section’s Spring Meeting in New York City.

Antitrust Law Writing Competition
Entry deadline: February 1, 2012
Award: $2,000 cash, and travel expenses to attend the Section’s Spring Meeting (March 28-30, 2012) in Washington, DC.

Dispute Resolution – Mediation Video Contest on YouTube®
Entry deadline: February 1, 2012
Award: $1,000 cash, and featured at the Section’s Spring Conference in April and on the Section’s webpage.

Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability and Long & Levit LLP Essay Contest
Entry deadline: February 17, 2012

Award: $5,000 cash, and travel expenses to attend the Section’s Spring 2012 National Legal Malpractice Conference (April 18-20, 2012) in New York City.

Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section Law StudentWriting Competition
Entry deadline: March 5, 2012

Award: $1,500 cash, airfare, and hotel accommodations to the Section’s portion of the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, and possible publication in the Tort Trial & Insurance Law Journal.

Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice -Gellhorn-Sargentich Essay Competition
Entry deadline: April 1, 2012
Award: $5,000, and airfare to the Section’s 2012 Administrative Law Fall Conference inWashington,DC.

Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Admiralty and Maritime Writing Competition
Entry deadline: April 6, 2012
Award: $500, and a maximum of $500 reimbursement towards attendance at the Section’s Spring Meeting in Charleston, SC or the ABA Annual Meeting inChicago,IL.


The ABA Section of International Law’s 2011 International Internship Program

The ABA Section of International Law’s 2011 International Internship Program website, hosted by the Law Student, LL.M., and New Lawyer Outreach Committee, is intended to facilitate the establishment of legal internships for U.S. law students interested  in the practice of international law with overseas law firms.

The Section will act as a liaison between foreign law firms and interested student by providing the ABA website which lists the law firms that have agreed to host potential interns. This site simply enables students to contact firms about available internships. The ABA and the Section will not be involved in managing the internships established under the program. In addition, participating firms have the sole discretion to choose which, if any, interns to accept, and the conditions of the internship (such as intern duties, length of time, etc.).


This Week at the CDO (Week of January 16, 2012)

Welcome Back, Students! The following are the events happening this week at the CDO:

Tuesday, January 17: 

Diversity Week:

  • Music on the Bricks, 12:30-2:00, Bricks

Wednesday, January 18:

Diversity Week:

  • Title VII Panel, 12:30-2:00, Room A-110
  • Safe Space Training, 2:30-4:30, Faculty Meeting Room (Open to Faculty and Staff Only) (RSVP required)
  • Florida Supreme Court Committee on Fairness and Diversity Panel, with Reception to Follow, 6:00pm, Student Lounge/Bricks

Thursday, January 19:

Diversity Week:

  • Diversity in Practice Breakfast, 7:30-9am, Faculty Room (RSVP required)
  • Cyber-Bullying Panel, 12:30-2:00, Room F-209

International Internship Program Information Session (Suffolk Law) – 12:30 pm, Room 109

Waller Lansden Schola2Juris Program Information Session – 12:30-1:30 pm, RM A110

Friday, January 20:

Diversity Week:

  • Diversity Week Reception, 5:30-7:30, Offices of K&L Gates (RSVP required)

Saturday, January 21:

Diversity Week:

  • Family Picnic. 11:00-1:00, Tropical Park (RSVP required)

International Association of Defense Counsel 2012 Legal Writing Contest: Deadline May 18, 2012

Deadline for 2012 Entries. Entries must be received on or before Friday, May 18, 2012.

All J.D. candidates currently enrolled in accredited law schools are eligible to participate in the International Association of Defense Counsel (“IADC”) Legal Writing Contest. Entrants must write on subjects in the fields of tort law, insurance law, civil procedure, evidence or other areas of the law of practical concern to lawyers engaged in the defense or management of the defense of civil litigation. The contest is judged by a committee of the IADC.

First Place:          $2,000

Second Place      $1,000

Third Place         $500

Winning and honorable mention entries are considered for publication in the IADC’s quarterly academic publication, the Defense Counsel Journal. The judges also may award honorable mentions. All entrants receive a one-year subscription to the Defense Counsel Journal.

Contest Rules:

Eligibility. The International Association of Defense Counsel 2012 Legal Writing Contest is open to students who, at the time of submission of their entries, are enrolled as J.D. candidates in accredited law schools.

Subject Matter. Entries must be submitted in the English language on a subject of practical concern to lawyers engaged in the defense or management of the defense of civil litigation, such as relevant aspects of tort law, insurance law, civil procedure, evidence, damages, alternative dispute resolution procedures, and professional ethics.

Authorship and Publication. Entries must be certified by the entrant on the IADC entry form to be the original and sole work of the entrant. At the time of submission, the entry must not have been published or accepted for publication, and the author must be free to execute the assignment of copyright to IADC referred to in Rule 7.

Judging. The contest will be judged by a committee of the IADC, whose decisions will be final. In addition to the monetary award winners, the judges may designate entries worthy of honorable mention.

Judging Standards. Articles will be judged on the following factors: (1) the choice of subject matter, as measured by its significance, international or national relevance, and timeliness; (2) the amount of work and effort, as measured by the entry’s comprehensiveness and analysis; (3) the quality of the legal analysis, as measured by its objectivity and balance; and (4) the writing quality, as measured by clarity of expression, brevity, and literary construction. Entrants also should consider the points made in the contest guidelines.

Monetary Awards. Monetary awards will be made as follows: US$2,000 to first place, US$1,000 to second place, and US$500 to third place. Honorary mentions receive no monetary awards.

Plaques and Publication. Authors of monetary award articles and of those awarded honorable mention will receive
commemorative plaques, and their articles will be made available for publication in Defense Counsel Journal, IADC’s quarterly law review. At the time of submission, entrants must execute the assignment of copyright in the entry certificate. IADC will copyright articles published in Defense Counsel Journal, but release the copyright assignment back to entrants whose works are not published. Acceptance for publication in any publication other than Defense Counsel Journal prior to notice to the author of an award in this contest will disqualify the entry. Entrants are expected to notify IADC promptly of such prior acceptance
by another publication.

Subscription. A year’s subscription to Defense Counsel Journal will be given to all contestants who meet the qualifications for entry in this contest.

Directions for Transmission. Entries, together with the completed entry form, must be sent to the International Association of Defense Counsel, via electronic mail to Mary Dannevik.

The University of Iowa College of Law Accepting Applications for Associate Director of Career Services

The University of Iowa College of Law invites applications for an Associate Director of Career Services.  This is a full-time, administrative staff appointment starting on or about May 15, 2012.  Salary is commensurate with experience.

The Iowa College of Law is one of the nation’s best public law schools, located in a major national research university.  Iowa City is a vibrant and welcoming community with rich cultural and business opportunities, Big Ten athletic events and good public schools.  The Associate Director will join the career services team and other administrative staff to provide students and
alumni with a full range of comprehensive, state-of-the-art career and placement services.

A graduate or professional degree or the equivalent combination of education and experience is required; a Juris Doctor degree is preferred.  Other required qualifications include a minimum of three years relevant professional work experience; excellent written and oral communication skills; detail oriented; demonstrated creativity in the workplace; ability to travel and to work
effectively with colleagues; ability to counsel and advise individuals from diverse backgrounds; a genuine interest in helping students and alumni to explore careers and in guiding them through job searches; and demonstrated experience promoting a diverse workforce/academic environment.  Prior experience in career counseling or recruitment is a desirable qualification.

Further information about the position can be found online. (refer to requisition number 60392).  A plain text cover letter and three professional references must be filled out online during the application process, and a resume must be uploaded.  Review of applications will begin as they are received and will continue until the position is filled.

Questions may be directed to Assoc. Dean Linda McGuire.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, February 1, 2012.  Review of applications will begin as they are received and will continue until the position is filled; applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.  All applications must be submitted online.