Annual Law Student Conference on Public Interest Litigation

Friday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 24th, 2012.

Each year the Institute for Justice, the nation’s leading libertarian public interest law firm, brings 40 top law students to Washington, D.C., to learn how to use law as a force for freedom. Though many of the alumni go on to private practice and other avenues outside the public interest field, they apply the conference’s lessons in their careers and often work on pro bono
cases to advance the cause of liberty.

In addition to IJ attorneys and staff, previous faculty have included Georgetown University School of Law professor Randy Barnett, George Mason University School of Law professor Todd Zywicki and Cato Institute scholar Roger Pilon. Previous conference keynote speakers include well-known justices from around the country, who offer a public interest view from the bench.

For more information or to apply, visit the website.

Travel scholarships are available for a limited number of students accepted into the program. Applications are accepted through March 1, 2012.