Join the ABA Law Student Division 2012-2013 Leadership Team

The ABA Law Student Division has numerous leadership positions available either by election or appointment. Among the many opportunities and benefits, ABA Law Student Division leadership will provide you with:

  • The opportunity to work with law student leaders across the country, including SBA Presidents, ABA Representatives, national law student organization leaders, as well as licensed attorneys and judges;
  • The opportunity to participate in roundtables, debates, and discussions addressing law student issues and concerns;
  • The ability to foster your leadership, diplomacy, and project management skills; and
  • The opportunity to create policy and present legal education issues that affect law students regionally and nationally.

Past leaders have stated that the professional, educational, and personal rewards they gained from their experience as an ABA
Law Student Division leader were invaluable. If you enjoy a good challenge and are ready to roll up your sleeves, enhance your leadership experience, and work toward improving the legal education experience of your fellow classmates, then submit your nomination or application for one of the leadership positions outlined below. All candidates must be ABA Law Student
Division members in good standing (dues paid in full). Nominations must be signed by your dean and postmarked by the deadline date indicated. Please visit the website for the eligibility requirements, the nomination/application forms, deadlines, and
mailing instructions.

If you have any questions or would like more information about any leadership position, please do not hesitate to contact the ABA or one of the ABA Law Student Division leaders  for details.