F. Malcolm Cunningham Sr. Bar Association Bar Preparation Scholarship

The F. Malcolm Cunningham, Sr. Bar Association is seeking candidates for the Bar Preparation Scholarship.  The Association provides scholarships to offset bar examination preparation expenses for economically disadvantaged third-year law students who are members of the Black Law Students Association or Caribbean Law Students Association who demonstrate a commitment to excellence.  The award will be presented at the annual William M. Holland Scholarship luncheon to be held on February 12, 2010 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

The criteria for scholarship eligibility are listed below. 

Eligibility:  Applicants must graduate from law school and must be scheduled to take the Florida Bar Examination in February or July 2010.

Criteria for Selection:  Academic performance; involvement and leadership in law school organizations; work experience while attending law school; law school awards and honors; financial need

Number of Awards:  The Association will award two (2) scholarships

Application:  All applicants must complete the application and provide all supporting documents including personal statement, resume, transcript and declaration of financial need.   The application is available on the CDO Student Portal in the Scholarship Information folder or via email from Diane Quick or Tamesha Keel at the CDO.

Interviews:  An interview with the scholarship committee may be required

Deadline:   Submit your completed application to be received by 5:00 p.m. on February 5, 2010