2010-2011 Koch Associate Program

The Koch Associate Program is a job opportunity for professionals with up to ten years of work experience who are passionate about free-market ideas and want to become more effective at advancing liberty through their careers. Whether just starting a career or seeking to become more effective in a current position, the Koch Associate Program provides participants with valuable management training and professional development through interactive exercises and workshops. This combination of practical work experience and continuing education creates a unique development opportunity unparalleled in the public policy arena.

The Koch Associate Program is a year-long, competitively paid program, during which time each Associate works full time four days a week at a market-oriented think tank, policy institute, or grassroots organization. Available positions range from entry- to director-level and cover a variety of roles, including policy analysis, legal reform, public relations, operations, and fundraising.

One day of each work week is then spent in a seminar setting at the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation engaging in reading discussions and group projects, networking with peers, learning from guest speakers, and applying Market-Based Management.

The Koch Associate Program is a full-time position and Associates receive a competitive wage and benefits package commensurate with experience and education. This is an equal opportunity employer.

Applications are due by March 1, 2010; work will begin on June 14th, 2010.  The application is available online at the Koch Associate Program website

Required Skills

* Solid understanding of free-market principles

* Commitment to limited government and the advancement of individual liberty

* Solid academic record

* Up to 10 years of work experience

* Minimum of a bachelor’s degree

* Strong interest in learning Marked-Based Management® in the non-profit setting

Desired Skills

* Intellectual curiosity

* Willingness to learn and be challenged

* Desire to become a better and more equipped professional

* Humility, integrity, and motivation

* Demonstration of entrepreneurial thinking