Displaying posts published in

August 2008

Fall 2008 Judicial Internship Program

2L’s and 3L’s: Are you interested in Interning for a Judge this semester?The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court program places second and third year students in a direct working relationship with County and Circuit judges in the Civil, Criminal, Juvenile, Family and Domestic Violence Divisions. A minimum of 5-10 hours per week is required. Interns are […]

Get Ready for Phase II / Session I of Fall OCI!

The following programming has been scheduled to coincide with the bidding and interviewing process for Phase II // Session I of the Fall 2008 OCI Program: Not familiar with OCI or Symplicity? Then the OCI Information & Symplicity Training Session is for you! Learn how to bid before the bidding deadline of August 24. You […]

Prepare Yourself for Callback Interviews

With Fall OCI underway, it is time to start thinking about any potential callback interviews. To help you through the callback process, the CDO has several useful resources: I. Ins and Outs of OCI: Callbacks, Acceptances and More Panel Discussion Are you wondering what happens after the initial on-campus interview? How to prepare for a […]

Phase II of Fall OCI is Here!

Phase II of the Fall 2008 On Campus Interview (OCI) Program will take place from Monday, September 8 to Friday, October 31. As Phase II is longer than Phase I, it is divided into three sessions, the first of which will take place from Monday, September 8 through Friday, September 19. To participate, you must […]

U.S. DOJ Summer Law Intern Program (2Ls) and Honors Program (3Ls)

Interested in working for the federal government next summer or after graduation? If so, then consider applying to the United States Department of Justice Summer Law Intern Program (for 2Ls) and Honors Program (for 3Ls). The Summer Law Intern Program (SLIP) is the Department’s competitive recruitment program for compensated summer internships. Selection for employment is […]

Government Honors and Internship Handbook Now Available

Interested in a summer or post-graduate position with a federal government agency? The Government Honors & Internship Handbook is a comprehensive collection of available opportunities. The 2008-2009 Handbook is now available online at http://www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm. The site is password protected. To obtain the login information, please contact your career advisor.

Fall OCI Resources

With Fall OCI just around the corner, the CDO has compiled a number of resources useful during this time. All of the following materials are available in the Resource Library, in the paper holder located to the left of the copy machine. o Fall OCI Checklist o Fall OCI Myths and Legends o Fall OCI […]

Save the Date: Small Firm Interview Program, March 2009

The Second Annual Small Firm Interview Program sponsored by the Florida Bar General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section will be held on March 21, 2009 in Orlando, FL in conjunction with its annual Solo and Small Firm Conference. The program will enable employers to interview law students and recent graduates from all of Florida’s […]