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Networking Opportunities

HOPE News for the Week of April 22, 2013

Upcoming Events: Wednesday, April 24th, 4:00-6:00 p.m., 4th Floor Faculty Lounge, Center for Ethics & Public Service 2013 Spring Reception, Please join the CEPS in honoring their graduating fellows and interns. For more information, please email UM HOPE. Saturday, May 18th, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Elizabeth Virrick Park, Historic Black Church- Oral History Film, Please join the Center […]

Sterling Education Services, Inc. Offering Law Student Passes for Upcoming Landlord Tenant Seminar in Pensacola, Florida

Sterling Education Services, Inc. is a non-profit continuing education company that conducts seminars across the nation. Sterling would like to offer 5 law students free scholarship-passes to an upcoming seminar as an introduction to the company. Please visit us online for information on their company. Sterling is holding a ‘Landlord-Tenant’ seminar in Pensacola, Florida on […]

Attend the 28th Annual “View From the Family Bench” Presented by The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Family Division & Dade Legal Aid/Put Something Back

DADE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION YOU & YOUR FIRM ARE INVITED TO ATTEND The 28th Annual View From the Family Bench Presented by The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Family Division & Dade Legal Aid/Put Something Back Distinguished Faculty:  Honorable Bertila Soto, Chief Judge, Eleventh Judicial Circuit Honorable Sandy Karlan, Administrative Judge, Family Division Honorable Scott M. Bernstein, […]

The Dade County Bar Association & The Family Court Committee Presents a Lunch & Learn: “How to Handle Family Law Cases Involving the Department of Revenue”

The Dade County Bar Association & The Family Court Committee Presents a Lunch & Learn: “How to Handle Family Law Cases Involving the Department of Revenue” When:   Thursday, May 16, 2013, Noon – 2:00 PM Where:  Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center                  175 NW 1st Avenue, 11th FL, Conference Room                  Miami, Florida 33128 Speakers: Denise […]

The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) and Microsoft Corporation Present The HNBA/Microsoft IP Law Institute

The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) and Microsoft Corporation announced at the HNBA Corporate Counsel Conference in Atlanta, Georgia a new, bold partnership designed to increase the number of Latino lawyers in U.S. intellectual property law. The highlight of the announcement was Microsoft’s pledge of $200,000.00 over three years to help fund the new initiative […]

HOPE News for the Week of April 15, 2013

Upcoming Events:  Monday, April 15th, 12:30 p.m., Room 408, Brown Bag Lunch on Post-Graduate Fellowships, If you are contemplating applying for a post-graduate fellowship, don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the experts, Carrie Bettinger-Lopez and Jennifer Hill, former Skadden Fellows. This meeting will be a workshop to help you understand the different types of […]

HOPE News for the Week of April 8, 2013

Upcoming Events: *Save the Date* Thursday, April 18th, 6:00 p.m., HOPE Recognition Reception. To RSVP, click here. Additionally, HOPE needs YOUR pictures of your community service efforts to display in a slideshow at the reception. Please email them. Wednesday, April 10th, HOPE Fellows: The Future of Marriage Equality, 12:30-1:50 p.m., F-309, Please join current HOPE […]

Law Student Passes for Upcoming Seminar – Fundamentals of Workers’ Compensation Seminar in Tallahassee, Florida

Sterling Education Services, Inc. is a non-profit continuing education company that conducts seminars across the nation. Sterling would like to offer 5 law students free scholarship-passes to an upcoming seminar as an introduction to the company. Please visit us online for information on their company. Sterling is holding a ‘Fundamentals of Workers’ Compensation’ seminar in […]

Registration is Now Open For The 9th Annual IMPACT Career Fair for Law Students and Attorneys with Disabilities

This job fair is open to law students returning to school in Fall 2013 and graduates from Classes of 2013 and earlier. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Student/Graduate Registration Deadline – Sunday, July 14, 2013, 11:59 pm. Students please register here. When:  Friday, August 9, 2013 Where: Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, 2799 […]

South Florida Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel – Ambassadors Program for South Florida Law Students

The South Florida Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACCA-SFL) announced the launch of its Ambassadors Program for South Florida law students in early 2012. Participating law students, or “ACCA-SFL Ambassadors”, volunteer at ACCA-SFL’s various events during the year, providing the students with a unique networking and educational opportunity.  With access to ACC-SFL’s in-house […]