Upcoming Events: Wednesday, April 24th, 4:00-6:00 p.m., 4th Floor Faculty Lounge, Center for Ethics & Public Service 2013 Spring Reception, Please join the CEPS in honoring their graduating fellows and interns. For more information, please email UM HOPE. Saturday, May 18th, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Elizabeth Virrick Park, Historic Black Church- Oral History Film, Please join the Center […]
Sterling Education Services, Inc. is a non-profit continuing education company that conducts seminars across the nation. Sterling would like to offer 5 law students free scholarship-passes to an upcoming seminar as an introduction to the company. Please visit us online for information on their company. Sterling is holding a ‘Landlord-Tenant’ seminar in Pensacola, Florida on […]
DADE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION YOU & YOUR FIRM ARE INVITED TO ATTEND The 28th Annual View From the Family Bench Presented by The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Family Division & Dade Legal Aid/Put Something Back Distinguished Faculty: Honorable Bertila Soto, Chief Judge, Eleventh Judicial Circuit Honorable Sandy Karlan, Administrative Judge, Family Division Honorable Scott M. Bernstein, […]
The Dade County Bar Association & The Family Court Committee Presents a Lunch & Learn: “How to Handle Family Law Cases Involving the Department of Revenue” When: Thursday, May 16, 2013, Noon – 2:00 PM Where: Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center 175 NW 1st Avenue, 11th FL, Conference Room Miami, Florida 33128 Speakers: Denise […]
The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) and Microsoft Corporation announced at the HNBA Corporate Counsel Conference in Atlanta, Georgia a new, bold partnership designed to increase the number of Latino lawyers in U.S. intellectual property law. The highlight of the announcement was Microsoft’s pledge of $200,000.00 over three years to help fund the new initiative […]
Upcoming Events: Monday, April 15th, 12:30 p.m., Room 408, Brown Bag Lunch on Post-Graduate Fellowships, If you are contemplating applying for a post-graduate fellowship, don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the experts, Carrie Bettinger-Lopez and Jennifer Hill, former Skadden Fellows. This meeting will be a workshop to help you understand the different types of […]
Upcoming Events: *Save the Date* Thursday, April 18th, 6:00 p.m., HOPE Recognition Reception. To RSVP, click here. Additionally, HOPE needs YOUR pictures of your community service efforts to display in a slideshow at the reception. Please email them. Wednesday, April 10th, HOPE Fellows: The Future of Marriage Equality, 12:30-1:50 p.m., F-309, Please join current HOPE […]
Sterling Education Services, Inc. is a non-profit continuing education company that conducts seminars across the nation. Sterling would like to offer 5 law students free scholarship-passes to an upcoming seminar as an introduction to the company. Please visit us online for information on their company. Sterling is holding a ‘Fundamentals of Workers’ Compensation’ seminar in […]
This job fair is open to law students returning to school in Fall 2013 and graduates from Classes of 2013 and earlier. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Student/Graduate Registration Deadline – Sunday, July 14, 2013, 11:59 pm. Students please register here. When: Friday, August 9, 2013 Where: Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, 2799 […]
The South Florida Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACCA-SFL) announced the launch of its Ambassadors Program for South Florida law students in early 2012. Participating law students, or “ACCA-SFL Ambassadors”, volunteer at ACCA-SFL’s various events during the year, providing the students with a unique networking and educational opportunity. With access to ACC-SFL’s in-house […]