HOPE News for the Week of April 8, 2013

Upcoming Events:

*Save the Date* Thursday, April 18th, 6:00 p.m., HOPE Recognition Reception. To RSVP, click here. Additionally, HOPE needs YOUR pictures of your community service efforts to display in a slideshow at the reception. Please email them.

Wednesday, April 10th, HOPE Fellows: The Future of Marriage Equality, 12:30-1:50 p.m., F-309, Please join current HOPE Fellows in an event conducted by constitutional law scholar Caroline Mala Corbin, who will be lecturing about the two upcoming marriage equality cases before the Supreme Court. The future of marriage equality, in regards to the constitutional changes to DOMS and Prop 8 will be discussed. For more information and to RSVP, email UM HOPE.

Thursday, April 11th, 1:00-2:30PM, Violence Against Women Act Webinar, On March 7, 2013, the President signed the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization into law, after nearly two years of Congressional debate. Listen to experts explain what got passed in VAWA 2013, and what still needs attention going forward. For more information and to attend the webinar, email UM HOPE.

Saturday, April 13th, 8am, SunSmart 5K, The SunSmart 5K is an event to celebrate Heart & Skin health. Proceeds from the run/walk will go to support melanoma skin cancer research at the University of Miami via the Anna Fund and a program called Team for Life that helps get life-saving heart devices into Miami. Check out the website for more details and to register!

Featured Fellowships:

The Florida Bar Association Environmental and Law Use Law Section’s Summer Fellowship opportunity. A $5,000 stipend is available for this program, designed to encourage law students to study and pursue careers in public interest environmental law. Deadline is May 1st. For information, please email UM HOPE.

The U.D.C. David A. Clarke School of Law is pleased to announce fellowship opportunities in its Juvenile & Special Education Law Clinic for At-Risk Youth, and its Housing and Consumer Law Clinic. These two-year LL.M. programs will include coursework in public interest law, clinical pedagogy, and systems change. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and the program begins on August 1, 2013. For more information, please email UM HOPE.

2013 Deborah T. Poritz Summer Public Interest Legal Fellowship Program. Approximately 15 positions are available for first and second year law students at Legal Services of New Jersey. Click here for application.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Division seeks second year law students as legal interns to assist with its enforcement and outreach efforts. Please send a cover letter, resume, and writing sample (5-10 pages) to Peggy.Schmidt@hhs.gov to apply. The positions are unpaid, but visit our website to find out how you can qualify for a HOPE Fellowship.

Announcements & Opportunities:

Health Law Internship: Poverty health law practice at Florida Legal Services, Inc. (FLS), Miami Office. Internship will include cutting edge work on implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA/ “Obama Care”), particularly as it impacts families and individuals entitled to subsidized premium assistance, including Medicaid. It will also include Medicaid advocacy and litigation, including assistance in preparation of oral arguments in the Eleventh Circuit, see KG v. Dudek, 864 F.Supp.2d 1314 (2012). The student will work in a collegial relationship with Miriam Harmatz, one of Florida’s most experienced Medicaid advocates, and Betsy Havens, an Equal Justice Works Fellow and Miami Scholars alumni, whose project focuses on children’s access to health care. FLS is a non-profit funded by the Florida Bar Foundation. The internship is unpaid. If interested, please send short email and resume by April 19.

The City of Chicago Department of Law is hiring entry-level attorneys. They are looking for applicants with graduation dates from December 2012-June 2013 and eligibility to sit for the February or July 2013 Illinois Bar. For more information, please visit the website.

The Florida Justice Institute (FJI), a nonprofit, public interest litigation firm, is seeking a law student to intern for the summer months. FJI conducts civil rights litigation primarily on behalf of those incarcerated in Florida’s prisons and jails. Since the bulk of their work is in federal court, the position entails a considerable amount of written legal pleading and practice work. For more info, visit the website. The deadline to apply is June 1st. 

Take Stock in Children provides a unique opportunity to low-income students by offering college scholarships and caring mentors. They are currently looking for mentors. For more information about the organization, please click here. To become a mentor, visit the website.

Empowered Youth and Child Advocacy and Family Society is looking for volunteers and mentor. For more information, email here.

LSGMI, Inc. Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. is seeking clerks to fill a variety of volunteer law clerk positions. Interested students should be able to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours a week for the Spring semester. For more information regarding the program, visit here. For more information on how to apply, email UM HOPE.