HOPE News for the Week of April 22, 2013

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, April 24th, 4:00-6:00 p.m., 4th Floor Faculty Lounge, Center for Ethics & Public Service 2013 Spring Reception, Please join the CEPS in honoring their graduating fellows and interns. For more information, please email UM HOPE.

Saturday, May 18th, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Elizabeth Virrick Park, Historic Black Church- Oral History Film, Please join the Center for Ethics & Public Service in celebrating the campus-community Oral History Film Project and its partnership with the Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance, Ransom Everglades School, and the University of Miami School of Communication. For more information and to RSVP,  please email UM HOPE.

Featured Fellowships:

The Florida Bar Association Environmental and Law Use Law Section’s Summer Fellowship opportunity. A $5,000 stipend is available for this program, designed to encourage law students to study and pursue careers in public interest environmental law. Deadline is May 1st. For information, please email UM HOPE.

Announcements & Opportunities:

PILB Applications, Current 2Ls and Rising 3Ls, it’s time to renew your spot on the PILB! You do not need to fill out the full PILB application again, just send Meghan Paraschak an email (“PILB Renewal – Your Name” as the subject) and copy Dean Marni Lennon telling them that you are interested in renewing your spot. Additionally, make sure you send in the necessary form. You may pick up the form at the UM HOPE office.

The Florida Justice Institute (FJI), a nonprofit, public interest litigation firm, is seeking a law student to intern for the summer months. FJI conducts civil rights litigation primarily on behalf of those incarcerated in Florida’s prisons and jails. Since the bulk of their work is in federal court, the position entails a considerable amount of written legal pleading and practice work. For more info, visit the website. The deadline to apply is June 1st.

Take Stock in Children provides a unique opportunity to low-income students by offering college scholarships and caring mentors. They are currently looking for mentors. For more information about the organization, please click here. To become a mentor, visit the website.

Empowered Youth and Child Advocacy and Family Society is looking for volunteers and mentor. For more information, email here.

Public Interest JobsYour number one guide for public interest jobs, government postings, and federal legal employment opportunities. Search by city, interest, and much more.

Donate LexisNexis points to HOPE! You can donate $4 to HOPE with 230 LexisNexis points! Don’t let those points go to waste. All funds will go to support public interest fellowships and scholarships. E-mail Ana Ramirez for details.

Facebook: Like our Facebook Page (Um-Law Hope) here.