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2L Info

Opportunities with the United States Department of Justice

Each summer, the Department of Justice hires students to serve as volunteer legal interns in Washington DC as well as in United States Attorney’s Offices throughout the country.  For a list of all opportunities available, please visit the United States Department of Justice’s Summer Internship Opportunities page.  Please note that many of the opportunities have […]

Epstein Becker & Green Health Law Writing Competition

1st Place: $4,000    2nd Place: $2,000    3rd Place: $500 Epstein Becker & Green, P.C., a national firm engaged in the practice of health care and life sciences law, is pleased to announce its Twelfth Annual Health Law Writing Competition designed to encourage the preparation of scholarly papers on current topics of interest relating to health […]

The Fifth Annual Working in the Public Interest Law Conference

The Fifth Annual Working in the Public Interest Law Conference   February 26-27, 2010  University of Georgia School of Law Registration is FREE for all students!  Pre-Registration materials and other useful information are currently available online. General Registration (electronic) will open in January 2010. If you have questions, please email the conference organizers.  The conference will be […]

The Launch Pad is Seeking Two Law Students to Act as Fellows for Spring 2010

The Launch Pad, the University of Miami’s entrepreneur and innovator resource center, is seeking two law students to act as Fellows for the Spring, 2010 semester. Applicants should be interested in entrepreneurship and have some work experience in a professional business environment. Skills sought include attention to detail, business law knowledge or experience, intellectual property knowledge […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of January 11, 2010)

Monday, January 11 – Friday, January 15 Coming Up This Week:   January 14, 2010: Spring Judicial Internship Applications are Available in the CDO (2L and 3L students) January 14, 2010: POP Orientation Meeting, 12:30 pm in Room A-110

International Legal Internships for Summer 2010

International Legal Internships for Summer 2010 Interested in working abroad this summer?   Possibly in Paris, Hong Kong, or Buenos Aires?   Do not miss our information session on Tuesday, January 19 at 12:30 in Room 108 to learn about this unique opportunity to acquire practical legal experience abroad in law firms and international organizations in Europe, the Americas […]

Welcome to the PSLawNet Blog!

Welcome to the PSLawNet Blog located at http://pslawnet.wordpress.com/ and launched on January 4, 2010. The goal is to serve as an information clearinghouse for law students and lawyers on public service career paths. To that end, the content will include: legal news affecting the public interest job market (including government); updates on resources for public […]

The National Association of Women Lawyers’ Annual Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Competition

 The National Association of Women Lawyers (“NAWL”) has established the annual Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Competition to encourage and reward original law student writing on issues concerning women and the law. The rules for the competition are as follows.  TOPIC  Entrants should submit a paper on an issue concerning women’s rights or the […]

Judicial Internships During the Academic Year

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Internship Program is available to 2L and 3L students interested in interning with a judge during the fall or spring semesters. Applications for positions during the Spring 2010 semester are available in the CDO.  Also, students can apply individually to state and federal judges for both school year and summer […]

The Department of Justice, Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management – Legal Internships for Summer 2010

The Department of Justice, Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management, has updated its website to list volunteer legal internships for summer 2010. The Volunteer Legal Intern Recruitment website, which contains general information about eligibility and how to apply, is posted at www.justice.gov/oarm/arm/int/legalinternjq.htm. The list of current volunteer internship opportunities, many of which have application deadlines […]