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General Announcements

Harrity & Harrity Patent Associate Trainee Program

Harrity & Harrity is hiring for its successful training program for new patent attorneys who are looking for an opportunity to get their foot in the door at a patent law firm and prove that they have what it takes to be a superstar patent associate. The patent associate trainee program provides in-depth training in […]

The National LGBT Bar Association 2016 1L SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM

The National LGBT Bar Association is pleased to partner with Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to provide a meaningful summer internship opportunity for a highly-motivated first-year law student. Through this partnership, the National LGBT Bar Association will select one student to join the 2016 summer law intern class at Prudential for a 10-week internship at Prudential’s […]

Announcing the Second Annual Latham & Watkins Diversity Leadership Academy

We are pleased to announce the second annual Latham & Watkins Diversity Leadership Academy, April 1-3, 2016, in San Francisco. We encourage talented first-year law students to apply to attend. The Diversity Leadership Academy will bring together Latham attorneys from around the globe and talented first-year law students from across the United States with a […]

The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity’s Success in Law School Mentoring Program for 1L Students

The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) is excited to offer the LCLD Success in Law School Mentoring Program for first year students at the University Of Miami School of Law. LCLD is a national organization of more than 220 corporate general counsel and law firm managing partners. For more information about LCLD, please visit […]

Public Counsel Now Accepting Applications for its Summer 2016 Clerkship Program

Public Counsel has nine exciting law projects and several sub-projects that accept summer interns. The projects include a sophisticated appellate law practice, a comprehensive children’s rights program that handles school condition and discipline matters, special education cases, and adoptions, a community development team that supports affordable housing development and assists non-profit and small businesses with […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of November 16, 2015)

Friday, November 20, 2015: South Florida Group of Regional Counsel Legal Seminar – 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM – Off Site Shalala Student Center: The South Florida Group of Regional Counsel Seminar 2015 will be an extraordinary event of the Group with Morgan Lewis and the University of Miami School of Law. The Group has […]

The FBA Section on Taxation Announces the 2016 Donald C. Alexander Writing Competition!

The FBA Section on Taxation would like to announce the 2016 Donald C. Alexander Writing Competition. The prizes are: 1st place: $2,000; 2nd place: $1,000; and a trip to the FBA’s Annual Tax Law Conference in Washington, D.C. Winning entries may be published in the Tax Section newsletter, the Report, or in The Federal Lawyer. […]

Veterans’ Legal Career Fair 2016

The 2nd Annual Veterans’ Legal Career Fair will be held on April 29-30, 2016 in Washington, D.C. This event—the only one of its kind in the United States—provides a unique opportunity for legal employers to interview lawyers who are veterans or active-duty service members preparing for a transition out of the military. The career fair […]

T.J. Reddick Bar Association Networking, Resume Building, and Interviewing Tips for Attorneys

Purpose: The purpose of the CLE is to provide new and experienced attorneys with information to assist in legal networking, resume building, and interviewing for legal jobs in the public and private sectors. Legal professionals from corporate and private practice will participate in the CLE. Additionally, a head hunter will provide practical tips and information […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of November 9, 2015)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015: 1L Judicial Internship Session – 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., Room F-108 – Judicial Internship Information Session for 1Ls. If you are interested in working for a judge next summer, we will tell you how and when to apply. Also, we will have on hand upper level students who have interned […]