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This Week at the CDO (Week of April 4, 2011)

Wednesday, April 6 The CDO How To Series:  How to Fly Solo Right out of Law School with Spencer Aronfeld ’91.  12:30 p.m., Room 109.  Join Spencer Aronfeld as he discusses how he successfully started his own practice right after graduation.  Pizza and drinks will be served. Are you a 2L interested in a post-graduate […]

The CDO “How To” Series: How to Get the Job You Really Want

The Career Development Office cordially invites you to attend a lively presentation about strategies that will give you a competitive edge during interviews. Robert Coppel, Director of Training & Professionalism with the Miami-Dade Public Defender’s Office, will present HOW TO GET THE JOB YOU REALLY WANT at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 7th in Room […]

2011 Patent Law Interview Program – Registration Open

Loyola University Chicago School of Law is hosting the 2011 Patent Law Interview Program on Thursday, July 28 and Friday, July 29 in Chicago, Illinois.  This is a nationwide interview program that targets patent law employers, and rising 2L and 3L students.  Each year roughly 1,500 law students register for the program, submit their resumes, […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of February 15, 2010)

Interested in a judicial internship this summer?  Working in public interest?  Are you interviewing during Phase I of Spring OCI or plan to participate in Phase II?  Do you want to work at a small Florida firm this summer or after graduation? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then the […]

CDO Small Firm Week (September 14-18, 2009)

SMALL FIRM WEEK IS COMING! September 14-18, 2009 The CDO presents its first Small Firm Week the week of September 14, 2009 featuring panel discussions, presentations and an exciting speed networking event. The purpose of Small Firm Week is to promote the wonderful opportunities small firms offer to students and graduates.  Did you know… …that […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 7, 2009)

Thursday, September 10 Post Graduate Fellowship Information Program, 12:30 p.m., Room A110 Those students interested in pursuing a career in public interest should plan to attend this program to learn of how funding can be obtained for such a career.  Most fellowship applications come due in the fall semester so now is the time to […]

Callback Interviews

With Fall OCI underway, it is not too early to start thinking about callback interviews.  OCI interviews are just the first step in the fall recruiting process.  Employers typically conduct callback interviews which often last for several hours, include a meal and are held at an employer’s office. The CDO has prepared a guide specifically […]

Social Networking Sites and the Job Search

Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace are great to use but there can be pitfalls to using such sites.  Therefore, it is important to review and update your social networking pages and be aware of any information about you that is searchable on the web.  In this day and age, it is not out […]

This Week at the CDO

Monday, February 2 FIRM NIGHT INFORMATION SESSION (1L students)1L students participating in Firm Night should attend this session to learn important information about the process. The session will take place at 12:30 p.m. in Room 108. Tuesday, February 3 INTERVIEWING AND NETWORKING SKILLS WORKSHOP (all students)Prepare for interviews and networking events like Firm Night by […]

Dos and Don’ts of Business Etiquette Fashion Show

Phi Alpha Delta, along with the Career Development Office, is co-hosting a Fashion Show of the Dos and Don’ts of Business Etiquette taking place on November 6, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. during Beer at the Rat. Come see your favorite professors, administrators and student leaders model as well as demonstrate what not to do in […]