This Week at the CDO (Week of April 4, 2011)

Wednesday, April 6

The CDO How To Series:  How to Fly Solo Right out of Law School with Spencer Aronfeld ’91.  12:30 p.m., Room 109.  Join Spencer Aronfeld as he discusses how he successfully started his own practice right after graduation.  Pizza and drinks will be served.

Are you a 2L interested in a post-graduate judicial clerkship? Then the Nuts and Bolts Judicial Clerkship Application Workshop is for you.  12:30 p.m., Room 110.  


Thursday, April 7

The CDO How To Series:  How to Get the Job You Really Want 12:30 p.m. in room 109.  Not to be missed for those looking for interviewing tips and practice but unable to conduct a mock interview.  


Coming up next week:  Working this summer and want to know what to expect?  The CDO’s How To series continues with How to Succeed as a Summer Associate and How to Succeed as a Summer Intern.