West Virginia University College of Law Seeks Director of the Academic Excellence Center

West Virginia University College of Law invites applications for the position of Director of the Academic Excellence Center. The Academic Excellence Center seeks to enhance the academic performance of law students and to help them thrive at every stage of their law school career and beyond. The Director of the Center works closely with students and faculty to achieve this goal, supporting its mission through a variety of activities, including the Fall & Spring Study Session Programs; one-on-one student counseling; Academic Excellence Fridays (open academic skills workshops); a for-credit bar preparation course for 3Ls; an immersive summer law institute for undergraduates thinking about law school; and a variety of other activities designed to strengthen analytical and test-taking skills.

Qualified applicants should have an outstanding academic record in law school; legal practice experience; teaching experience or superb potential for teaching effectively. The applicant should also be an admitted member of the bar of any state and have a demonstrated ability to establish and maintain a positive working relationship with entities outside the law school, including the State Board of Law Examiners and commercial bar preparation vendors. A degree in education or counseling and experience in working with a wide variety of students, including those with learning disabilities and mental health issues, is an advantage, but not required.  In addition, a deep interest in current research about how adults learn best would be ideal.

This is a full-time, ten-month position with the opportunity to rise through the ranks of Teaching Assistant Professor, Teaching Associate Professor and Teaching Professor.  The Director of Academic Excellence will be a full-time faculty member entitled to vote and participate in faculty governance in all matters except promotion and tenure decisions regarding faculty members on the tenure track.  This is an exciting time to join the WVU College of Law, which is in the final phase of an extensive renovation that will include a prominent Academic Services Center that features the Office of Academic Excellence. The College of Law recognizes that the Center is an essential resource for helping each student reach his or her maximum potential, and the work of the Academic Excellence Director is highly valued.

WVU Law is committed to building a multicultural and inclusive work force that includes diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, military service, disabilities, social background and experience. Appointment and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

WVU Law has established  a place among the nation’s leading public law schools. WVU Law was recently ranked 15th best in the country in public interest law; 16th best-value law school in preLaw Magazine; and in the top 100 (rank 83) by U.S. News and World Report. WVU Law also received the excellence in Pro Bono Award from Super Lawyer Magazine in 2012 for its outstanding clinical law program. Their core values include excellence in scholarship, teaching and service, close student/faculty interaction, diversity and inclusivity, respectful/professional behavior, community, and justice.

Founded in 1878, and member of the Association of American Law schools (1914) and accredited by the American Bar Association (1924), WVU Law is the sole law school serving West Virginia, but attracts many students from other states and countries. WVU Law is located in Morgantown, a vibrant university community ranked one of the top small cities in the country. Faculty and students enjoy the convenience of a small city combined with the cultural opportunities of a metropolitan area. West Virginia’s beautiful scenery and recreational opportunities are easily accessible from Morgantown, as are the cities of Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. Please address letters to Appointments Committee Co-Chair Robert Bastress c/o Toni Sebree, West Virginia University College of Law, P.O. Box 6130, Morgantown, WV 26506-6130.


The U.S. Department of Justice Has Added a New Mobile App Called DOJ Law Jobs

The U.S. Department of Justice unveiled a new mobile app, called DOJ Law Jobs, which will provide attorneys and law students with a quick and easy way to find an attorney position or law student internship with the Department.

DOJ Law Jobs is available for free now on iTunes for Apple iPhone, and additional versions for iPad and Android devices will be available in the next few weeks. The mobile app was developed by the Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management and Office of the Chief Information Officer. Users of the app will be able to create personalized job searches based on practice area, geographic preference, and hiring organization.

To review the full press release, please click here.

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 22, 2014)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014:

  • International LL.M. Career Development Luncheon, Training/Workshop – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Room F-109

Friday, September 25, 2014:

  • Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program Information Session (Lecture/Panel Discussion) – 12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m., Room A-110

The NLRB 2015 Honors Program

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is soliciting applications for its Honors Program, through which the Agency hires highly qualified individuals for attorney positions in its Headquarters and Regional offices. The Agency is seeking to enhance the diversity of its employees so that they represent the public that they serve.

The NLRB is an independent federal agency that protects the rights of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve their wages and working conditions. The Board has five Members and primarily acts as a quasi-judicial body deciding cases on the basis of formal records in administrative proceedings. Board Members are appointed by the President to 5 year terms, with Senate consent, the term of one Member expiring each year. The General Counsel, appointed by the President to a 4 year term, is independent from the Board and is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of unfair labor practice cases and the general supervision of the NLRB Regional offices in the processing of cases.

The Agency Honors Program is limited to applicants who achieved a law school GPA of 3.2 or greater, and currently are third year law students, full-time graduate law students, judicial law clerks, or attorneys who are serving in a full time labor law fellowship begun immediately following graduation from law school or completion of a judicial clerkship. The Agency maintains three completely separate Honors Programs, one for the Headquarters offices on the General Counsel side, one for the Headquarters offices on the Board side, and one for the specific Regional offices.

The application period for the 2015 Honors Program is open during the period of August 15, 2014 12 AM EDT to October 15, 2014 11:59 PM EDT. Please click here for more information.


Graduate Teaching Fellow in the Federal Legislation and Administrative Clinic at Georgetown Law

The Federal Legislation & Administrative Clinic is currently accepting applications for a Graduate Teaching Fellow for 2015-17.  The Fellow will be one of two Teaching Fellows/Supervising Attorneys who help supervise students and work with the Director on all aspects of running the clinic.  See below for a description of the Clinic and the Fellowship, and information on how to apply.

The Clinic:

The Clinic trains students (10-12 each semester) to be effective “legislative lawyers” – lawyers who use legal skills to advance public policy through the legislative and executive branches of government.  The Clinic’s core work is our representation of non-profit organizations in their advocacy before Congress and federal departments and agencies. Client organizations and issues are chosen for their capacity to offer Clinic students the best opportunity to get actively involved, on behalf of the clients, in the federal legislative and administrative processes.  Current and recent client organizations are the Women’s Refugee Commission, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the National Women’s Law Center, and Families Against Mandatory Minimums.

Student work for clients includes a wide range of activities, such as: analyzing and researching legislative proposals and their potential impact on existing law; preparing advocacy materials; drafting legislative language and explanatory materials; preparing for and participating in meetings with coalition partners and with decision-makers on Capitol Hill and in the executive branch; and advising the client on policy and strategy questions.

The Clinic experience also includes a seminar on Congressional and administrative processes, as well as relevant skills (e.g., written and oral advocacy, collaboration, and negotiation).  In addition, the Clinic runs several intensive written and oral exercises throughout the semester, including a two-week simulation of a Senate committee markup. During the simulation, the students role-play U.S. Senators charged with drafting and marking up legislation to address a pressing national problem.

For more details about the Clinic, see the website.

The Fellowship:

Each Fellow is responsible for supervising five or six J.D. students enrolled in the Clinic—generally, one client “team.”  Supervision of students’ client work includes guiding students on research and analysis, editing and providing feedback on drafts of written work, and preparing students for meetings and advocacy on behalf of the clients.  The Fellows hold weekly one-on-one meetings with each student, meet frequently with the students’ client teams, and are generally available as resources and guides.

The Fellows also help design and teach Clinic seminar classes, work closely with Director on running Clinic exercises and evaluating student performance, provide extensive written and oral feedback on the students’ exercises, and generally collaborate with the Director on the operation of the Clinic.

New Clinic Fellows also enroll in a year-long seminar called Elements of Clinical Pedagogy. The seminar meets monthly and is taught by experienced Georgetown clinical faculty.

The Fellowship provides Fellows an opportunity to prepare for a career in teaching and to enhance their own legislative lawyering skills.  In addition, upon completion of the Fellowship, Fellows receive a Master of Laws in Advocacy.

How to Apply:

To apply for the Fellowship, please submit a resume, law school transcript, writing sample, and cover letter setting forth your interest in the Fellowship by December 1, 2014 for the 2015-17 Fellowship.   Superior writing skills and a strong academic background are required.  Experience in teaching and legislative lawyering is highly desirable.  Candidates should have at least one year of relevant experience beyond the J.D. degree (e.g., clerkship, government/Hill experience, or private/non-profit practice).

Fellows must be admitted to a Bar prior to commencing the Fellowship.  Those Fellows who are not members of the D.C. Bar must apply for admission by waiver upon accepting the Fellowship offer.

Please direct application materials to: Professor Judy Appelbaum, Director, Federal Legislation & Administrative Clinic, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave, N.W., Room 340, Washington, D.C. 20001.  Please send an electronic copy of all application materials to the Clinic’s Executive Assistant, Loretta Moss.



First Annual Jameson Crane III Disability and the Law Writing Competition


The Crane Writing Competition is designed to encourage outstanding student scholarship at the intersection of law and medicine or law and the social sciences that promotes an understanding, furthers the development of legal rights and protections, and improves the lives of those with disabilities.


The Crane Writing Competition is open to currently enrolled law students (J.D., LL.M., and J.S.D.), medical students, and doctoral candidates in related fields who attend an accredited graduate program of study in the United States.


Submitted papers may be on any topic relating to disability law including, legal issues arising with respect to employment, government services and programs, public accommodations, education, higher education, housing, and health care.


Submissions will be judged anonymously by an independent panel of experts. Judging will be on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Thesis originality
  2. Topic complexity
  3. Research quality
  4. Organization and analysis
  5. Writing quality


  1. The winner of the competition will receive a $1,500 cash prize and the Thomas Jefferson Law Review (TJLR) will consider the paper for publication under the TJLR’s editorial standards.
  2. Two second place winners will each receive a $1,000 cash prize.

Preference for these additional winners will be given to submissions from disciplines not represented by the grand prize winner. By submitting a paper to this competition, the author grants Thomas Jefferson School of Law the right to edit, as necessary, and publish that paper in the TJLR.


The written submission shall be an original work of a single author not previously published or under consideration for publication. The work must be produced in conjunction with course work toward a degree or under the supervision of a faculty member at the student’s home institution.


Submissions should be appropriate for law review publication. Citations should conform to the citation style most frequently used by the student’s discipline. For example, law student manuscripts should employ the current edition of The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. Footnotes should be single-spaced. One inch margins are required. Pages should be numbered. A cover page must be provided that includes: author name; contact information; school; and the academic degree currently pursued by the student. Submissions must not exceed 35 pages in length, including citations, any figures or tables, and the cover page. The paper title should appear on the first full page of text. Identifying information, including student name, should not appear on any page other than the cover page.


All submissions must be submitted electronically. All entries must be received by midnight, Pacific Standard Time, January, 15, 2015. Winning submissions will be announced by April 15, 2015.


Questions should be directed to Professor Susan Bisom-Rapp. You may view the website here.


ASECA Alumni Securities Law Writing Competition –Deadline is November 15, 2014

Association of Securities and Exchange Commission Alumni

Securities Law Writing Competition – 2014


1st Place $,5000

2nd Place $3,000

3rd Place $2,000

Topic: Any subject in the field of Securities Law

Eligibility: Students enrolled in any accredited law school in the United States for the fall semester of 2014. Unpublished papers, papers published in any law journal or other publication during calendar year 2014, and papers scheduled for publication in 2014 or 2015 are eligible for submission. Co-authored papers are not eligible.

Deadline: November 15, 2014

Mail Two Copies of Submissions to:

P.O. Box 5767
Washington, DC20016


All submissions must include author’s name and contact information, including email, postal address, telephone number, law school and year of anticipated graduation. For submissions which have been published or are scheduled to be published, the name and date of publication should be included. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged by email.


Submissions must be received by November 15, 2014. Email submissions will not be accepted. See ASECA website for additional information. Questions may be directed to Mitzi MooreASECA Executive Director.

Award winners will be invited to attend ASECA’s annual dinner in Washington, DC on February 20, 2015. Travel and lodging expenses for the first place award winner will be reimbursed by ASECA up to $1,000.00 in actual expenses.



The 5th Annual Patently Impossible Project

Join the 5th Annual Patently Impossible Project, A Charity Race to Assemble a Patented Invention, Silent Auction and Reception.

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, November 6, 6-8 pm.

South Florida Patent Attorneys, Inventors, Engineers, Techies and Hipsters are invited to participate in a charity race to assemble a patented invention at Patricia & Phillip Frost Museum of Science, f/k/a Miami Science Museum, 3280 S. Miami Avenue.

Join hundreds of Lawyers, Judges, Engineers, CPA’s, Law Students and other professionals and dignitaries at the legal and business community’s Top Rated Reception of the Year featuring complimentary cocktails, food, entertainment by ZAK MANN, Silent Auction & Raffle Prizes.

All Proceeds to benefit Dade Legal Aid, the oldest civil legal services in Miami.  Those interested in competing in this year’s not to be missed legal event of the year should secure their seat at the table now as contestants limited to the first 25 teams to sign up.

For more details and to register, visit the website.

UM Law – LL.M. Open Houses in Miami and Fort Lauderdale

We look forward to you joining us on Tuesday, October 14th or Thursday, October 16th for an Open House where you will learn about the University of Miami School of Law LL.M. programs.

  • Visit with directors, faculty and alumni to talk about latest program developments
  • Find out about full-time and part-time options
  • Hear about hybrid on campus and online options for select programs
  • Learn how select program size enables directors to develop a personalized course schedule and provide guidance on career options

October 14th at 6:30 pm at Morton’s Steakhouse in Lauderdale

October 16th at 6:30 pm at Morton’s Steakhouse on Brickell

Learn more about these events by clicking here.

Sign up to attend.

Apply for the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship

When: May 29 to June 28, 2015

Where: Washington, DC, Paris and Berlin

Who’s eligible: Students in graduate programs in the United States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine 

The Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship is a transatlantic educational program from Humanity in Action. The Fellowship offers 24 American and European graduate students the chance to explore the changing international dynamics of diplomacy and diversity.

Fellows travel to Washington, DC, Paris and Berlin to study how American and European governments and societies are responding to a wide range of international issues. The program seeks to promote constructive diplomacy in a changing world through innovative and inclusive approaches.

The application process is now open for the 2015 Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship. Applications are due October 30, 2014 for this program. Please click the buttons above to learn more about eligibility requirements and to apply. The inaugural four-week program took place May 17 to June 14, 2014.

Visit the website or Symplicity for more details.