Small Firm and Solo Practice Presentation

If you are interested in working for a small firm whether this summer or beyond, join the CDO on Wednesday, January 28 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109 as we present “The Benefits of Small Firm Practice” featuring Ana Veliz. Ms. Veliz, the chair of the Florida Bar’s General Practice Solo and Small Firm section.

The presentation will:
* explore the advantages of working in a small firm
* discuss where to search for openings
* help students to prepare to work for a small firm
* explain how the Florida Bar’s General Practice, Solo and Small Firm section can help students
with their job search and career goals


Come hungry with questions and leave full with answers (and pizza).

Florida Bar Tax Section Fellowships

The Florida Bar Tax Section is stripping away some barriers holding new tax lawyers back from participating in the section-offered conferences and CLE events. Starting this spring, the section’s New Tax Lawyers Committee will offer two-year fellowships to two young tax attorneys annually. Committee Co-chairs Steve Hadjilogiou and Caryn Smith said the section has committed $5,000 per year to fund two fellowships to help recruit young lawyers. The money is meant to offset travel expenses to Tax Section meetings in Amelia Island, Ft. Lauderdale, and Orlando.

Lawyers with less than 10 years of practice, or under the age of 36, are eligible. Fellows will be expected to attend meetings, write articles on tax topics for The Florida Bar Journal or Tax Section Bulletin, and/or speak at Tax Section events, and they will be matched with local, seasoned mentors in their practice areas. Hadjilogiou said he hoped fellows might also consider helping to expand the section’s growing local lunch-and-learn and social events throughout the state.

Applications can be downloaded from the section’s website. The deadline is March 15, 2009.

This Week at the CDO

Upcoming events and deadlines for the week of January 26, 2009:

Tuesday, January 27

If you submitted an application for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida’s Spring Judicial Internship Program, you must attend a mandatory orientation session on Tuesday, January 27 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 110.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Interested in working for a small firm as a student or attorney? Curious about starting your own practice, whether now or in the future? Then this is the presentation for you!

Join the CDO on Wednesday, January 28 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109 as we present “The Benefits of Small Firm Practice” featuring Ana Veliz. Ms. Veliz, the chair of the Florida Bar’s General Practice Solo and Small Firm section and an attorney with Katz Barron Squitero Faust, will give a firsthand account of working in a small firm and debunk many of the myths associated with small firm practice. Come with questions and leave with answers about a very powerful sector of the legal industry!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Bidding for the February Phase of the Spring On Campus Interview (OCI) Program ends on Thursday, January 29 at 11:00 p.m.


A number of excellent opportunities on Symplicity have deadlines this week including the Charlotte Legal Diversity Clerkship, the ABA John J. Curtin, Jr. Summer Legal Internship Program, U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Summer Internships and more including other spring semester, summer and post-graduate opportunities.

Learn About Small Firm and Solo Practice!

Interested in small firm practice for the summer or after graduation? Thinking about starting your own practice someday?

Come learn more with Ana Veliz, the chair of the Florida Bar’s General Practice Solo and Small Firm section. She will give a firsthand account of working in a small firm and debunk many of the myths associated with small firm practice.

Wednesday, January 28
12:30 p.m.
Room 109

This Week at the CDO

Important events and deadlines for the week of January 19, 2009:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bidding for the February Phase of the Spring On Campus Interview (OCI) Program Begins via Symplicity. Bidding will end on Thursday, January 29 at 11:00 p.m.

You can’t participate in Spring OCI without a resume. Get tips on how to create, edit and update your resume so that it is OCI ready at the Resume Workshop taking place on Tuesday, January 20 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 108.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Join two of South Florida’s most prominent and well-respected young attorneys as they discuss the tools and resources they used to obtain the legal job of their dreams. Jeff Cazeau and Josh Spector will present “Finding Your Dream Job in the South Florida Marketplace” on Wednesday, January 21 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 352. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to hear firsthand the ups and downs of two successful career paths.

BIDDING ENDS FOR ARMY JAG (1L and 3L students)
Interested in a summer internship or postgraduate position with the Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG)? Now is your chance to interview. Bidding will take place through 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21st via Symplicity.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The deadline to submit your application to participate in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida Spring Judicial Internship Program is Thursday, January 22 at 5:00 p.m. Applications can be submitted in hard copy to the CDO in Room A-112 or to Nirva Pierre-Louis via email. All students who apply will be assigned to a judge. Information about the program and copies of the application are available on the CDO Student Portal. All students who apply must attend an orientation session on Tuesday, January 27 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 110.

First time participating in OCI? Not sure how to use Symplicity for OCI purposes? Then attend the OCI Information and Symplicity Training Session on Thursday, January 22 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 108 and get all the information you’ll need to successfully participate in Spring OCI.

Get paid to do meaningful public interest work this summer by applying to the Florida Bar Foundation Fellowship. The online application and other material can be found on the Foundation’s homepage.


Remember that a complete listing of semester, summer and postgraduate positions is available anytime on Symplicity and that the Spring Calendar is available on the CDO website.

Summer Legal Internships with the U.S. Department of Justice in Miami

Legal Internship Positions with the U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review
Positions Location: Miami, FL
Qualifications: Applicants must be U.S. citizens who are first or second year law students with strong research and writing skills. Prior knowledge of immigration law is preferred but not required. Selected applicants will be required to submit to a security background check that takes 6-8 weeks to complete.
Date Positions Available: Summer 2009
Description: This position offers an excellent opportunity to develop research, writing and analytical skills. The students will work directly under the supervision of the Attorney Advisor and the Judicial Law Clerks hired through the Attorney General’s Honor Program. The summer internship is a volunteer, unpaid position. However, students may be eligible for academic credit and are encouraged to contact the appropriate person at their law school to determine eligibility. Interns are expected to work full-time for approximately ten weeks.
Duties: Pre-hearing preparation involving work on motions and preparation of bench memoranda; research of relevant immigration case law and regulations; res arch of relevant criminal law; drafting of decisions taken under the advisement of the Immigration Judges.
Application Procedure: Please submit a short cover letter, resume, 5-8 page legal writing sample and law school transcript to:
Attention: Kristofer McDonald, Attorney Advisor
United States Department of Justice
Immigration Court
333 S. Miami Avenue, 7th Floor
Miami, FL 33130
– or –
Application Deadline: Postmark by Friday, January 30, 2009. However, offers may be extended on a rolling basis prior to the deadline. Therefore it is suggested that all packets be submitted early.
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted in person or by telephone.

CDO Print Resources for Student Job Searches

The Career Development Offices maintains a resource library with many materials useful for your job search. The Resource Library is located in Suite A-112.

Here are some of the publications available in the Resource Library:

Internships in International Affairs

Legal Services Internships

The Sports Internship Book

The Human Rights Internship

Green Law: Internships Public Interest Environmental Organizations

Washington Internships in Law and Policy

The City/County Attorney Internship Book

Internships with America’s Top Companies

FedLaw: Internships with Federal Legal Agencies

Choosing Small, Choosing Smart – Job Search Strategies for Lawyers in the Small Firm Market

Guerrilla Tactics for Getting the Legal Job of Your Dreams

The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search

What Law School Doesn’t Teach You But You Really Need to Know

Searching for an Alternative – A Law Student’s Guide to Finding Non-Legal Jobs (pamphlets)Non-Legal Careers for Lawyers

Building Career Connections – Networking Tools for Law Students and New Lawyers

Going In-House – A Guide for Law Students and Recent Graduates (pamphlets)

Corporate Law Careers (Vault Guide)

Careers in International Law

Negotiating and Structuring International Commercial Transactions

International Litigation Strategies and Practices

2008 Sports Market Place Directory Representation Directory

All You Need to Know About the Music Business

Women at Law – Lessons Learned Along the Pathways to Success

Florida Bar CLE Opportunity

The Florida Bar Business Law Section Presents A Lunch ‘n’ CLE

“Real Estate and Alternative Investments in IRAs and Qualified Plans”

Attend this one hour teleconference and learn how IRAs and Qualified Plans can invest outside the stock market into non-traditional investments such as private placements, limited partnerships, notes, mortgages, real estate and more – all while maintaining the tax deferred or tax free status of the plan.

Attendees will learn:

• What is a self-directed retirement plan and what are the benefits

• IRS rules and regulations governing non-traditional investments in retirement plans

• How to help clients raise money utilizing the $4 trillion dollar retirement plan market

One Live Location:

Ruden McClosky
420 S. Orange Ave.
9th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
Telephone Conferencing (Complete information will be sent to registrants prior to the seminar.)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

12:10 pm – 1:00 pm

This FREE 1.0 hour CLE will be presented by Jason DeBono

To register, please fill out this registration form.

NALP Apartment Exchange

Planning to work outside of Miami this summer? Need to find a place to live and/or sublet your own place?

Then the NALP Apartment Exchange may be just the resource for you. Search for housing or post your own listing – all for free. The NALP Apartment Exchange will be available from January 15 through May 15.

Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Intern Program (Spring 2009)

2L’s and 3L’s: Are you interested in Interning for a Judge this semester?

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court program places second and third year students in a direct working relationship with County and Circuit judges in the Civil, Criminal, Juvenile, Family and Domestic Violence Divisions. A minimum of 5-10 hours per week is required. Interns are not permitted to work with any law firm or other legal agency while participating in this program. All students who apply are assigned to a judge.

If interested, please read the following important information:

Application Deadline: Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mandatory Intern Orientation: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, Rm. A110, 5:30 p.m.

Internships Begin: Monday, February 2, 2009

Internships End: Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quick Facts

Your application consists of the following documents: (1) page one of the application form (see below for how to obtain an application); (2) your resume; (3) a short writing sample (5-7 pages).

You may submit a hard copy of your application to the Career Development Office, Room A112 or an electronic copy to Copies of the application are available on the CDO Student Portal, under the “Judicial” folder. To access the Student Portal, you must log in using your UM law email address and password.

All students who apply are assigned a judge.

You must devote a minimum of 5-10 hours a week to the internship.

Applicants should not have any outstanding applications to law firms or other legal employers. According to the rules of the program, you are not allowed to work for a firm or any legal entity while completing the internship.

Once you apply and are assigned a judge, you are obligated to accept the internship. If you are unsure about a possible offer from a firm, please do not apply to the internship program this semester.

This is NOT a summer internship program.

This is NOT a paid internship.

No class credit will be offered.

By accepting this internship you are representing the University of Miami School of Law and it is important to follow through with your commitment to the internship for the entire 8 weeks of the program.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact the Career Development Office (305-284-2668).