1L Career Development Office Workshops

The CDO will host mandatory 1L career development workshops, during which time 1Ls will learn more about the job search process and of the many employment, networking and educational opportunities available to first year students such as the Summer Externship Program.

All sessions are the same and you will only need to attend one.  All sessions will take place at 12:30 p.m.

•             Monday, January 24th in room 309

•              Tuesday, January 25th in room 309

•              Wednesday, January 26th at the Learning Center, room 170

•              Friday, January 28th in room 352

Help PSLawNet Redesign Its Website!

PSLawNet is an online resource connecting public interest law job-seekers with their ideal opportunities in the public interest arena, in government, at law schools, and around the globe.  They are seeking input from students as they are redesigning their website.  Please see their request below:

PSLawNet is beginning a large-scale website redesign to ensure that we provide you with the most comprehensive and useful resource for law students and attorneys looking for public interest legal jobs .

We need your input to guarantee that PSLawNet makes the changes to the website’s design, job search functions, career resources, and social media interfaces to ensure that we best serve you.  Please go here to complete our short survey (should take you no more than 5-10 minutes).

To thank you for your time, completion of the survey by individuals with PSLawNet job seeker accounts will give them the opportunity to enter a drawing for a gift card.  To create a PSLawNet job seeker account, please go here.

  • First Prize Winner: $100 gift card
  • Second Prize Winner: $50 gift card
  • Third Prize Winner: $50 gift card

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! Please feel free to contact us at pslawnet@nalp.org with any other feedback.

U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Information Session

Jeffry R. Olesen, a Senior Foreign Service Officer and Diplomat-in-Residence at Florida International University and Miami-Dade College, will give an Information Session on State Department careers on Monday, March 7 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in Room A110

  • The presentation will cover both Foreign Service Officer and Specialist job opportunities, Civil Service, and student internships.  
  • The Foreign Service Officer Selection Process will also be reviewed, as well as issues about Foreign Service life and how best to prepare for a career in International Affairs.  
  • For further information, please visit the Department of State employment website at http://careers.state.gov  

Free Real Estate and Probate Seminars Available to Law Students

The Attorneys’ Title Fund Service is hosting a series of seminars in January.  Law students are eligible to attend any seminar, on a space available basis, at no charge.

Seminars will be held on three real estate and probate topics:  “Distressed Property Transactions 2011, Short Sales, Deeds in Lieu, REOs”, “Understanding & Using Residential Real Estate Contracts For Sale & Purchase” and “A Probate Primer for the Transactional Attorney”.

For a full list of seminar dates and times, as well as registration information, please email the CDO.   Law students who  sign up with The Fund are eligible to receive a complimentary copy of the monthly Fund Concept.

4th Annual Central Florida Diversity Picnic

For students and alumni interested in networking with attorneys and others in the legal community, this event presents a perfect opportunity to do so:

Hillsborough County Bar Association Diversity Committee Proudly Presents

The 4th Annual Central Florida Diversity Picnic

Family Fun Event ~ Free of Charge

February 26th 2011 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Chester H. Ferguson Law Center

1610 N. Tampa Street, Tampa 33602

Food, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Drinks

Bouncy House, Obstacle Course

Live Entertainment

Please RSVP to:  813-221-7777

Critical Dates for Judicial Law Clerk Hiring (Fall 2011)

Information on the Law Clerk Hiring Plan for 2011 has been released. Some key information is below and the rest may be found on the Plan’s website.

10:00 a.m. (EDT), September 6, 2011 – Applications received (OSCAR release).

10:00 a.m. (EDT), September 9, 2011 – First date judges can contact applicants to schedule interviews.

10:00 a.m. (EDT), September 15, 2011 – First date and time when interviews may be held and offers made.

PSLawNet Post-Graduate and Summer Opportunities

PSLawNet, the online resource connecting public interest law job-seekers with their ideal opportunities in the public interest arena, is taking applications for two positions with their office:

  1. The PSLawNet Fellowship is a one-year position for a public-service minded law graduate with an interest in nonprofit administration.  Here’s the position announcement.
  2. The Summer Publications Coordinator is a paid summer internship through which a law or graduate student will edit and produce the 2011 PSLawNet Comprehensive Fellowship GuideHere’s the position announcement.

International Internship Opportunities for Summer 2011

Interested in working abroad this summer for academic credit?   Possibly in Paris, Hong Kong, or Buenos Aires?  The Career Development Office is hosting an information session on Tuesday, January 25 at 12:30 in Room 108.  Suffolk University Law School and The Center for International Legal Studies offer this unique opportunity for law students to acquire practical legal experience in law firms and international organizations in Europe, the Americas and Asia.  During the summer of 2011, you can travel to another country, engage in the practice of law, and earn academic credit towards your JD degree.  To learn more, please join us.

Free Continuing Legal Education Courses for Law Students

Sterling Education Services, Inc. is a non-profit continuing education company that conducts seminars across the nation. The company is holding the following seminars in Florida and would like to offer five law students free scholarship-passes to each seminar. The students get a day-long overview of a particular aspect of the law, a seminar manual, and they also get an opportunity to network with practicing attorneys. This is a win-win situation.

  • “Landlord-Tenant Law” in Tampa on January 11, 2011
  • “Beyond the Basics in Employment Law” in Ft. Lauderdale on January 12, 2011
  • “Beyond the Basics in Employment Law” in Orlando on January 19, 2011
  • “Fundamentals of Employment Law” in Pensacola on January 15, 2011

Scholarship-passes are available on a first-come first-serve basis and students must register to receive the scholarship-passes.  UM Law students interested in attending one of these programs should email the Career Development Office for more information.

Wildlife and Conservation Law Writing Contest

The Wildlife and Conservation Law Writing Contest is sponsored by the Legal Committee of the Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (“SEAFWA”). SEAFWA is an organization whose members are the state agencies primarily responsible for the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources in the 16 southeastern states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Member states include Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana and Texas. The Legal Committee is composed of attorneys representing the members.

The winning paper will be published at the SEAFWA Annual Conference on October 22-26, 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee. The winner will receive up to $1,000.00 to defray the cost of a trip to the conference to present the paper.

Participants may select their own topic relating to fish and wildlife, habitat or conservation law or choose from the following topics:

1) Constitutional issues relating to the state regulation of hunting and fishing;

2) Criminal Law issues related to the regulation of hunting and fishing;

3) Liability of states for damage by wildlife;

4) Privatization of fish and wildlife resources;

5) Issues arising under the Endangered Species Act;

6) Regulation of exotic wildlife/holding wildlife as pets/exotic wildlife trade and commerce.

Papers will be judged by a panel of legal committee members based on:

1) Substantive content (papers subject to a 25-page maximum on text)

2) Clarity

3) Style

Students interested in preparing for a future in fish and wildlife conservation who attend an ABA accredited law school in a SEAFWA state or who are legal residents of a SEAFWA state may submit papers no later than July 31, 2011 to:

Sheryl Holtman, General Counsel

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

P.O. Box 40747

Nashville, TN 37204

For information on the SEAFWA and the annual conference, see www.seafwa.org.