Wildlife and Conservation Law Writing Contest

The Wildlife and Conservation Law Writing Contest is sponsored by the Legal Committee of the Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (“SEAFWA”). SEAFWA is an organization whose members are the state agencies primarily responsible for the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources in the 16 southeastern states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Member states include Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana and Texas. The Legal Committee is composed of attorneys representing the members.

The winning paper will be published at the SEAFWA Annual Conference on October 22-26, 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee. The winner will receive up to $1,000.00 to defray the cost of a trip to the conference to present the paper.

Participants may select their own topic relating to fish and wildlife, habitat or conservation law or choose from the following topics:

1) Constitutional issues relating to the state regulation of hunting and fishing;

2) Criminal Law issues related to the regulation of hunting and fishing;

3) Liability of states for damage by wildlife;

4) Privatization of fish and wildlife resources;

5) Issues arising under the Endangered Species Act;

6) Regulation of exotic wildlife/holding wildlife as pets/exotic wildlife trade and commerce.

Papers will be judged by a panel of legal committee members based on:

1) Substantive content (papers subject to a 25-page maximum on text)

2) Clarity

3) Style

Students interested in preparing for a future in fish and wildlife conservation who attend an ABA accredited law school in a SEAFWA state or who are legal residents of a SEAFWA state may submit papers no later than July 31, 2011 to:

Sheryl Holtman, General Counsel

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

P.O. Box 40747

Nashville, TN 37204

For information on the SEAFWA and the annual conference, see www.seafwa.org.