Attend the 26th Annual Institute on White Collar Crime at the Eden Roc Renaissance in Miami Beach

Interested in corporate law or being in-house counsel? Want to network with attorneys and professionals involved in all aspects of prosecution and defense of white collar crime. Attend the 26th Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime  from February 29 – March 2, 2012 at the Eden Roc Renaissance in Miami Beach.

ABA OnRamps allows law students to attend ABA conferences and have their registration fee waived in exchange for their services. This is a great way to serve the profession while learning valuable legal info not often taught in law school.

Students are not expected to attend the entire conference. Instead, you can volunteer in shifts based on your availability. When not volunteering, students are free to either attend the conference or return to campus for class, if necessary. Plus, volunteers are free to attend all conference receptions. With the number of practicing attorneys expected, this will be an exciting networking opportunity.

Duties will vary for each event. Primarily, student volunteers help prepare conference materials, aid with various registration tables, and attend panels to collect CLE registration forms. Again, outside their volunteer commitment, students are free to attend or free to leave.

Any ABA members who would like to volunteer must send their name, address, phone, email and ABA# to the Law Student Division Delegate in charge of the ABA OnRamps initiative this year-Shawn Gozarkhah. Also send Shawn the days and times you are able to volunteer. Non-ABA members may also volunteer; however, preference will be given to ABA members. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Don’t miss this comprehensive program! To register, please call (800) 285-2221 or click here.


The AFL-CIO and Cornell University Sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer Program

The AFL-CIO and CornellUniversityare sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 10-15, 2012 in Ithaca, New York. This is a great opportunity for students who are interested in working as union researchers and campaigners.

The course (credit or non-credit) is designed for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in working as union researchers and campaigners. The registration deadline is May 17.

Scholarships are available based on need if taking the course for credit. To access the application link and obtain other information, click here or contact Kate Bronfenbrenner.

For the brochure, please ask your advisor, visit the CDO or the Symplicity Document Library.

This Week at the CDO (Week of February 6, 2012)

Monday, February 6:

11th Circuit Judicial Internship Program Begins

Perspectives of the General Counsel:  Meeting the Legal Needs of Nonprofits: Speaker:  Lesley Rosenthal – 12:30 p.m., Room F-109

Thursday, February 9:

Ten Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing a Practice Area – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Room F-109


Berkeley Technology Law Journal 2012 Writing Competition – Deadline is February 24, 2012

The Berkeley Technology Law Journal is soliciting entries for their annual student writing competition.

  • 1st Prize: $2,000 & Publication in the Fall 2012 Issue of BTLJ
  • 2nd Prize: $750
  • 3rd Prize: $500

Topics: Submissions are accepted on a wide variety of topics at the intersection of law and technology, including but not limited to: intellectual property, antitrust, First Amendment, entertainment and new media, telecommunications, biotechnology, internet, and cybercrime.

Deadline: Submissions must be received by 5pm PST on February 24, 2012.

The competition is open to all J.D. candidates. Each student may submit only one entry.

Submitted papers must be unpublished. Papers must be no more than 50 pages long, including footnotes. Do NOT use endnotes. Margins should be 1”, minimum. Body text must be double-spaced. Font must be Times New Roman or a similar serif font, and 12 point. Footnotes may be 10 pt and single-spaced but there should be a space between notes. Citations must conform to the 19th Ed. of The Bluebook. Submissions are judged anonymously, so the authors name should not appear anywhere on the paper.

To submit electronically, please send the completed cover sheet and a copy of your paper in .doc format, not pdf. Submissions MUST include a signed cover sheet that may be downloaded from the Journal website.

Submit an electronic copy of your (1) paper and (2) cover sheet with the subject header “Notes & Comments” here.

Winners will be notified and final results will appear on the Journal’s website in late spring. Due to the large number of entries, the Journal cannot contact other entrants. To be eligible for publication, the winning article must meet the Journal’s publication standards.

For more information, please send an e-mail.




NALP Summer Job Search Webinars Now Freely Available Online

The Association for Legal Career Professionals now has summer job search webinars, produced in conjunction with Equal Justice Works. These seminars are available on the NALP website.

The two hour-long webinars offer expert tips and best practices on cover-letter and resume drafting, as well as interviewing and networking.


Careers in International Anti-Money Laundering Presentation via Teleconference

This is a free program presented by ABA Section of International Law International Anti-Money Laundering Committee on Monday, February 6th, 2012, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM ET by teleconference.

A panel representing a broad spectrum of practitioners who are focused on anti-money  laundering issues will present to law students, new grads and those just interested in learning more about careers in AML. Panelists will share how they arrived at their present positions, what helped to get them there, the type of work they do and what they wish they had known in law school related to AML careers.


  • Truman Butler, WellsFargo Senior Counsel, BSA Section & AML Compliance
  • Bruce Zagaris, Partner, Berliner Corcoran & Rowe LLP
  • Stephanie Brooker, Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, U.S. Attorney’s Office for DC
  • Danielle Camner Lindholm, BAE Systems
  • Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Navigant CI
  • Michael Buffardi, Special Advisor for Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Regulatory Policy & Programs Division, FinCEN

Register Here.

Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition – Deadline April 27, 2012

Notre Dame Law School sponsors an annual writing competition on the topic of Legal Ethics. All students with an interest in Legal Ethics are invited and encouraged to participate.

The competition is open to all law students at U.S. and Canadian law schools. Entries should concern any issue within the general category of legal ethics.

Entries must be original, unpublished work, not to exceed 50 pages, including notes, on 8.5×11 paper, double spaced and standard font.  Co-authored essays may be submitted.

A prize of $2,500 will be awarded to one (1) winner.

All entries must be received before 5:00 p.m., April 27, 2012. Please include cover letter with contact information and name of current law school. 

All entries should be submitted to the following address:

Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition
Notre Dame Law School
P.O. Box 780
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(574) 631-6749
Fax: (574) 631-3980

The Law Society Human Rights Essay Competition

Application deadline: Friday, March 23, 2012.

Law students, trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and junior lawyers (current, prospective or inbetween stages) are invited to enter the Law Society’s annual Graham Turnbull essay competition. This year’s essay title is: ‘In the light of the growing prison population should we look for alternatives to imprisonment?’ The deadline for entries is Friday 23 March 2012.


The winner will receive £500 from the Graham Turnbull Memorial Fund. The runner-up receives book tokens to the value of £250. We will also publish both essays. The prize-giving event will take place at the Law Society in late June 2012, where the winner may give a short speech.

The winners will be announced and copies of their essays will be handed out on the night.

About the Graham Turnbull Competition:

The competition is named after English solicitor Graham Turnbull who did much to promote respect for human rights. Graham was killed in February 1997, aged 37, while working as a human rights monitor on the United Nations Human Rights Mission inRwanda. The Society is proud to honour Graham’s commitment to human rights through this competition, which aims to encourage awareness and knowledge of international human rights issues and remedies among young lawyers.

Entering the Competition:

The competition is open to all current or prospective law students, trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and all solicitors and barristers, within three years of admission/call at the closing date.

  • Essays must reach the Law Society by 18:00 on Friday 23 March 2012
  • Entries should be a maximum of 2,000 words, including footnotes
  • Entries will be rejected if they do not address the subject of the title, or exceed 2,000 words
  • Proof of eligibility must be included with your essay

Read the full rules online before submitting your entry.

The winning essay will be chosen by a panel of distinguished judges. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Send your essay to Sarah Smith.


The Fulbright Scholar Program for 2013-2014 is Open

The Fulbright Scholar Program is offering teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for the 2013-2014 academic year. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators, as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. There are awards in 45 specific academic disciplines as well as 167 awards open to all disciplines.

Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to participate in one of our weekly webinars. Each deals with a topic germane to the 2013-2014 competition, from regional and discipline information to how to fill out an application. For more information, visit the website.

The application deadline for most awards is August 1, 2012. U.S.citizenship is required. For other eligibility requirements and detailed award descriptions visit the website or contact the program via email.

The American Bar Association is Offering Free Membership for Attorneys Through August 31, 2012

The American Bar Association is offering a free membership through August 31, 2012.

If you are a lawyer, not a member for the 2011-2012 ABA year, and want to join, go to this link. Use promo code RMM11MRRC and you will receive a freeABA membership.