The Law Society Human Rights Essay Competition

Application deadline: Friday, March 23, 2012.

Law students, trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and junior lawyers (current, prospective or inbetween stages) are invited to enter the Law Society’s annual Graham Turnbull essay competition. This year’s essay title is: ‘In the light of the growing prison population should we look for alternatives to imprisonment?’ The deadline for entries is Friday 23 March 2012.


The winner will receive £500 from the Graham Turnbull Memorial Fund. The runner-up receives book tokens to the value of £250. We will also publish both essays. The prize-giving event will take place at the Law Society in late June 2012, where the winner may give a short speech.

The winners will be announced and copies of their essays will be handed out on the night.

About the Graham Turnbull Competition:

The competition is named after English solicitor Graham Turnbull who did much to promote respect for human rights. Graham was killed in February 1997, aged 37, while working as a human rights monitor on the United Nations Human Rights Mission inRwanda. The Society is proud to honour Graham’s commitment to human rights through this competition, which aims to encourage awareness and knowledge of international human rights issues and remedies among young lawyers.

Entering the Competition:

The competition is open to all current or prospective law students, trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and all solicitors and barristers, within three years of admission/call at the closing date.

  • Essays must reach the Law Society by 18:00 on Friday 23 March 2012
  • Entries should be a maximum of 2,000 words, including footnotes
  • Entries will be rejected if they do not address the subject of the title, or exceed 2,000 words
  • Proof of eligibility must be included with your essay

Read the full rules online before submitting your entry.

The winning essay will be chosen by a panel of distinguished judges. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Send your essay to Sarah Smith.