CFAWL Bar Study Scholarship 2016-2017

Background and Purpose:

The Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers (“CFAWL”) is proud to invite applications for its fourth annual Bar Study Scholarship. The goal of the scholarship is to promote the CFAWL mission. The scholarship is meant to help the recipient while he or she studies for the Florida Bar Exam. It is made possible through the generous donations of CFAWL members and friends and CFAWL fundraising efforts.

For the 2016-2017 academic years, a scholarship will be awarded to a deserving full-time or part-time law student who will take the Florida Bar Exam for the first time in July 2017 and who has promoted the CFAWL mission through CFAWL membership and/or volunteer work. This student will have demonstrated leadership and involvement on his or her campus and in the general community.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants for the CFAWL Scholarship must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a full-time or part-time law student who will take the Florida Bar Exam in July
  • Although there is no cumulative GPA minimum requirement, academic achievement and excellence will be strongly considered; and
  • Must have significant campus and community involvement and/or leadership.

Award and Selection Process:

The CFAWL Bar Study Scholarship consists of an award of $1,000.00. The award recipient will be invited to attend the May 5, 2017, CFAWL Luncheon in Orlando, where the recipient will be introduced. The Scholarship will be paid to the recipient after his or her law school graduation, in June of 2017.

The CFAWL Scholarship award recipient will be selected by a review committee composed of CFAWL members, which will evaluate applicants on the following criteria:

  • Academic achievement;
  • Personal essay;
  • Community service, leadership or volunteerism;
  • One letter of recommendation; and
  • Financial need.

Application Deadlines:

Complete applications must be received 5:00 pm  April 15, 2017, and mailed or emailed to Deborah A. Cook, Esq, 1314 East Robinson Street, Orlando Florida 32801.  Hand delivered applications will not be considered. The CFAWL Scholarship award recipient for the 2016-2017 academic years will be notified of his or her selection no later than April 27, 2017.


The scholarship application can be submitted electronically or paper form here (CFAWL Scholarship Application 2017 ). If submitting via paper form, please ensure that you have enough time to meet the application deadlines.


The applicant must ensure the scholarship application, a copy of which is available online, is complete and that all required information and materials are submitted with the application on or before the deadline specified above. Please do not leave any blanks. If an item does not apply, simply indicate same with “N/A.” Incomplete or untimely applications will not be considered.


Benson & Bingham First Annual Scholarship

Scholarship Criteria:

In 2017, Benson & Bingham decided to once again give back to the community with the inception of its first annual Law Scholarship. Benson & Bingham understand the rigors of law school accompanied with the expense to become an attorney, and felt obliged to help alleviate the financial strain with their annual scholarship offer.

In order to be eligible for the scholarship award, applicants must adhere to the following scholarship criteria:

– Currently enrolled in or recently accepted to an accredited law school.

– A United States citizen or permanent resident.

– Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. A copy of your college transcript (unofficial) must accompany the application.

– Proof of Law School acceptance or attendance must accompany the application.

– Applications must be received electronically by August 31, 2017 via email. In the subject line, please reference: Benson & Bingham First Annual Scholarship Application.

– Questions regarding the application or process may be submitted to the above email address. Please, No Phone Calls.


One grand prize winner will receive a one-time payment of $2,000 to be applied to the law school of their admission/attendance. Essays may be published by Benson & Bingham, so please refrain from submitting anything personal, vulgar or inappropriate for the web. The winner of the award will be announced by October 31st, 2017.

Scholarship Guidelines:

Entrants for our scholarship must submit a minimum of a 600-word typed essay on one of the below topics to be judged by partners Joe Benson and Ben Bingham at the conclusion of the deadline:

– The future of driver-less cars and how this will affect the field of personal injury.

– Investigate and report on the past five years of historical motor vehicle accident data in any state, and analyze what state level laws or programs have been instituted during this time to decrease the rate of such accidents.

– Comment and reflect on what personal injury marketing strategies in your local state have been most effective on you, and explain why.

– How technology will affect the practice of law.

– The ramifications of social media platforms on the pursuit of justice for Plaintiffs.

Judging the essay’s value will be contingent on the below qualities:

– Originality of thought or provocativeness of article.

– Attention to current law as well as statistical knowledge of the area of investigation.

– Submissions must be 100% original and never published or disseminated at a previous time.

– Candidates may site case law or historical record with appropriate citations to the source.

Benson & Bingham welcome any and all potential candidates who meet the above criteria and complete the application by August 31st, 2017. Good luck to all the applicants of our first annual scholarship. The winning entry’s submission as well as a press release will accompany the award when the winner is announced on October 31st, 2017.


This Week at the CDO (Week of March 20th, 2017)

Friday, March 24, 2017:

  • CDO Presents: Environmental Justice Careers – 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM – Law School Campus, Room A-110: Samantha Beers, the Director of the US EPA Office of Enforcement Compliance and Environmental Justice will speak about careers in this field, her experience at the EPA and in private practice.

Student Volunteer/Networking Opportunity

If you are interested in practicing in the Clearwater/Pinellas County area and would like to network and meet potential employers, colleagues, and judges, the law students at the University of Miami have been invited to participate in the 78th Annual Clearwater Bar Association’s Oyster Roast as a student volunteer. The Oyster Roast is being held on the Grounds of Florin Roebig, P.A., 777 Alderman Road, Palm Harbor, FL.

The Oyster Roast is an event held annually by the Clearwater Bar Association where local attorneys and judges put aside the adversarial process, “kick off their shoes,” and enjoy food and drinks from local vendors. In addition to being a great time, it can be a unique opportunity for law students to socialize with practicing attorneys and judges.

This year, as they have in the past, they are inviting law students to attend for FREE (yes, free!) if they assist with the cleanup process. There are a limited number of volunteer spots available, so if this is something that you or your organization is interested in participating in, please contact Caitlein Jammo (information below) as quickly as possible. The volunteer spots will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please include the following in your email:

  1. Name, address, and phone number;
  2. Your law school;
  3. Are you a student-member of the Clearwater Bar Association? (We encourage all student-volunteers to sign up for the Clearwater Bar Association. There is not a membership fee for student-members and this is a great way to connect with the local legal community);
  4. Are you available for cleanup on: a. The night of the Oyster Roast (Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:30-10:00 p.m.);
  5. The morning after the Oyster Roast (Sunday, March 26, 2017 10 a.m.-Noon); or
  6. Both?

We ask that you only offer to volunteer for time slots if you are genuinely able to attend, as we will be depending on your help.

Contact Information:

Caitlein Jammo, Esq., 911 Chestnut Street, Clearwater, FL 33756. Phone: 727.461.1818; Fax: 727.462.0365.


Call for Applications: Next Generation WPS+GPS Symposium

Deadline:  1 June 2017.

Open to: applicants between the ages of 25 and 40 years old, currently enrolled in or recent graduate of a Masters or PhD program in international affairs, security studies, gender studies, anthropology, political science, international development or a related discipline.

Venue: 12-19 November 2017 in Washington, D.C.


WIIS is pleased to announce the launch of the Next Generation WPS+GPS Symposium. The five-day symposium will examine international security challenges from a gender perspective and bring together an international cohort of 24 graduate students (MA and PhD students). The symposium is scheduled to take place November 12-19, 2017 in Washington, D.C.

The symposium is a part of a larger initiative designed to bridge existing divides between the traditional security community and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) community. The WPS+GPS Initiative seeks to reframe and broaden the WPS agenda to include a Gender, Peace, and Security (GPS) agenda in order to advance knowledge and build and support a community of international security experts that is more diverse and knowledgeable about gender analyses of complex international security challenges.

The WPS+GPS Initiative is funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Symposium details:

The symposium will feature interactive lectures and seminar discussions on the gender dimensions of international security challenges. We will focus on regional as well as transnational challenges such as terrorism, migration, and peace operations. Symposium participants will receive professional development and skills training, including how to effectively communicate with the media, write for policymakers, and leverage social media. Participants will also gain exposure to government agencies, international organizations, and think tanks.

Finally, symposium participants will be invited to actively participate in the first workshop of the WPS+GPS research and book project. This project brings together leading scholars and experts across disciplines and across the globe to take stock of WPS+GPS efforts and define research and policy agendas for the future. WIIS will seek to pair graduate students with senior members of the research and book project and encourage them to set up joint research and writing teams. In addition, selected participants will be requested to write two blogs following the symposium.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Selection is based on a competitive application process. WIIS will invite 24 applicants to participate in the program. Candidates must be:
  • Currently enrolled in or recent graduate of a Masters or PhD program in international affairs, security studies, gender studies, anthropology, political science, international development or a related discipline. Students who will be enrolled within the next academic year will also be considered;
  • Between the ages of 25 and 40;
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English;
  • All genders are encouraged to apply.


All costs associated with symposium travel and accommodation will be covered by WIIS.


Prospective participants must provide the following application materials:

Application form that can be found online;
A high resolution picture;
Two letters of reference submitted directly to WIIS by references via email. The subject line should read, “Reference 2017 NGS: applicant’s last name.

Letter of interest which should address the following:

–Why the applicant is interested;
–How the applicant’s experience, education, and general background would contribute to the Next Generation Symposium; and
–How the symposium would enhance the applicant’s future career goals.
All inquiries and application materials should be submitted via email. The subject line should read, “Application 2017 NGS: last name of the applicant.”

Applications are due by June 1, 2017. Selected participants will receive formal invitations in late June/early July 2017.

See the website for additional details.



This Week at the CDO (Week of March 6th, 2017)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017:

  • CDO Presents: 19th Annual Informational Career Fair – 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM – Law School Campus Bricks 1: Meet attorneys from government, business, law firms and public interest organizations. Learn about their practice areas and experience while you network. For additional details, please contact Debbie Rowe-Millwood and the website.

This Week at the CDO (Week of February 20th, 2017)

This Week at the CDO (Week of February 20th, 2017):

Thursday, February 23, 2017:

  • CDO Presents: Networking Nosh – 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM – Law School Campus, Room F-209: A luncheon and panel presentation by the Administrative Law Section of The Florida Bar.


National Association of Women Lawyers 2017 Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Competition

NAWL established the annual Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Competition to encourage and reward original law student writing on issues concerning women and the law.

The rules for the competition are as follows:

Entrants should submit a paper on an issue concerning women’s rights or the status of women in the law. Essays will be accepted from students enrolled at any law school during the 2016-17 school year. The essays must be the law student author’s own work and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers written by students for coursework or independent study during the summer, fall, or spring semesters are eligible for submission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, students may incorporate professorial feedback as part of a course requirement or supervised writing project.

FORMAT: Essays must be double-spaced in 12-point, Times New Roman font. All margins must be one inch. Entries must not exceed 15 pages of text, excluding notes, with footnotes placed as endnotes. Citation style should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Essays longer than 15 pages of text, excluding notes, or that are not in the required format will not be read.

JUDGING: NAWL Women Lawyers Journal® designees will judge the competition. Essays will be judged based upon content, exhaustiveness of research, originality, writing style, and timeliness.

QUESTIONS: Questions regarding this competition should be addressed to the Chair of the Writing Competition, Professor Jennifer Martin.

SUBMISSION AND DEADLINE: Entries must be received by May 1, 2017. Entries received after the deadline will not be considered. Entries must provide a cover letter providing the author’s name, title of the essay, school affiliation, email address, phone number, and permanent mailing address. Entries must be submitted in the following format: email an electronic version (in Microsoft Word) to Professor Jennifer Martin.

AWARD: The author of the winning essay will receive a cash prize of $500. NAWL will also publish the winning essay in the Women Lawyers Journal. The most recent winning paper was Human trafficking waivers: How the United States implicitly violates federal law and empowers ISIS to commit human trafficking crimes written by Paloma A. Kennedy, Washington University School of Law. Please view the paper by clicking here.


Attend the UM Career Expo on February 22nd – Open to Students and Alumni

University of Miami School of Law students and alumni are cordially invited to attend the University of Miami Career Expo on Wednesday, February 22nd from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Watsco Center on the Coral Gables campus.

The Career Expo has traditionally attracted companies from various industries such as business, healthcare, communication, government, non-profits, technology and financial services. This expo is specially designed to expose students and alumni to a broad spectrum of career paths, as well as provide them with opportunities to secure internships and full-time jobs. This is not a legal industry expo and law firms are not participating. This is, however, a great opportunity to connect with employers from other industries.

The expo is open to University of Miami degree seeking students and alumni only. Students and alumni must come professionally dressed. Bring plenty of copies of your resume and your Cane Card. Students not professionally dressed and/or without their Cane Card will not be admitted.

Please note that law students and graduates need not register in advance. Click here to view a list of participating employers.

FREE REGISTRATION TO ATTEND THE SOVEREIGNTY SYMPOSIUM XXX – Ed Edmondson Scholarship Applications Are Now Being Accepted

WHO? Ed Edmondson served in the United States Congress representing Oklahoma for twenty years.  He was a long time supporter of both Native American concerns and education.

WHEN? The Oklahoma Supreme Court and the Sovereignty Symposium, Inc. will host Sovereignty Symposium XXIX on June 7 and 8, 2017, at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  Symposium registration scholarships will be offered in Congressman Edmondson’s name as the Symposium’s thank you for his support and efforts during its founding. Please apply early as the number of available scholarships is limited.

HOW? Applicants should demonstrate an interest in and dedication to Native American law issues and the need for a scholarship in a simple letter of application.  There is no formal application form.

DUE? May 31, 2017

Applications may be emailed. Or mailed to:

The Sovereignty Symposium

Attn:  Ed Edmondson Scholarship Committee

Oklahoma Judicial Center, Suite 1

2100 North Lincoln Boulevard

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

For further information, email the Sovereignty Symposium.