Call for Applications: Next Generation WPS+GPS Symposium

Deadline:  1 June 2017.

Open to: applicants between the ages of 25 and 40 years old, currently enrolled in or recent graduate of a Masters or PhD program in international affairs, security studies, gender studies, anthropology, political science, international development or a related discipline.

Venue: 12-19 November 2017 in Washington, D.C.


WIIS is pleased to announce the launch of the Next Generation WPS+GPS Symposium. The five-day symposium will examine international security challenges from a gender perspective and bring together an international cohort of 24 graduate students (MA and PhD students). The symposium is scheduled to take place November 12-19, 2017 in Washington, D.C.

The symposium is a part of a larger initiative designed to bridge existing divides between the traditional security community and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) community. The WPS+GPS Initiative seeks to reframe and broaden the WPS agenda to include a Gender, Peace, and Security (GPS) agenda in order to advance knowledge and build and support a community of international security experts that is more diverse and knowledgeable about gender analyses of complex international security challenges.

The WPS+GPS Initiative is funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Symposium details:

The symposium will feature interactive lectures and seminar discussions on the gender dimensions of international security challenges. We will focus on regional as well as transnational challenges such as terrorism, migration, and peace operations. Symposium participants will receive professional development and skills training, including how to effectively communicate with the media, write for policymakers, and leverage social media. Participants will also gain exposure to government agencies, international organizations, and think tanks.

Finally, symposium participants will be invited to actively participate in the first workshop of the WPS+GPS research and book project. This project brings together leading scholars and experts across disciplines and across the globe to take stock of WPS+GPS efforts and define research and policy agendas for the future. WIIS will seek to pair graduate students with senior members of the research and book project and encourage them to set up joint research and writing teams. In addition, selected participants will be requested to write two blogs following the symposium.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Selection is based on a competitive application process. WIIS will invite 24 applicants to participate in the program. Candidates must be:
  • Currently enrolled in or recent graduate of a Masters or PhD program in international affairs, security studies, gender studies, anthropology, political science, international development or a related discipline. Students who will be enrolled within the next academic year will also be considered;
  • Between the ages of 25 and 40;
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English;
  • All genders are encouraged to apply.


All costs associated with symposium travel and accommodation will be covered by WIIS.


Prospective participants must provide the following application materials:

Application form that can be found online;
A high resolution picture;
Two letters of reference submitted directly to WIIS by references via email. The subject line should read, “Reference 2017 NGS: applicant’s last name.

Letter of interest which should address the following:

–Why the applicant is interested;
–How the applicant’s experience, education, and general background would contribute to the Next Generation Symposium; and
–How the symposium would enhance the applicant’s future career goals.
All inquiries and application materials should be submitted via email. The subject line should read, “Application 2017 NGS: last name of the applicant.”

Applications are due by June 1, 2017. Selected participants will receive formal invitations in late June/early July 2017.

See the website for additional details.