ABA FREE NON-CLE WEBINAR: Impact of COVID-19 on Recent Law School Graduates and Rising 3Ls – July 16th, 2020

This free online event is open to the public. The event takes place on July 16th, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. EDT.

About This Program:

Current law school graduates and rising 3Ls who are entering the profession are now faced with unanticipated challenges upon entry. Along with the challenge of licensure with a delayed bar exam in most jurisdictions, there is also the changing landscape of legal employment. In addition, there are the financial challenges. Candidates of color generally enter the profession with $40K-$50k more loan debt than their white counterparts. And they are more likely to enter the profession in lower paying jobs. The impact of CoVID-19 will only exacerbate this disparity. The combination of these factors serves to increase the stress response in an already stressful time.

This session will discuss financial and emotional impact on recent law grads and rising 3Ls as they look ahead to their future. Panelists will provide practical tools and strategies to help navigate through these challenges both in the short and long term.

To register, click here. For additional information, please visit the ABA website.