*POSTPONED* – INTEL DIVERSITY & INCLUSION TECH SUMMIT FOR LAW STUDENTS. Was scheduled for July 17, 2020 – San Francisco, CA.

To protect the health of everyone planning to attend the D&I Tech Summit for Law Students and to maximize students’ opportunity to explore a legal career in the tech industry, Intel and our law firm partners have made the decision to postpone the D&I Tech Summit for Law Students from July to a later date.  The State of California, like many other states, has issued guidelines around large scale gatherings to help contain the spread of the virus.  It is unclear how long these restrictions will remain in place.  In addition, law schools have had to adjust how classes are taught, and legal employers are evaluating changes to the recruiting process for this summer and next school year.

We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will set another date as soon as we can.  In the meantime, all the best to you and your families.  We hope you all stay safe!