The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law Seeks Applications for the Position of Career Counselor-International for the Office of Career Development
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law seeks applications for the position of Career Counselor-International within the Office of Career Development. The newly created position will report to the Assistant Dean for Career Development on a full-time, fiscal appointment.
The Career Counselor will assist in all aspects of student and alumni career counseling. The Career Counselor will serve as the Office’s expert for assisting international students and alumni with their career development objectives. The Career Counselor will also assist students and alumni who wish to work abroad and/or in international positions.
Arizona Law’s growing Advanced JD Program for foreign lawyers provides a path to a Juris Doctor (JD) for those with non-U.S. legal training. The program is aimed at providing these graduates opportunities to practice in any U.S. state, in their home countries, or anywhere in the world where U.S. companies invest or do business.
Twenty percent or more of Arizona Law’s JD class and about 20 additional LLM students in two specialty programs (International Trade & Business Law and Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy (IPLP)) each year come from outside the US.
For further details and to apply, visit the website and search postings for Job Number 55023.