Hague DV Seeking Summer Interns

The Hague Domestic Violence Project provides training and technical assistance to judges, attorneys and advocates working on cases under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, involving parents and children who have fled the domestic abuse of a parent in another country to seek safety in the U.S.  The goal of this project is to find a way to solidify domestic violence as an exception under the Convention to the required return of a child to his or her country of habitual residence.  For more information on the project please visit the website.

The Hague DV Project is seeking two (2) student interns to assist the Project Attorney this summer.  Duties will include research and writing for training materials and webinars; assisting in the drafting of a California and model bench guide used to aid judges handling Hague Convention cases; editing and updating content for the Project’s website; and both researching and cataloging recent Hague cases across the United States. Interns may work remotely and will not be required to travel to Berkeley to participate in the project.

This opportunity will add unique experience to a resume and will be a great talking point in job interviews where employers are seeking well rounded attorneys.  Students should have excellent research and writing skills, and a strong interest in domestic violence or human rights law. Preference will be given to second and third year law students.

If you are interested, please send a letter of interest, resume, and writing sample via email.