DRI Law Student Member Benefits – Become A Law Student Member for $20.00

DRI is widely recognized as the largest and most active national association of lawyers engaged in the defense of civil actions. DRI provides high quality educational seminars, numerous publications and other valuable member services to more than 22,000 defense trial lawyers and corporate counsel. It is also a forum for exchanging ideas on current issues of importance to defense lawyers and corporations. As a DRI law student member, you are afforded many unique opportunities.

Your annual membership fee of $20.00 provides you with benefits such as:

  • Networking Opportunities
  • DRI Publications
  • Publishing Opportunities
  • Access to DRI’s website
  • Complimentary Registration

To become a member, simply fill out the application form available in the CDO and send it in with the $20.00 fee. For additional information, please visit the website.