Law School Admissions Council’s Student Writing Award and Conference in Mysore, India

The International Association of Law Schools (IALS)  Board of Governors invites the law students of its member schools to apply for the Law School Admissions Council Student Writing Award. The Award certificate will be presented at the conference to each of the four regional winners and it includes reasonable travel expenses to attend the annual meeting in Mysore, India, waiver of registration fees and lodging. 


Any full time students currently enrolled in a degree program in any of the Association’s member schools.


Any topic in relation to law and Human Rights.

Selection Criteria:

Papers will be selected based upon the depth of scholarship. Preference will be given to selecting the best paper, one from each of four regions – Africa, Americas, Asia/Pacific and Europe.


All submissions must be an original academic paper, written in English, and be no more than 3,000 words (including footnotes and bibliography). All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 150 words, accompanied by a proof of enrollment at a member school, and a signed declaration that the paper is the student’s original work.


Reasonable travel expenses to attend the annual meeting, waiver of registration fees, and lodging. Award certificate will be presented at the conference to each of the four regional winners.

Visit the website for additional information about the Annual Meeting.