The ABA’s Criminal Justice Section Seeks Student Staff Writer

The ABA’s Criminal Justice Section has just started a new committee: the Young Lawyers Committee. One of the Committee’s new initiatives is to publish a quarterly newsletter targeted toward law students and lawyers in their first five years of practice. Michael Dean will be serving as Co-chair of the Committee and also as the newsletter’s Editor. For each issue, he would like to include a quarterly review of criminal opinions issued by the various federal circuits and, specifically, publish a “case summary” for each opinion, organized by circuit.

Mr. Dean is seeking several volunteer law students who would serve as “Staff Writers” for this project. These students would be responsible for monitoring the opinions issued by the particular circuit(s) to which they would be assigned. For each opinion that impacts criminal law, the writer would prepare a summary of the relevant facts and the holding of the case. Summaries should be approximately one paragraph long, with reasonable leeway for more complicated opinions. To apply, applicants should review the recent case of Williams v. Illinois, on certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois, No. 10–8505. Argued December 6, 2011—Decided June 18, 2012 and prepare a case summary as described above. The summary should then be emailed directly to Mr. Dean.

All submissions emailed no later than October 15, 2012.