Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law Seeks Assistant & Copy Editors

Application deadline: 15 July 2012 

Call for Assistant Editors:

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law (IJHRL) is currently seeking applications for the position of Assistant Editor. Individuals with editorial experience specializing in issues concerning international human rights law are highly encouraged to apply. Candidates should be available to assume their titles immediately. Interested candidates must be available to work online from their present location. Due to the IJHRL’s strict production schedule, editors must consistently adhere to assigned deadlines. The AE serves a renewable one-year, one-volume term. Assistant Editors are afforded substantial input in the journal’s content and have unparalleled opportunities to work closely with a wide range of international scholars. Opportunities for additional responsibility and promotion within the organization are available to highly motivated candidates. 

Call for Copy Editors:

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law (IJHRL) is also currently seeking applications for the position of Copy Editor. Candidates should be available to assume their titles immediately. Interested candidates must be available to work online from their present location. Due to the IJHRL’s strict production schedule, editors must consistently adhere to assigned deadlines. The Copy Editor serves a renewable one-year, one-volume term. 

For qualifications, duties and compensation information, please visit the website.