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Job Search Tips

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 5, 2011)

Tuesday, September 6th: U.S. Department of Justice – Deadlines to apply is TODAY at midnight! Attorney General’s Summer Law Intern Program (2Ls) and Honors Program  (3Ls).  ). For further information and link to the on-line application, click here.     Tax LL.M. Luncheon Resume Workshop – Room F109 at 12:30pm. Wednesday, September 7th: Peace Corps’ 50TH Anniversary Career […]

Practising Law Institute has 2 Upcoming Free Programs for Students and Graduates

 “Welcome to the Firm: Now What? What They Didn’t Teach You in Law School” is a one-hour Web-only audio briefing, held on September 21, 2011, 1:00 PM Eastern time. Click here to attend. This would be of interest to recent grads who are out in the working world, but also could be of equal interest to […]

PSLawNet Has a List of International Public Interest Resources Online

The Public Service Law Network (“PSLawNet”) is an online clearinghouse for law students and lawyers to connect with public interest opportunities and information on public interest careers. PSLawNet is a free resource for law students and alumni of subscriber schools to search among thousands of public interest job opportunities and employer profiles.  In addition to its […]

Check Out the Public Defender Handbook Online Now!

The Public Defender Handbook is a valuable resource tool for students looking for internships and post-graduate positions. It contains FAQs about Public Defender Careers, information about preparing for a career as a Public Defender and getting you dream internship and post-graduate position, tips for interviews and simulations and other important information regarding selected Public Defender […]

Finding Success: Overcoming Adversity in Your Job Search

Finding Success: Overcoming Adversity in Your Job Search Wednesday, April 20, 2011 7:30 to 9:00 AM Faculty Meeting Room, Law Library, 4th Floor Enjoy breakfast with the Career Development Office as graduates share their personal journeys and insight about how to overcome adversity and find success in your job search.  Attorneys will provide vital information […]

From the ABA: Eight Tips on Getting Your First Job After Law School

From the ABA:  Eight tips on getting your first job after law school Experts in tort, trial and insurance law shared their secrets of career success during the program, “I’m Getting My J.D. Now What? A Forum on How to Get Your First Job,” at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Atlanta. Panelists offered law school […]

Destination Public Intereste Webinar

NALP presents “Destination Public Interest: Landing the Ideal Public Interest Job.” This webinar, designed for 3Ls and recent graduates who are pursuing public interest jobs, offers best practices and tips in the areas of cover letter and résumé drafting, as well as interviewing and professional networking. Watch the webinar now Presenters: Charlene Gomes, Senior Program […]

Advancing Your Legal Career in the 21st Century: Panel Discussion

The CDO Presents  Advancing Your Legal Career in the 21st Century:  Panel Discussion • Identifying what you want to do with your law degree • Marketing yourself for the job you want • Achieving success in your career • The importance of being open to change and new opportunities Panelists include the following UM Law […]

Volunteer Opportunity with Lawyers to the Rescue

Lawyers to the Rescue invites those interested in volunteering to participate in a Legal Clinic at Camillus House located at 726 N.E. First Avenue in downtown Miami on Saturday, September 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To learn more about this event and others hosted by this organization, please visit http://www.lawyerstotherescue.org/Event-Calendar.html. Job Search Tip:  […]

Looking for a Fall Semester Position?

2L and 3L students, do you want to work this semester?  Many employers hire students to work as interns or law clerks.  Positions are being posted on Symplicity on a daily basis so now is the time to start looking.  Below is one of the opportunities posted on Symplicity: Faculty Senate Legal Intern Intern needed […]