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General Announcements

The 2014 Echoing Green Fellowship Application Opens on December 3, 2013!

Would you like to receive 2014 Fellowship Application related email updates and guidance from Echoing Green? If yes, you must sign up here. During the application cycle, Echoing Green will release updates, video tips on selection criteria, and information to help you build a compelling application. But, you must sign up directly for the 2014 Application Newsletter. The […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of November 18, 2013)

Tuesday, November 19: U.S. Marine Corps JAG Corps Presentation – 4:00 p.m. – 5:20 p.m., F-108 – Join the local United States Marine Corps JAG Corps recruiter and current JAG Corps officer as they discuss the mission and duties of JAG attorneys, as well as the hiring process. Any student considering a career with a military JAG Corps should […]

Harvard Legal Aid Bureau Summer Fellowship Program

During the summer, HLAB selects approximately 15-20 law students to serve as Summer Fellows, who will interact directly with clients, opposing parties, witnesses, and government agencies; engage in extensive factual and legal investigation; hone their research and writing abilities; and develop their litigation skills.  Most Summer Fellows working at HLAB do so full-time, although we […]

Echoing Green: What’s Your Problem?

Echoing Green Fellows don’t just identify social problems—they are driven to do whatever it takes to solve them. That’s owning a problem. Echoing Green imagines a world where we all look into what really matters to us, identifying our purpose in work that shakes us to the core. What would our neighborhood, cities, countries or our […]

New Article From Business Week: “Hey Female Lawyers, This Firm Wants You to Stop Giggling and Showing Cleavage”

Claire Suddath is a reporter for Bloomberg Businessweek and she recently  wrote an article titled “Hey Female Lawyers, This Firm Wants You to Stop Giggling and Showing Cleavage.” In the article, she refers to law firms’ expectations of professionalism and dignity at all times. Among other things, Ms. Suddath discusses issues pertaining to female attorneys.  To read […]

The American Civil Liberties Union National Office’s Summer and Spring Semester Internships

The ACLU National Office’s summer and spring semester internship postings have gone up.  They are as follows:  Racial Justice Program:Summer 2014 Legal Internship-ACLUF Racial Justice Program, New York» Criminal Law Reform Project: Spring 2014 Legal Internship-ACLUF Criminal Law Reform Project, NY» Summer 2014 Legal Internship-ACLUF Criminal Law Reform Project, NY» Women’s Rights Project: Spring 2014 Legal […]

The Center for Women’s Global Leadership is Seeking a Program Coordinator

The Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) strengthens and facilitates women’s leadership for women’s human rights and social justice worldwide. CWGL envisions a world in which all people are equal and gender equality is systematically realized by the achievement of human rights for all. CWGL works to: advance economic and social rights from a feminist […]

The Human Rights Clinic Invites You to Attend ‘Victims’ Rights and Columbia’s Peace Process: A Conversation With Human Rights Defender Lilia Peña’

Lilia Peña Silva is a human rights defender and the founder and president of the Regional Association of Victims of State Crimes in Magdalena Medio (Asociación Regional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado del Magdalena Medio, ASORVIMM). Ms. Peña became a victim of state-sponsored violence when both her husband and brother disappeared and, consequently, assassinated. […]

Walmart Legal Summer Internship

The Walmart Legal Department (“WMLD”) has a robust 12-week summer internship program for rising 2L and rising 3L students. As an intern in our legal department, you will be able to apply the procedures and processes you have studied in law school in the in-house legal department of a Fortune 100 company. The program is […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of November 4, 2013)

Thursday, November 7: Careers in the FBI: UM Alumna  Katrice Jenkins – 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Room E-265 Saturday, November 9: Kozyak Minority Mentoring Picnic – 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Amelia Earhart Park