Echoing Green: What’s Your Problem?

Echoing Green Fellows don’t just identify social problems—they are driven to do whatever it takes to solve them. That’s owning a problem.

Echoing Green imagines a world where we all look into what really matters to us, identifying our purpose in work that shakes us to the core. What would our neighborhood, cities, countries or our world look like if we all owned a problem and dedicated ourselves to addressing it?

Watch and share our latest video featuring 2013 Echoing Green Fellows.

Fellowship Application: Three Updates

1. The 2014 Echoing Green Fellowship application will be open from December 3, 2013 to January 6, 2014.

Echoing Green’s Fellowship Programs will offer more than $3.8 million in seed-stage funding and support this year to emerging leaders working to bring about positive social change.

2. The new Echoing Green Climate Fellowship for next-generation social entrepreneurs committed to working on innovations in mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The Climate Fellowship joins the portfolio that includes the issue-agnostic Global Fellowship and the Open Society Black Male Achievement (BMA) Fellowship.

3. If you want to receive 2014 application information and guidance, you must sign up here.

During the application cycle, Echoing Green will release updates, video tips on selection criteria and information to help you build a compelling application. Because we are careful about the number of emails sent to you, you must sign up directly for the 2014 Application Newsletter. And feel free to share this link: