You are cordially invited to a 1L Winter reception at Thompson Coburn LLP on Thursday, December 21, 2017, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Cocktails and appetizers will be served. The event takes place at the offices of Thompson Coburn LLP, One US Bank Plaza, 35th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63101. Please RSVP by December 18, 2017.
Michael Best is pleased to invite all 1L students who will be in/near the Greater Milwaukee Area to attend our annual Home for the Holidays reception. Last year we welcomed students from 10 different states. The reception will be held on Wednesday, December 27, 2017, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at 100 E. Wisconsin Avenue, […]
Please join CIC Miami and Venture Cafe Miami for “The Future of Law in the Tech World” panel: How is technology effecting the legal industry? In what ways are law firms evolving so they can work more efficiently with start-ups and entrepreneurs? What emerging companies are revolutionizing the legal industry? SPEAKERS: James Jones Jr | […]
WHERE: Barry Law School 6441 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32807 WHEN: Saturday, January 27, 2018 11 AM – 4 PM. Free Admission! We welcome members of the judiciary, legal practitioners, law students, and paralegals to the Annual Central Florida Diversity & Inclusion Picnic to meet and network with your colleagues, members of the local voluntary […]
Inviting all law students to apply, and to share with other law students who may be interested, the ABA’s 2018 IPLSpring Meeting Law Student Reporter Program application is now open! Law Student Reporters are given complimentary registration to the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law’s 33rd Annual Intellectual Property Conference in Arlington, VA on April […]
In alignment with our focus on the diversity of leadership within our organization, Bristol-Myers Squibb is committed to increasing the diversity and inclusion of attorneys within the legal profession overall. Starting in 1999, Bristol-Myers Squibb created a paid summer internship program for law students who were interested in experiencing the practice of law within a […]
WHAT IS THE MLB DIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM? This latest venture in Baseball’s efforts to competitively recruit the most talented individuals and brightest young minds entering the workforce will provide the opportunity for young, diverse professionals to experience front office positions that have been traditionally influential in baseball operations decisions. The MLB Diversity Fellowship Program will […]
Gain Experience at Both a Law Firm and a Corporation! First-year law students now have a unique summer clerkship opportunity that combines a traditional law firm clerkship with experience working at an in-house corporate law department. Twin Cities Diversity in Practice is a collaboration of law firms and corporate law departments seeking to enhance the […]
The American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers is pleased to announce awards to be presented for: (a) the best book (b) the best publishable article, book chapter, or substantial book review (c) the best student note or comment on a topic dealing with consumer financial services law. The awards include cash payments of $2500, […]
Wednesday, October 25, 2017: CDO Presents: 1L Orientation – 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM – Law School Campus, Room E-352: The CDO 1L Orientation will introduce current first year law students to the services and programs of the CDO and provide the initial tools needed to begin a job search. This is one of two […]