The Ms. JD Fellowship Now Accepting Applications!

The Ms. JD Fellowship, one of our most popular programs, is now open for applications!

In 2010, Ms. JD partnered with the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession to found the Ms. JD Fellowship.  The Fellowship is Ms. JD’s program to promote mentoring and professional development.  Each spring, Ms. JD selects a group of outstanding second year law students as Fellowship recipients. In addition to receiving financial support and invitations to ABA and Ms. JD events, each Fellowship recipient is paired with a mentor chosen from among the Brent Award honorees, Spirit of Excellence Award recipients, and ABA Commission on Women in the Profession Commissioners.  Beyond the mentorship, each year, the Fellows tell us that one of the best parts of the Fellowship is meeting the other incredible rising 3Ls.  Many Fellows remain friends long after their fellowship year is over.

To read more about one Fellow’s experience, click here.


This Week at the CDO (Weeks of January 18 and 25, 2016)

Welcome back from winter break!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 & Wednesday, January 27, 2016:

  • 1L CDO Workshops – 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM – Law School Campus, Room F-309:During the spring semester, 1L students will have an opportunity to participate in Spring Recruiting, which includes the Spring On Campus Interview Program, Spring Resume Referral Program and Summer Externship Program. By participating in these programs, 1L students will have an opportunity to apply for legal internships for the upcoming summer. The 1L CDO Workshops will provide students will complete instructions on how to prepare for and participate in Spring Recruiting, including how to use Symplicity, the web-based program used to administer Spring Recruiting. Two sessions of this program will be held; both sessions are the same and 1L students need only to attend one.

The 2nd Annual Veterans’ Legal Career Fair will be held on April 29-30, 2016

The 2nd Annual Veterans’ Legal Career Fair will be held on April 29-30, 2016 in Washington, D.C. This event—the only one of its kind in the United States—provides a unique opportunity for legal employers to interview lawyers who are veterans or active-duty service members preparing for a transition out of the military.

The career fair will arrange one-on-one interviews and informational sessions for veterans (including active duty JAG Corps members and reservists) seeking positions as lawyers, including with corporate legal departments, law firms, other private sector employers and government agencies. Spouses of active-duty service members and veterans are also eligible to participate.

Last year’s inaugural event drew 150 candidates from around the world and 45 employers, including two dozen leading law firms as well as representatives of legal departments at major companies such as Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, American Express, PwC and Prudential.

Orrick is honored to partner with The American Legion; corporate founding sponsors Microsoft Corporation, Morgan Stanley and ALM; and private practice sponsors Shearman & Sterling and the D.C. Diverse Partners Network to create this career fair.

Please click here for more information and details on how to register. 


U.S. Department of Justice Volunteer Legal Internship Program in DC, Summer 2016 – Deadline – January 30, 2016

Job Description:

Students will be assigned to one of OIL’s litigation teams, where they will:

  • Draft appellate briefs for asylum and cancel-lation of removal cases, and write dispositive motions
  • Write case summaries for weekly litigation reports, conduct legal research, and prepare memoranda
  • Attend “First Cuts” meetings.

Program Requirements:

  • Student must be at least a rising 2L by the start date of the internship/externship
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00.
  • United States Citizen and submit a suitability background investigation
  • Commit to a minimum of 20 hours per week for 12 continuous weeks
  • Demonstrate interest in immigration or ap-pellate law
  • Show strong research and writing skills

How to Apply:

Send your application materials in a single PDF document in the following order: cover letter, resume, unofficial transcript, and 5-10 page writing sample via email. Application not submitted according to instructions will not be considered. OIL-appellate hires interns and externs throughout the year. 

Summer Deadlines: Summer 2016:

11/13/2015 — Application Submissions Begins

01/30/2016 — Application Deadline

02/15/2016 — Final Decision Notification

2016 First Amendment Gerrymander Standard Writing Competition – Due March 27, 2016

In December 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling in Shapiro v. McManus allowing a First Amendment challenge to Maryland’s congressional districts to move forward. Separately, a three-judge federal district court panel rejected a motion to dismiss in Whitford v. Nichol, a case challenging Wisconsin’s state legislative Assembly districts. These cases challenging partisan gerrymanders have potentially significant consequences for fair democratic representation. Either could open the door to a ruling against political gerrymandering that leads to its demise.

The Supreme Court has long suggested there is a limit for what is acceptable partisan gerrymandering, but like obscenity, so far the line is undefined and left to courts to know it when they see it. The Court has said that it is willing to hear constitutional challenges to partisan gerrymandering, but existing legal theories have been insufficient to empower citizens and advocates with the tools they need to overturn partisan gerrymanders in court. Common Cause’s 2016 “Gerrymander Standard” Writing Competition is your chance to change that.

For the second year, we invite legal and social science practitioners, scholars, and students to submit papers that will identify partisan gerrymanders and distinguish them from districts drawn using neutral redistricting principles while developing legal theories or arguments that could be used by courts to declare partisan gerrymanders unconstitutional. This year, we are asking authors to focus specifically on the First Amendment issue in Shapiro and Whitford to demonstrate why the drawing of Maryland’s congressional districts or Wisconsin’s Assembly districts is a partisan gerrymander that should be condemned under the First Amendment. Winning papers are selected by a distinguished panel of democracy scholars.

Winning Authors Receive:

  • Prize money: 1st place: $5,000, 2nd place: $3,000, 3rd place: $2,000
  • Publication in a leading academic journal
  • Payment of travel expenses to present papers at a national redistricting reform symposium

See submission requirements here.

If you have any questions, contact Dan Vicuna via email or at (213) 623-1216.


Timothy J. Ryan & Associates Law Scholarship

Our personal injury lawyers hold a strong belief that helping needy students continue their education is the responsibility of successful law firms and legal organizations. Having practiced law for over 30 years, attorney Timothy J. Ryan has placed great value on his own education, making difficult sacrifices on his path to and beyond California’s courts. If you are a student intending to do the same, Timothy J. Ryan & Associates wants to help.

Timothy J. Ryan & Associates has a long history of providing community services through fundraisers and events, and we are now very proud to provide students aspiring to become lawyers with much-needed help through the Timothy J. Ryan & Associates Scholarship. This scholarship opportunity will be awarded to one law student each year and will be distributed based upon verifiable merit.

Please make sure to carefully review the scholarship eligibility requirements and applicant process below. Those planning to submit must remember to include:

  • Your last name as well as your first,
  • Email address,
  • Phone number including area code and,
  • Mailing address with your scholarship application submission.

The award recipient will receive the scholarship money 30-90 days after the deadline date. If you plan on participating, please note that your participation is also an agreement that you are giving Timothy J. Ryan & Associates full consent to contact you by mail, phone, and email. Also, if you win, you are providing your consent to use your first and last name, university law school or college identification as well as your submitted law essay on our website and for any promotional purposes we would like, without any further compensation or payment to you. If you have a preferred photo, please send it in with your law scholarship submission. The winner will be personally responsible for payment of any taxes due to the receipt of the law scholarship.

2016 Law Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:

Total Award: $1,000.

Scholarship Submission Deadline: Must be received by March 1st, 2016.

This law scholarship is available to any and all law or university students who are currently attending and enrolled at a law school accredited by their state or an undergraduate degree program at an accredited college or American University.

Application Instructions:

Please complete a written essay, providing answers to the questions provided as well as provide proof of current attendance (transcripts work) at a college or university. Your answers should be 1,000 to 5,000 words, although no word count is required.

Submissions must be sent to us by either email or mail: 
Timothy J. Ryan & Associates
8072 Warner Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92647 

Make sure to include the following information in your application as it is required:

  • Your last and first name, address where you can receive mail, as well as contact details including your phone number and email address.
  • Current academic status statement and evidence that you are currently attending law school or an accredited college as set forth above. You current undergraduate or law school transcript can be submitted as evidence. By submitting you are giving us full consent to confirm your attendance and enrollment by contacting the college or University.
  • Your essay as a Word document.

2016 Essay Question:

An employer hired a driver to operate a delivery van. Before the employer allowed the driver to operate the van, the employer checked the driver’s prior employers, required the driver to undergo a physical examination by a licensed doctor, and provided the driver with extensive training in car safety. Frank, the medical doctor who examined the driver, discovered that the driver had a sleeping disorder that caused the driver to randomly fall asleep and that the driver had on multiple occasions fallen asleep while driving. The driver pleaded with Frank not to tell the employer about the sleeping disorder. Frank agreed, and omitted this information from the driver’s physical examination form that he sent to the employer. Frank also sent a letter to the employer assuring him that the driver was medically fit to be a delivery driver. The employer then provided the driver with a daily route and paid him a weekly salary. While the driver was making deliveries for the employer, the delivery van left the road and struck a pedestrian, who suffered severe injuries as a result. The pedestrian filed a lawsuit for the damages as a result of the serious injuries sustained in the car accident against the driver, the employer, and Frank the doctor.

  1. Can the pedestrian prevail under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur concerning Driver’s alleged negligence? Discuss.
  2. What arguments will the pedestrian make in support of his negligence claims, what defenses can be raised, and who is likely to win in a lawsuit filed by the pedestrian against: a. The employer? Discuss. b. Frank the doctor? Discuss.

Privacy Policy and User Communications:

Privacy Policy: By submitting a law scholarship application, the applicant automatically provides Timothy J. Ryan & Associates, all representatives and/or agents all permissions to post the applicant’s name, school, image (if submitted) and winning essay on or other marketing materials in the event he or she wins. We are also accepting permission to call and/or send you info pertaining to your application.

User Communications – When you send email communications to Timothy J. Ryan & Associates, representatives may retain those communications in order to process or respond to your inquiries or application as related to the scholarship. Timothy J. Ryan & Associates, its agents and representatives will never knowingly sell or otherwise transfer your info other than in accordance with terms set forth in this Privacy Policy. By participating in this law scholarship, you give us your express consent to confirm your admission and regular attendance at the college or university by contacting the institution for verification.


2016 1L SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Prudential Financial, Inc.

The National Association of Women Lawyers is pleased to partner with Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to provide a meaningful summer internship opportunity for a highly-motivated first-year law student.  Through this partnership, the National Association of Women Lawyers will select one student/s to join the 2016 summer law intern class at Prudential for a 10-week internship at Prudential’s New Jersey offices, for a stipend of approximately $10,000.

Internship Description: 

The summer internship will provide interns with the opportunity to work with attorneys who support the broad reach of Prudential’s businesses. Other features of the summer internship program include:

  • Paid attendance at the LCLD Scholars Summit in Chicago IL, May 19-21, 2016
  • Participation in training programs presented by Prudential attorneys highlighting different areas of the business and the legal department
  • Pairing with an attorney who will serve as a manager during the program and will provide guidance on projects
  • Pairing with an mentor who will serve as an additional advisor on resume review, interviewing, skill development, networking and other individual needs
  • Practice interviews; presentation development and delivery; and shadow attorneys on various projects
  • Opportunities to interview with selected local firms for potential 2L internships

The 1L summer internship will run for 10 weeks, between the dates of June 6, 2016 to August 12, 2016.  Summer interns will be paid a stipend of approximately $10,000, which shall accrue and be paid on an hourly basis.

Intern Requirements:

Applicants must be members ofthe National Association of Women Lawyers. They need to be enrolled at an ABA-accredited law school and have successfully completed the first year of law school with a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent). The applicant must be scheduled for graduation in spring 2018 (full-time students) or spring 2019 (part-time students).  The ideal applicant will have financial or business-related experience or interest.

Interns not local to New Jersey will be responsible for their own housing and transportation to and from Prudential’s office in Newark, New Jersey.

How to Apply:

To apply, you must submit a cover letter, resume, a list of three references, and a copy of your transcript to: 
Kelsey Vuillemot 
National Association of Women Lawyers
321 North Clark Street, MS 19.1
Chicago, IL 60654 

Please write “Prudential Internship” in the subject line of all correspondence.  All materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. EST on January 28, 2016.  Finalist shall be selected and notified by a Prudential HR Staff member on or before March 17, 2016.

2015-2016 Law Student Writing Competition

The United States Court of Federal Claims Bar Association announces that its annual Law Student Writing Competition for the 2015-2016 academic year is underway. The Court of Federal Claims Bar Association is a non-profit, voluntary bar association made up of nationwide members who practice law in the areas that lie within the specialized jurisdiction of the United States Court of Federal Claims. The goal of this competition is to encourage law student scholarship on current topics that lie within the jurisdiction of the United States Court of Federal Claims. The winning entry in the competition will receive a $3,500 cash prize and an opportunity to be published via the Association’s website.

The United States Court of Federal Claims was created pursuant to Article I of the United States Constitution in October 1982, by the Federal Courts Improvement Act. The court is authorized to hear primarily money claims founded upon the Constitution, federal statutes, executive regulations, or contracts with the United States.

The cases before the court are diverse and involve a variety of statutes. They include claims arising from tax refunds, government contracts, Fifth Amendment takings (which can implicate environmental and natural resource issues), Federal procurement “bid-protests,” Federal civilian and military pay matters, intellectual property disputes, Native American tribal rights, and the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation program.

Entries to the contest may address any topic that lies within the procedure, substance, or scope of the jurisdiction of the United States Court of Federal Claims. The rules of the contest are posted on the Association’s website.

Entry deadline is July 15, 2016.

FCBA Foundation Now Accepting Applications for Funding of Unpaid Communications-Related Legal Internships  

FCBA Foundation Now Accepting Applications for Funding of Unpaid Communications-Related Legal Internships:

For the 23rd consecutive year, the Federal Communications Bar Association Foundation will award stipends to law students from its Chairman Robert E. Lee Scholarship and Internship Fund.  The program provides stipends of up to $5,000 to outstanding law students employed as unpaid summer interns in positions with the FCC and other Federal, state, and local government agencies with a connection to the communications industry (i.e., broadcasting, cable television, telephony, satellite, wireless, and information technology).

To the extent a recipient receives funding from other sources (e.g., school) for the unpaid internship, the FCBA Foundation’s general policy is to adjust its stipend award so that a recipient’s total funding for the internship does not exceed $7,000.

In addition, the Foundation will select one outstanding intern among those chosen to receive an additional stipend for the summer—the “Max Paglin Award.”  Mr. Paglin was the former General Counsel and Executive Director of the FCC, and the founder of the Golden Jubilee Commission on Telecommunications, which compiled a definitive legislative history of the Communications Act.


Students must be enrolled in an ABA accredited law school, in good academic standing, and have a pending or accepted application for an unpaid internship with a local, state or federal government entity.  Students will be selected on the basis of:

  • Financial Need – 30 points
  • Essays – 30 points
  • Academic merit –  20 points
  • Nature of the work – 10 points
  • Resume and Recommendations – 10 points

Applications internship funding should be submitted online.

Applicants may be asked to interview with members of the Foundation Board; interviews may be conducted by telephone. 

Applications are due no later than April 1, 2016 and the winners will be notified by May 15, 2016.




DEADLINE: 5:00 pm EST, Jan. 20th.

The Hispanic National Bar Association is pleased to partner with Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to provide a meaningful summer internship opportunity for a highly-motivated first-year law student.  Through this partnership, Hispanic Bar Association will select one student to join the 2016 summer law intern class at Prudential for a 10-week internship at Prudential’s New Jersey offices, for a stipend of approximately $10,000.

Internship Description:

The summer internship will provide interns with the opportunity to work with attorneys who support the broad reach of Prudential’s businesses. Other features of the summer internship program include:

  • Paid attendance at the LCLD Scholars Summit in Chicago IL, May 19-21, 2016
  • Participation in training programs presented by Prudential attorneys highlighting different areas of the business and the legal department
  • Pairing with an attorney who will serve as a manager during the program and will provide guidance on projects
  • Pairing with an mentor who will serve as an additional advisor on resume review, interviewing, skill development, networking and other individual needs
  • Practice interviews; presentation development and delivery; and shadow attorneys on various projects
  • Opportunities to interview with selected local firms for potential 2L internships

The 1L summer internship will run for 10 weeks, between the dates of June 6, 2016 to August 12, 2016.  Summer interns will be paid a stipend of approximately $10,000, which shall accrue and be paid on an hourly basis.   

For more information on how to apply, please click here.