Want to Be Florida Bar Board Certified One Day?

Florida Bar Board Certification:  Student Information Session and Lunch

After only five years, many lawyers can demonstrate a commitment to professionalism and excellence in practice by seeking Board Certification. The Florida Bar now offers 22 specialty practice areas for Board Certification. Please join Board Certified Marital & Family Lawyer Terry L. Fogel — of Fogel Rubin & Fogel – to learn about the benefits of board certification and how to start preparing now as a student or young attorney.

This event takes place on October 2nd at 12:30 p.m. in Room 108. Pizza lunch provided!

Updating Your Resume as a Recent Graduate

Recent graduates – it is very important that you update your resume to reflect your bar membership status in its various stages, from sitting for the bar to being admitted.  The CDO Alumni Guide provides information on how to make these updates.   If you have any questions or would like someone to review your updated resume, please do not hesitate to contact one of our advisors.

As a reminder, the CDO annually compiles and reports employment statistics to the American Bar Association (ABA) and to NALP, The Association for Legal Career Professionals. This data will be used to determine the law school’s national ranking. Therefore, we encourage each graduate to fill out a Graduate Employment Survey.

The Graduate Employment Survey can now be accessed on Symplicity. To fill out the survey, please log on and select “Profile” from the top navigation bar. Then select the “Graduate Employment Survey” tab and complete as much information as you can. You can save your changes as well as review and edit your information at any time. Please note that your survey responses are completely confidential. If you do not have your Symplicity login information, please email the CDO with your name, graduation month and year and preferred email address. Please allow up to two (2) business days for a response.

Finally, don’t forget that the CDO is here for you during your post-graduate job search.  Do not hesitate to contact our office for assistance. 

Phase II // Session III of Fall OCI

Phase II of the Fall 2008 On Campus Interview (OCI) Program will take place from Monday, September 8 to Friday, October 31. As Phase II is longer than Phase I, it is divided into three sessions, the third of which will take place from Monday, October 13 through Friday, October 31.

To participate, you must complete the bidding process via the Symplicity system. Bidding for Phase II // Session III employers will begin Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. EST and will conclude Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 11:00 p.m. EST. You may log onto Symplicity to view those employers participating in Phase II // Session III. Please keep in mind that you will only be able to view those employers accepting applications from your class year or LL.M. program. Likewise, you will only be able to submit bids to those employers accepting applications from your class year or LL.M. program.

To help you through the bidding process, the CDO is providing you with detailed instructions on both the OCI program and the Symplicity system. The Fall 2008 On Campus Interview (OCI) Program Handbook is online or in hard copy at the CDO. Please take the time to read the Handbook to acclimate yourself with the Fall OCI process and the Symplicity system. For information related to the OCI program, please read the “General Information” section and FAQs. For specific instructions on how to view participating employers and bid using Symplicity, please read the “Student Guide to Symplicity.” Reading this information before bidding will answer most of the questions you have, will minimize any problems you may encounter with the system and will make the bidding process much easier for you.

The ABA International Law Section and China Committee

Interested in a career in international law and specifically in China-related matters? The ABA’s International Law Section and its China committee could be for you!

Student membership in the ABA is $25. Once a member, students can join the International Law Section and its China Committee for free.

The ABA, and the International Law Section offers opportunities for career development, networking and advancing your knowledge in crucial areas. The International Law Section has a variety of areas in which you can get involved and begin meeting contacts. The China Committee has substantial China-related resources at your disposal – beginning with its global network of people in the United States, China, and elsewhere.

To become a member of the ABA, go to http://www.abanet.org/join/ and select the student option. For help on joining, or if you’d like to get involved with the International Law Section or the China Committee, please feel free to contact Justin Evans.

Opportunities with the Department of State

The U.S. Department of State is now accepting applications for the Summer 2009 Student Internship Program. Applications must be completed online by November 3, 2008. A State Department internship is an opportunity for you to get an inside look at the different types of positions and responsibilities available in foreign affairs.

In addition, the Department of State sponsored Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program will offer intensive summer language institutes overseas in eleven critical need foreign languages for summer 2009. The CLS Program was launched in 2006 to offer intensive overseas study in the critical need foreign languages of Arabic, Bangla/Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Turkish and Urdu. In 2007, Chinese, Korean, Persian, and Russian institutes were added along with increased student capacity in the inaugural language institutes. In 2009, Azerbaijani will be offered at the intermediate and advanced levels.

The CLS Program provides fully-funded seven to ten week group-based intensive language instruction and extensive cultural enrichment experiences held overseas at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels (beginning not offered for Azerbaijani, Chinese, Persian or Russian) for U.S. citizens. More information is available on the CLS website. The deadline to apply is Friday, November 14, 2008.

How to Finance a Public Interest Career

Thinking about a public interest career but not sure how you can afford it? There may be a way!

Attend the HOPE meeting on Wednesday, September 24 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 109 and learn more about the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. This new program creates more options for students looking to work in the public interest. But, like most legislation, it is complicated so speaking at the meeting is Jeffrey Hanson, Ph.D., the Access Group’s Director of Borrower Education Services. He will be there to discuss the program and to answer your questions.

The Equal Justice Works website has more information on the College Cost Reduction Access Act on its website. More information on HOPE is available at its website.

Resources for Recent Graduates

Recent graduates – congratulations on graduating and completing the bar exam!

The CDO annually compiles and reports employment statistics to the American Bar Association (ABA) and to NALP, The Association for Legal Career Professionals. This data will be used to determine the law school’s national ranking. Therefore, we encourage each graduate to fill out a Graduate Employment Survey.

The Graduate Employment Survey can now be accessed on Symplicity. To fill out the survey, please log on and select “Profile” from the top navigation bar. Then select the “Graduate Employment Survey” tab and complete as much information as you can. You can save your changes as well as review and edit your information at any time. Please note that your survey responses are completely confidential. If you do not have your Symplicity login information, please email the CDO with your name, graduation month and year and preferred email address. Please allow up to two (2) business days for a response.

In addition to providing our office with vital statistical information, your completion of the survey will help the CDO provide you with specific assistance if you are still conducting a job search. The CDO offers comprehensive services for alumni including access to individual career counseling. To schedule an appointment, please call (305) 284-2668.

In addition, your account with Symplicity will always remain active, giving you access to the job posting database and the multitude of post-graduate opportunities listed. Other resources specifically useful to graduates:

The CDO Alumni Guide is geared specifically for the post-graduation job search, whether for your first job after graduation or your fourth.

The Intercollegiate Job Bank, a database of post-graduate job postings from around the country. This is a particularly useful tool for out-of-area job searches. The Job Bank is password protected. Please email the CDO for login information.

Reciprocity with other law schools around the country. For more information, please review the UM reciprocity policy. Please note that reciprocity is generally suspended nationwide from August 1 – November 30 due to fall recruiting.

More information on alumni resources is available in the alumni section of the CDO website.

Dade County Bar Association Law Student Membership

The Dade County Bar Association (DBCA) offers a law student membership for students currently enrolled at an ABA-accredited law school but who are not yet a member of the Florida Bar or the bar of some other state and have not yet actively engaged in the practice of law in Dade County.

The Dade County Bar Association Young Lawyers Section (“DCBA/YLS”) provides many opportunities for law student members to network at its various events throughout the year.

Membership is $25 and can be obtained by filling out a law student membership application.

To learn more about the DCBA /YLS and its events before deciding to join as a law student member, please contact Alice Sims of the DCBA office at (305) 371-2220.

Career Fair for Students and Alumni Interested in Alternative Careers

The University of Miami Toppel Career Center is hosting its annual Career Expo on September 17, 2008 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m at the BankUnited Center on campus. The Career Expo traditionally attracts close to 200 companies from various industries including the CIA, FBI, Ernst & Young, Goldman, Sachs & Co., The Miami Heat and more.

The Career Expo is open to all students and graduates of University of Miami. Attendees must come professionally dressed with plenty of copies of their resume.

This is an excellent opportunity for students and graduates interested in alternative careers. Click here for more information about the Career Expo, including a full list of participating employers.

State Department Networking Event

The United States Department of State invites University of Miami School of Law students and alumni to attend its Careers in the Foreign Service Diversity Networking Night on Wednesday, September 24 at The Westin Colonnade, Merrick Ballroom, 180 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables.

From 6:30pm-8:30pm, you will have the opportunity to meet U.S. diplomats, entry-level professionals and recent student interns who will share their experiences about life and work with the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. and abroad. Network with your peers while learning about careers in the Foreign Service. You’ll discover how your current experience, knowledge and skills can transition into one of the most unique careers in the world. Please visit www.mpnsite.com/rsvp.asp by Friday, September 19 to register. Seating is limited.For further information about summer and post-graduate opportunities with the U.S. Department of State, visit careers.state.gov.