The Foreign Policy Association has a Career Center

The Foreign Policy Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring the American public to learn more about the world. Founded in 1918, FPA serves as a catalyst for developing awareness, understanding of, and providing informed opinions on global issues. Through its balanced, nonpartisan programs and publications, the FPA encourages citizens to participate in the foreign policy process.

What the FPA Does:

  • Great Decisions: FPA’s national, grass-roots discussion program
  • Career Services: Tools for established and emerging foreign policy professionals
  • Meetings: Convening policymakers and leaders across government and industry
  • PBS Television Series: America’s longest running television program on U.S. foreign policy
  • Foreign Policy Blogs: Tracking global developments from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe

To access the Career Center and Job Board to search job opportunities, visit the website.

PILnet Offers Unpaid Internships in Public Interest Advocacy and Human Rights in Europe and Asia

PILnet offers unpaid internships for students willing to gain experience in the promotion of public interest advocacy and human rights in Europe and Asia. Internships are normally ten to twelve weeks in length, 40 hours a week, and are offered in the spring (February to May), summer (June to August), and fall (September to November) of each year, depending on the needs of each PILnet office.

Interns can expect to work for PILnet’s communications staff and/or in one or more of the following areas:

  • Pro Bono
  • Legal Aid Reform
  • Legal Education Reform

Interns are selected based on the following considerations:

  • Demonstrated commitment to public interest law and human rights principles
  • Knowledge of one or more language(s) of the countries where PILnet programs are being implemented
  • Understanding of what PILnet does
  • Communication skill
  • Academic achievement
  • Candidates interested in being an intern in the Beijing office must be fluent in Mandarin

Applications for PILnet internships are accepted and decided upon on a rolling basis. Applicants are requested to submit the following documents:

  • A cover letter describing your interest in an internship at PILnet, including specific program areas and/or projects on which you would like to work, relevant theoretical and/or practical experience, and the specific time period of your proposed internship. Your letter should also make clear your understanding that the internship is non-remunerated, and should identify external sources of funding for the internship.
  • A curriculum vitae, including contact information for two people who can comment on the applicant’s potential to undertake a PILnet internship successfully.
  • A law school transcript.

Applications should be submitted to the office where the internship will take place:

For additional information, visit the website.

NACDL Diversity Task Force 2012 Summer Law Fellowships in Criminal Defense

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is seeking up to five (5) Minority Law Fellows to match with exceptional, experienced, criminal defense attorney members for up to eight (8) weeks working in a criminal defense law practice. The purpose of the fellowship is to advance diversity in the criminal defense community by giving underrepresented populations an opportunity to gain experience in a criminal defense law practice. Fellows will actively intern inWashington, D.C., New York, NY, San Juan, PR, or Denver, CO, as well as be invited to participate in NACDL events and networking opportunities during the summer. Each Fellow will receive a weekly stipend of $500.00

Interested applicants must 1) be law students in good academic standing enrolled in an ABA accredited law school at the time the application is submitted; 2) submit a personalized cover letter that addresses a) a first & second placement preference and b) why the applicant wants to be a NACDL Fellow; 3) submit a 1-2 page resume; 4) fully complete the entry form; and 5) email a completed application package to Daniel Weir by January 17, 2012 by 4:00 p.m. EST. To confirm receipt of submission, contact Daniel Weir. Other questions? Contact Geneva Vanderhorst, attention: NACDL Fellowship.

For entry form and written assignments, visit the website.

Fulbright Public Policy Fellowships — Deadline: February 1, 2012

The Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship, a component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, will be inaugurated in academic year 2012-13.  The Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship will allow fellows to serve in professional placements in foreign government ministries or institutions and gain hands-on public sector experience in participating foreign countries while simultaneously carrying out an academic research/study project.

Fulbright Public Policy Fellowships will be offered in the following countries:

U.S. Embassies, Fulbright Commissions (where applicable), and host country governments will coordinate appropriate professional placements for candidates in public policy areas including, but not limited to, public health, education, agriculture, justice, energy, environment, public finance, economic development, information technology, and communications. 

Candidates must be in receipt of a master’s or J.D. degree by the beginning of the Fellowship (Summer – Fall 2012) or be currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program.  Applicants must also have at least two years of work experience in public policy-related fields. 

The Application for the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship opens on November 4, 2011.  Applicants must complete and submit the Fulbright U.S. Student Application including the supplemental Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship section by February 1, 2012Departure for assignments will begin in Summer – Fall 2012.

 To access the application click here.

For more information or to apply, visit the website.   


PSLawNet Updated its Summer Funding Page

PSLawNet added new resources. You can check out the updated summer funding resources page here.

Also, make sure to check the career fairs page for fast-approaching 2012 fairs!

You can also read the PSLawNet Blog for updated information.


Attend The 25th Annual Robert M. Cover Public Interest Law Retreat!

Spots are filling up fast!

The 25th Annual Robert M. Cover Public Interest Law Retreat is taking place in Peterborough, New Hampshire from March 2-4, 2012. The Retreat brings together public interest law students and practitioners for an engaging weekend of learning, networking and fun. The 25th Annual Cover Retreat is being organized by students from Vermont Law and Albany Law and sponsored by Yale Law School and Society of American Law Teachers (SALT).

When: March 2-4, 2012

Where: Sargent Center, Peterborough, NH

Cost: $150 (includes retreat fees, lodging, and all meals/food).

Register online.  A flier/poster about the retreat is available for download from the Retreat website. The registration Deadline is February 16, 2012.  All interested students should register as soon as possible. There is limited space at the Retreat Center.

Travel and Carpool: If you have travel questions, contact Ben Smilowitz, Cover Retreat 2012 Support Executive Director, Disaster Accountability Project.  Students should check with him before booking flights or trains to confirm that they are arriving early enough on Friday or departing late enough on Sunday to get rides to/from the Retreat site.

Plane: Students can fly to Manchester (MHT), Hartford (BDL), or Boston (BOS) and will be helped to find carpools from those airports.

Train: Students can take trains to Hartford or Springfield and join carpools from either location.

Car: It is expected that multi-school carpools will depart from NYC, Hartford, Springfield, Boston and possibly Washington, DC.

Students should aim to arrive at the Retreat Site between 3:30-5:30PM on Friday March 2nd.  The Retreat will end at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 4th.



Read “Life Upon the Wicked Stage” for Great Interviewing and Job Search Tips

The Career Development Office has several articles and tips on its website, ranging from markets trends to networking. Last month, William A. Chamberlain wrote a terrific piece on interviewing and job search tips for attorneys. To read this article titled Life Upon the Wicked Stage: Lessons Lawyers Can Learn From the Acting Profession, please visit the CDO link under the heading of “Relevant Articles, Networking & Job Search Advice” or visit the National Law Journal website.

This Week at the CDO (Week of November 28, 2011)

Tuesday, November 29

Last day of classes – Congratulations on the completion of the fall 2011 semester!

Information about Reading Period, Finals and Winter Break – The Career Development Office will remain open during reading period, finals and winter break.  Students and alumni are welcome to contact our office to schedule advising appointments during this time.

This Week at the CDO will return in January, 2012.


The Career Services Office (CSO) at the University of North Carolina School of Law Seeks Career Counselor

The Career Services Office (CSO) at the University of North Carolina School of Law seeks an eighty percent-time (i.e., approximately 32 hours per week; working 4 days per week) Career Counselor who reports to the Assistant Dean for Career Services and is primarily responsible for providing career advising to students and alumni interested in positions in federal, state, and local government, as well as planning and promoting CSO events, programs, and seminars. In terms of benefits, the position is considered full-time and provides full health benefits and prorated leave earnings. 

Applicants must have 1) a Juris Doctor from an accredited law school and two years of professional experience OR an advanced degree in an appropriate discipline and substantial experience in a career services office, government agency, or nonprofit organization, and 2) excellent writing, administrative, and interpersonal skills.  Preferred qualifications include experience in an area of law related to public service, familiarity with government career opportunities (both summer and permanent), familiarity with theNorth Carolina legal market, experience in advising students, and familiarity with the academic program at the UNC School of Law.

Review of applications will begin immediately, and the position is open until filled.  To apply, please upload a resume and cover letter.  All questions should be directed to Brian Lewis, Assistant Dean for Career Services, by email. For more information about UNC School of Law, please visit the website.   



The Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Project (Summer 2012)

The ABA Section of Antitrust Law will again sponsor the Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Opportunity project that is open to 1Ls and 2Ls only.  Students will submit an application to be placed for a minimum of eight weeks during the summer of 2012 in the consumer protection department of one of 23 participating State Attorneys General offices, Georgia Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs, State of Hawaii, and the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.  Please view all participating offices on the website and in the application form.

Each selected student will receive a $5,000 stipend for the summer (administered through the offices of the state attorneys general and subject to certain federal taxes).  The Project, in its discretion offers an optional small supplemental housing/travel allowance (administered through the American Bar Association Section of antitrust Law) where a clear need is demonstrated.  This supplemental allowance will not be considered until after Fellows have been selected.

The application period is November 4, 2011 until January 31, 2012.  Applications will not be accepted beyond the January 31, 2012 deadline date.  Students must submit: (1) the application form; (2) resume; (3) writing sample; and (4) statement of interest.  The application form available on the website, or ask your CDO advisor.