The Miami Lakes Bar Association invites you to attend “If it’s Not Covered, Is it the Agent’s Fault?”

The Miami Lakes Bar Association invites you to attend “If it’s Not Covered, Is it the Agent’s Fault?”, a CLE approved luncheon presented by Brent Winans, Vice President of Clear Advantage Risk Management on Thursday, October 18, 2012 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Italy Today Restaurant, 6743 Main Street, Banquet Room, Miami Lakes, Florida 33014.

NEW REDUCED LUNCH RATE! $25 members; $30 non-members.

RSVP now online or via email– Space is Limited.

Please indicate your entree preference: (Chicken Limone or Skirt Steak Toscano).

About the Speaker:

Mr. Winans serves as an expert on both sides of these cases, and his objective will be to help better evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of insurance agents’ E&O cases. Mr. Winans has served as a: State Farm Insurance agent; Independent insurance agent; Independent agency office manager; Fee-based risk management consultant; Vice President of Risk Management for an international company which owned the Colorado Rockies Baseball team and the world’s largest broker of nuclear fuel; and Liaison between the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) and the Independent Agents’ Association. Mr. Winans holds the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designations. He has published articles in numerous publications, including Business Insurance, Risk Management Magazine, IRMI’s Risk Report, and Florida Tax Watch’s “Ideas in Action.”

ASIL Career Mentoring Program-October 19, 2012, 3-5:00 p.m. in Atlanta!


As part of the American Society of International Law’s upcoming Midyear Meeting and Research Forum in Atlanta and Athens,GA, October 19-21, 2012, ASIL is hosting a career mentoring program. Geared to students and new professionals interested in learning more about various international law career paths, the event will offer interaction with experienced public and private international legal professionals. The program is designed as a “speed-mentoring” event, during which participants will be able to circulate among small group discussions with practicing lawyers. Work in multinational firms, NGOs, U.S. government agencies, international organizations and multinational corporations will be explored.

Location: COCA-COLA Company Campus, 1 COCA-COLA Plaza, NW, Atlanta, GA.

The Career and Mentoring program will feature representatives from a variety of organizations, including:

  • COCA-COLA, Inc.
  • The U.S. State Department
  • Thompson Hine LLP
  • The Lawyers Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection

To attend just the Career Mentoring Program OR the entire ASIL Midyear Meeting and Research Forum for free, register here using the code “APCOMP”. (A copy of a valid student ID or other verification of student status will be required upon check in).

Questions? Contact the Society’s Member Service Center.

Global Development Policy Internship – Spring 2013

The Global Development Policy program seeks an enthusiastic intern for the Spring of 2013. Women Thrive Worldwide (formerly Women’s Edge Coalition) develops, shapes and advocates for U.S. policies that foster economic opportunity for women living in poverty around the world. They focus on making U.S. international assistance programs prioritize women. Women Thrive Worldwide brings together a diverse coalition of over 50 organizations and 30,000 individuals united in the belief empowering women is the most effective long-term solution to world poverty.

Women Thrive Worldwide has researched and developed several initiatives including the GAINS for Women and Girls Act, the Trade Impact Review, the Global Resources and Opportunities for Women to Thrive (GROWTH) Act, the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) and the Women, Faith and Development Alliance (WFDA).

Among the duties of the Global Development Policy intern are: researching and drafting advocacy materials on gender, women’s poverty, and women’s empowerment in international development programming; organizing Women Thrive Worldwide’s members for meetings with Congress; organizing and attending coalition meetings for various initiatives; tracking current legislation; attending meetings on a variety of issues related to women and U.S. assistance throughout Washington DC, etc.

For qualifications/criteria and additional information, please visit the website. 

Time Commitment: Minimum 20 hours per week starting mid-January until May. Full-time interns are welcome. 

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Close of Business, Friday, October 19.

To apply, please send the following to Lara Pukatch, Manager, Policy and Government Affairs, via email:

  • Cover letter (including availability and tentative start and end dates)
  • Resume
  • 2-3 page writing sample
  • Contact information for 3 professional/academic references (including name of reference, organization, nature of relationship, email and phone number)

No phone calls/faxes please. Be sure to mention “Global Development Policy Internship” in the subject line of your email.


Read The National Jurist Insider article “Big Firm Salaries Drop: What it Means”

Starting salaries at the nation’s largest firms dropped this year from $160,000 to $145,000 for law firms with 700 or more attorneys, according to a new study by NALP, the association for legal career professionals. To learn more, please read The National Jurist Insider article titled “Big Firm Salaries Drop: What it Means” by clicking here.


The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans-2013 Fellowships-Deadline is November 7, 2012

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans are for study toward graduate degrees in any discipline or profession including fine and performing arts at any accredited university in the United States. they provide up to $90,000 over 2 years: $25,000/year for maintenance; up to $20,000/year for tuition.


  • If born abroad, be a naturalized citizen or hold a green card;
  • If born in the U.S., be the child of 2 ommogrant parents, one or both of whom are naturalized citizens;
  • Have a bachelor’s degree or be on track to earn one by June 2013. If in a graduate program, you should be in your 1st or 2nd year in 2013-2014;
  • Maximum age: 30 years old.

Deadline to apply is November 9, 2012.

For application instructions and additional details, visit the website.


UC Irvine School of Law is Seeking Assistant Dean of Career Development

The UC Irvine School of Law is currently recruiting for an Assistant Dean of Career Development. Reporting directly to the Dean, the Assistant Dean of Career Development is a member of the School’s senior management team and is responsible for the overall administration, organization, budgetary and staff resources for theLawSchool’s Career Development Office. The Assistant Dean is charged with developing and implementing creative recruitment strategies for increasing the diversity and number of employment opportunities available to UCI Law students.

The Assistant Dean represents the Law School to external constituencies including the legal community, potential employers and the public and supervises four staff. Position requires experience as an attorney, excellent communication skills, diplomacy and institutional knowledge and perspective. Experience administering a law school career services program is strongly preferred.

For details of the job posting, please visit the website. Click on Job Listings, search by job number 2012-0656, and apply online. Preference will be given to applications received by 10/31/12 but position will remain opened until filled.


HOPE Public Interest News for the Week of October 1, 2012

Please read below for upcoming events on campus, opportunities in the community, and other announcements.


Thursday, October 4th, HOPE/CDO: Tell Your Story-Marketing Yourself Like a Pro!, 12:30 pm, Room A110. Join the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center and the CDO to learn how to market yourself quickly and succinctly. This program is offered in advance of the Equal Justice Works Career Fair, to be held on 10/26 & 10/27 in Washington, D.C., but is open to all students.

Miami Scholar Alumna Fara Gold, JD ’03, wins Attorney General’s Award! 

Events on Campus:

October 1st-4th, Wellness Week at Miami Law. The goal of Wellness Week is to educate the law school community about the importance of building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Please click here with questions and see click here for events.

Historic Black Church Project Voting Rights Card. Help Miami residents know their rights at the polls.

Events off Campus:

Monday, October 1st, 2013 South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual and Media Artists Fellowship Workshop for Miami-Dade Artists. 6 pm, LegalArt, 1035 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33136. RSVP here.

Wednesday, October 3rd, Legal Line. 6 pm, Dade County Bar Association. DCBA Legal Line, a free legal advice monthly call-in program, continues on the first Wednesday of each month from 6 – 9 pm. Volunteer attorneys and supervised law students will answer simple legal questions, give brief legal advice or refer the call to the appropriate social service agency for further assistance. Contact Derek Leon at 305-415-3431 if you are interested in volunteering.

October 16th -20th, ABA Section of International Law 2012 Fall Meeting. Miami Beach, FL. The Fall Meeting is one of the world’s most important gatherings of international lawyers that attracts over 1,500 attendees. The ABA offers free admission to the educational portion of the meeting to any person who serves in a volunteer capacity for 1 four-hour shift or for evening events if you volunteer for a two-hour shift at the beginning of the event. Students can pay to attend as well. Check out details here and e-mail Gretchen Bellamy to volunteer.

Thursday, October 25th, Americans for Immigrant Justice. 6 pm, Sabadell United Bank, 1111 Brickell Ave., 30th Floor. RSVP by October 22 to Shawn Joost. Join Americans for Immigrant Justice for cocktails & hors d’oeuvres. 

October 26th – 27th, Equal Justice Works Conference and Career Fair. Arlington, VA. Each year the Equal Justice Works Conference and Career Fair brings together more than 1,200 public interest law students from 200 law schools all under one roof. Eligibility for a $100 travel stipend through HOPE and a $25 registration fee reimbursement through the Career Development Office. Click here for more info and e-mail with questions.

Announcements & Opportunities: 

Help Young Immigrants Achieve Their American Dream. Volunteers needed. Join other Miami law students in helping young “Dreamers” apply for immigration status called deferred action. Sign up today to help change someone’s life. Sponsored by Miami Law Immigration Clinic and the HOPE Public interest Resource Center. Contact Amanda Roesch to volunteer. 

Department of Labor Honors Program. The U.S. Department of Labor is now accepting applications for its Honors Program for Fall 2013. Applicants must graduate from law school in Spring or Summer 2013 or complete a judicial clerkship or legal fellowship in time to start the Honors Program in September 2013. Deadline is October 12th!!! Visit the website for more information. 

Pro Bono Law Clerk Position: Egyptian-American Rule of Law Association seeks a 2L or 3L. Ten-week law clerk wanted. Work virtually from home or in EARLA’s Washington, D.C. office on various substantive projects including drafting policy papers on Egyptian law, analyzing ongoing changes in Egypt’s legal system, and attending conferences on behalf of EARLA. Visit the website for more information. Interested law students should send a resume, transcript, writing sample and a brief statement of interest via email.

The Center for Reproductive Rights announces Fellowship and Summer Internship Openings 

2013 Summer Legal Internship at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Offered in FL, GA, LA, MS, and AL. Visit the website for more information.

Legal Services of Greater Miami still has several positions available this semester. The placement runs from October through approximately the first week in December. E-mail HOPE for the application and more information. 

Public Interest JobsYour number 1 guide for public interest jobs, government postings, and federal legal employment opportunities. Search by city, interest, and much more.

Books and Buddies is looking for volunteers! The Books and Buddies program is a fun and non-time consuming way to work with children and help out the community. Law students are paired with a fourth grade buddy with whom they will write a story throughout the semester. It takes no more than 20 minutes per week. Please e-mail Books & Buddies to get involved.

Donate LexisNexis points to HOPE! You can donate $4 to HOPE with 230 LexisNexis points! Don’t let those points go to waste. All funds will go to support public interest fellowships and scholarships. E-mail here for details. 

Watch your e-mail for special fall break pro bono opportunities.


The Romulo Gallegos Fellowship 2013

1) Venue of Fellowship: Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS). Address:1889 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20006

2) Modality: On-site

3) Deadline to present applications: October 31, 2012

4) Start and End Dates: January 16, 2013 to December 31, 2013

5) Length of the Fellowship: 11 ½ (eleven and a half) months

6) Objective: To provide an opportunity for young lawyers from OAS Member States to understand and apply the mechanisms of protection of the inter-American system of human rights.

7) Program: a) To assist with tasks of the Executive Secretariat of the Commission, under the supervision of its human rights specialists during the period of the fellowship; and b) at the end of the fellowship, present to the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR a detailed report on activities carried out by the fellow.

8) Requirements:

  • Be a citizen of an OAS Member State;
  • Be bilingual in Spanish and English (attach certificates testifying thereto), knowledge of French or Portuguese desirable;
  • Have graduated in law from an officially recognized university (attach copy of the law degree and grades obtained);
  • Have received law degree after January 1, 2006;
  • Have a demonstrable professional interest in the legal field of human rights;
  • Be registered as an attorney before the courts or the appropriate professional body; in the absence of registration, indicate the reason; and
  • Present a paper of up to five pages, not edited by another person, on one or more human rights issues of interest to the candidate.

9) Required documents: The following documents are required in order to be considered for the fellowship:

  • Letter of interest
  • Completed Fellowship Application (LINK)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Certification of second language a Copy of law degree and grades obtained a Proof of registration as an attorney before the courts or the appropriate professional body (if applicable)
  • Written paper of up to five pages

10) Benefits:

  • The IACHR provides a monthly stipend of US$3,000.00 for the period covered by the fellowship, that is US$34,500.00 total for 11½ months. With the stipend provided, the fellow is responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage of his/her choosing for the duration of the fellowship, and should provide proof of coverage to the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR.
  • Round-trip economy class air transportation from the participant’s country of residence toWashington, D.C. Terminal and transfer expenses are not covered.
  • The IACHR will award a certificate of participation in the Fellowship Program to the fellows who satisfactorily complete the entire period of the fellowship.

11) Responsibilities of the selected candidates:

  • Once an applicant has been selected, he/she should formally accept the fellowship in writing, confirming with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights his/her availability to complete the fellowship during the specified time period. Once accepted, the IACHR will proceed with the necessary arrangements for purchase of round-trip economy air transportation between the candidate’s country of origin/residence and Washington, D.C.
  • In the event a candidate accepts a fellowship but cannot complete it, for whatever reason, he/she must immediately inform the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights so that the course of action may be decided.
  • It is the responsibility of each selected candidate to request and obtain the necessary visa to enter theUnited States, and/or transit visa (if applicable) in a timely manner. The IACHR will not incur in any expense related to the processing of immigration or visa documents. The IACHR will provide the candidate a document certifying his/her selection as an official fellow of the IACHR so that he/she may request the corresponding visa, which is the sole responsibility of the selected candidate. In addition, the OAS will send a diplomatic note to the Embassy or Consulate where the selected candidate will be requesting his/her visa, certifying the fellow’s selection.
  • It is the responsibility of the selected candidate to arrive in a timely manner so that he/she will be present for the commencement of the fellowship on the date established by the IACHR.
  • If the selected candidate declines the fellowship after the flight ticket has been purchased, or does not travel on the established dates or changes routes, the candidate shall reimburse the IACHR the cost of the flight ticket or any additional costs incurred. The latter includes any additional costs, if any, incurred by the IACHR, such as extra costs for accommodation during the candidate’s travel to and from Washington, D.C.
  • If the candidate resigns, cancels or terminates the fellowship after the program has begun without providing sufficient reason and evidence to the IACHR for doing so, he/she will fully reimburse the IACHR for all costs incurred on his/her behalf.

12) Presentation of candidates:

The application and other required documents indicated in sections 8 and 9 must be submitted to the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR prior to the closing date of the application period, by email, fax or mail.


Public Service Jobs Directory (PSJD) Postgraduate Public Interest Fellowships: Application Deadline Calendar for October 2012

October 2012 Postgraduate Fellowships Deadlines:

10/1/2012: American Society of International Law – International Law Fellows

10/1/2012: Council on Foreign Relations – International Affairs Fellowship

10/1/2012: Council on Foreign Relations – International Affairs Fellowship inJapan

10/1/2012: Council on Foreign Relations – International Affairs Fellowship inSouth   Korea

10/1/2012: Equal Justice Society (EJS) – Constance Baker Motley Civil Rights Fellowship

10/1/2012:HarvardUniversity – Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study – Radcliffe Institute Fellowship

10/1/2012: Skadden Fellowship Foundation – Fellowship Grants

10/1/2012: Scoville Foundation – Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship

10/1/2012:JuvenileLawCenter – Zubrow Fellowship in Children’s Law

10/1/2012:U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) – Honors Program

10/2/2012:Michigan Society of Fellows – Postdoctoral Fellowships

10/5/2012:Vermont Judiciary Trial Court – Trial Court Clerk

10/12/2012: Business & Professional People for the Public Interest (BPI) – Poliakoff-Gautreaux Fellowship

10/12/2012: Open Society Justice Initiative – Fellowship Funding

10/15/2012: Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation (U.S. Liaison Office) – German Chancellor Fellowship

10/15/2012: Cultural Vistas – Robert Bosch Fellowship

10/15/2012: Equal Rights Advocates – Ruth Chance Law Fellow

10/16/2012: GatesCambridge Trust – GatesCambridge Scholarship

10/17/2012: Institute ofInternational Education – Fulbright Fellowship

10/19/2012: University ofCaliforniaLos AngelesSchool of Law – The Williams Institute – Law Teaching Fellowship

10/29/2012: Center for Reproductive Rights – Columbia/CFRR Fellowship

10/31/2012: Environmental Law Institute – Public Interest Environmental Law Fellowship

10/21/2012: Fair Trial Initiative – Osborn Fellowship

10/312012: Alliance for Justice – Dorot Fellowship

Some deadlines may be extended or changed, so you should always verify deadlines with the employer or host organization or ask your CDO advisor.

For additional information, please visit the website.

This Week at the CDO (Week of October 1, 2012)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012: 

  • Tax LL.M. Luncheon – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., F-108 

Thursday, October 4, 2012: 

  • HOPE/CDO: Tell Your Story-Marketing Yourself Like a Pro! – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Room F-109