The Clinton Global Initiative University – Funding Available for CGIU 2013 Students

More than $300,000 is now available for CGIU 2013 student attendees to turn their ideas into action. To be eligible for either of these funding opportunities, students must first apply online to attend CGIU 2013. The final application deadline is January 30, 2013.

The Resolution Social Venture Challenge:

This year, CGIU is proud to work in conjunction with The Resolution Project, an organization dedicated to youth leadership development through social entrepreneurship. The Resolution Project will provide $100,000 in seed funding to CGIU 2013 students through the Social Venture Challenge, a competition which will identify and support undergraduate students from around the world who offer innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. CGIU student attendees may apply for up to $5,000 in seed funding for their Commitments to Action. Social Venture Challenge finalists will pitch their ideas at CGIU 2013 and the winners will be announced in St. Louis on Saturday, April 6, 2013. Students must first apply and be accepted to CGIU 2013 in order to apply for the Social Venture Challenge.

The CGI University Network:

The CGI University Network is a growing consortium of colleges and universities that support, mentor and provide seed funding to leading student innovators and entrepreneurs on their respective campuses. Thus far, 21 colleges and universities have joined the University Network and agreed to provide more than $200,000 in funding to CGIU 2013 commitment-makers from their respective campuses. Any CGIU student from a University Network school is eligible for funding, and may receive seed funding for commitments and/or travel assistance to attend the CGIU meeting.

Students, take advantage of these opportunities by applying online for CGIU 2013.

For more information, contact CGIU via email.

A Miami Law Student Seeks to Sublet One Bedroom Apartment From January Through July 2013


A Miami Law student seeks to sublet one bedroom of a two bedroom apartment from January through July 2013.  The apartment is a short walk from campus, located in a building with a pool and weight room.  The apartment is a two bedroom, two bath unit.  The available room can be furnished or unfurnished, and the rent can be negotiated.  If interested in learning more, please email the CDO to be put in touch with the student looking to sublet.

Join the ABA Law Student Division 2013-2014 Leadership Team

Visit the website for the specific eligibility requirements, nomination/application forms, deadlines and delivery instructions.

The ABA Law Student Division has numerous leadership positions available either by election or appointment. Among the many opportunities and benefits, ABA Law Student Division leadership will provide you with:

  • The opportunity to work with law student leaders across the country, including SBA Presidents, ABA Representatives, national law student organization leaders, as well as licensed attorneys and judges;
  • The opportunity to participate in roundtables, debates, and discussions addressing law student issues and concerns;
  • The ability to foster your leadership, diplomacy, and project management skills; and
  • The opportunity to create policy and present legal education issues that affect law students regionally and nationally.

Past leaders have stated that the professional, educational, and personal rewards they gained from their experience as an ABA Law Student Division leader were invaluable. If you enjoy a good challenge and are ready to roll up your sleeves, enhance your leadership experience, and work toward improving the legal education experience of your fellow classmates, then we strongly encourage you to submit your nomination or application for one of the leadership positions outlined below. All candidates must be ABA Law Student Division members in good standing (dues paid in full). Nominations must be signed by your dean and postmarked by the deadline date indicated. Please visit here for the eligibility requirements, the nomination/application forms, deadlines and mailing instructions.

Law Student Division Board of Governors positions:

Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary-Treasurer: The offices of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer are part of the Division’s Executive Committee and participate in the Division’s overall operations, long-range planning, execution of a legislative agenda, and developing/maintaining ABA membership in the Division. The officers work with the Circuit Governors, Delegates, and Division Liaisons to better serve law student members and work to increase awareness of ABA offerings to law students across the country. Officers are voting members of the ABA Law Student Division Board of Governors which meets four times per year. Nominations must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 1, 2013.

Division Represenative to the ABA Board of Governor: This officer position serves as a voting member on both the Division’s Board of Governors and the ABA Board of Governors. The representative advocates the Law Student Division positions to the ABA Board of Governors and works for adoption of Division and other initiatives filed with the ABA Board that directly affect law students. Nominations must be received via email by 11:59pm on January 15, 2013.

Circuit Governor: The (15) circuit governors represent and advocate for law students in their regional circuits. Circuit Governors work with the Division officers, delegates and other ABA leaders to develop and promote ABA programs, offerings, services and initiatives. Circuit Governors also cultivate relationships with other leaders of the legal community in their circuit. Circuit Governors are voting members of the ABA Law Student Division Board of Governors which meets four times per year. Nominations must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 1, 2013.

Student Editor for Student Lawyer magazine: The student editor works with the editor of Student Lawyer magazine and is responsible for authoring copy for Student Lawyer’s Division Dialogue section and for reviewing magazine copy on a monthly basis. The student editor serves as a non-voting member of the ABA Law Student Division Board of Governors which meets four times per year. Applications must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 1, 2013.

The following positions are appointed and applications must be received via email by 11:59pm on February 15, 2013:

Entity Liaisons: The Law Student Division appoints student liaisons to the over 60ABA specialty practice areas. The Division Liaisons represent the Law Student Division to their appointed ABA specialty practice entity, work with those specialty practice areas to develop law student programs and services, and report to the Division on issues pertaining to law students that arise at entity meetings.

National Student Directors: One National Student Director is selected to coordinate the Division’s VITA program while the other four directors are appointed to work with one of the Division’s four competition committees: Arbitration, Client Counseling, Negotiation, and Appellate Advocacy. Travel is required for the competition positions.

If you have any questions or would like more information about any leadership position, please do not hesitate to email the ABA or contact one of the ABA Law Student Division leaders listed here for details.

HOPE Public Interest News for the Week of December 17, 2012

Featured Events: Spring 2013

(1Ls and 2Ls – this is how you can get involved!) 


  • January 22nd, VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Training Session, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, Room TBD. Volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation to individuals with low to moderate incomes ($50,000 maximum income), individuals with disabilities, non-English speaking taxpayers, and the elderly.  
  • January 29th, Gideon Project Training Session, 12:30 – 2 pm, Room TBD. Work in teams to conduct a series of court observations in determining whether litigants understand their rights in criminal and traffic court.  
  • January 28th, Public Interest Summer Opportunities, 12:30 -2 pm, E352. Discover some of the exciting summer opportunities including HOPE Fellowships, the Summer Public Interest Program, Clinics, Externships, and the African Probate & Policy Initiative.  
  • January 30th, 1st On-Campus VITA Session, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm, Law School Campus.  


  • February 6th, Legal Line at Dade County Bar Association, 6 – 9 pm. Help attorneys provide free legal assistance to callers throughout Miami-Dade County by participating in February’s featured event. Email HOPE for more information or to carpool. 
  • February 15th, Deadline for Applying for HOPE Summer Fellowships, Summer Public Interest Fellowships, and the African Probate & Policy Initiative.  Email HOPE for more information. These application deadlines are distinct from summer clinic application deadlines. More information about Summer Clinics will follow. 
  • February 28th, Public Interest Lecture Series, 12:30 – 2 pm, A-216B. Join us for small roundtable style lunch featuring dedicated public interest and private attorneys handling pro bono matters in the public interest. 


  • March 22nd, Tour of Krome Detention Center, 1 – 4 pm. Join us for the featured event of March: a tour of one of the most well-known immigration detention centers in the United States. We will be leaving the law school campus at 12:30 pm. Click here for information on the facility. 
  • March 28th, Public Interest Lecture Series, 12:30 – 2 pm, A-110A. Join us for small roundtable style luncheons featuring dedicated public interest and private attorneys handling pro bono matters in the public interest.


  • April 18th, Public Interest Spring Recognition Reception, 5 – 8 pm, Student Lounge. Celebrate your hard work throughout the year with awards, recognition of service, food, and more.  
  • April TBD, Put Something Back Pro Se Clinic, 12 – 2 pm, Bankruptcy Courthouse, Room 1510. Interested in bankruptcy law? April’s featured event connects students with attorneys to answer questions from potential debtors about simple bankruptcy proceedings.

Featured Fellowships 

Equal Justice Works: New application period for 2013 Summer Corps program. Applications accepted on a rolling basis beginning Tuesday, December 18, 2012 until Monday, March 18, 2013. See here for program details.

2013 Deborah T. Poritz Summer Public Interest Legal Fellowship Program. Approximately 15 positions are available for first and second year law students at Legal Services of New Jersey. Click here for application.

FASPE (Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics) is now accepting applications for a fellowship that uses the conduct of lawyers and judges in Nazi Germany as a launching point for an intensive two-week early summer program about contemporary legal ethics. Click here for information.

The Echoing Green Fellowship awards up to $90,000 of start-up capital to promising entrepreneurs starting up new organizations aiming to create large-scale social impact.

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) University. Information and application located HERE.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Division seeks second year law students as legal interns to assist with its enforcement and outreach efforts. Please send a cover letter, resume, and writing sample (5-10 pages) via email to apply. The positions are unpaid, but visit our website to find out how you can qualify for a HOPE Fellowship.

2013 Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Application Period Now Open. The Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Program, established in 2004 on the recommendation of the ASIL Honors Committee, recognizes the legacy of Arthur Helton, a remarkable ASIL member who died in the August 19, 2003, bombing of the UN mission in Baghdad along with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Sergio Viera de Mello and 20 others. For details and application, click here. 

Announcements & Opportunities 

Pro Bono Legal Research Project: Looking for 1-2 students (2Ls and 3Ls only) to complete a research project no later than January 22nd. Research includes a comprehensive review of unlawful sub-delegation of federal powers to third parties. E-mail here if you are interested.

2013 Akin Gump Summer Pro Bono Scholars Program is a two-summer program for top law students who show a strong interest in making pro bono an integral part of their Akin Gump careers.

Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia Community Legal Education Initiative is currently accepting applications for its 2013 June-July Legal Studies Externship Program. The Program offers an opportunity to make a real contribution to assisting others in overcoming the hardships and legal inequity in Southeast Asia.

19th Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference, February 22-23, 2013. Registration is now open! HOPE will provide a $100 travel stipend to students who have not already used the benefit through EJW.

The Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (OARM) at the U.S. Department of Justice Seeking an Experienced Attorney for the OARM Legal Recruitment Team

The Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management (OARM) at the U.S. Department of Justice is seeking an experienced attorney (GS-14/15) to serve on the OARM Legal Recruitment team under the direction of the Deputy Director for Legal Recruitment and Outreach. The selectee will work closely with the team to coordinate, promote, and enhance a Department-wide legal outreach and recruitment strategy, as well as attorney professional development, and diversity and inclusion efforts.

About the Office:

OARM is responsible for administering and promoting law student and attorney employment opportunities at the Department. The Department recruits law students, entry-level and experienced attorneys from a broad cross-section of the country to fill more than 3,000 compensated and volunteer positions annually through a variety of legal employment programs. These programs include the Attorney General’s Honors Program (HP), Summer Law Intern Program (SLIP), Volunteer Legal Intern Program (VLIP), and lateral attorney recruitment. OARM is also responsible for managing and assisting in the implementation of a number of the Department’s policies related to diversity and inclusion. OARM is a service-driven organization for the entire Agency. OARM serves as the primary resource, both within and outside the Department, on all issues related to law student and attorney employment including recruitment, outreach, retention, professional development and inclusion. OARM is also responsible for adjudicating the suitability of all legal hires, deciding certain adverse actions; and FBI whistleblower cases under statutory authority and Department regulations.

Responsibilities and Opportunity Offered:

This position provides an opportunity for an attorney with at least 4 years of post-JD legal and/or legal recruiting experience, who is committed to recruiting, developing, and retaining highly qualified individuals with varied backgrounds and experiences for the largest legal employer in the country. This position is as dynamic as the changing marketplace. A good match for the position will be someone who is a relationship builder who thrives in an environment that puts a premium on consensus building, who can be both collaborative and independent, engaging, and has great instincts and sound judgment.

Some of the primary responsibilities of the position include:

  • serving as a spokesperson for the Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management and the Department of Justice both internally and externally on matters related to attorney recruitment, hiring, management and inclusion. Incumbent must speak knowledgeably and enthusiastically about the Department’s legal recruitment programs, and have general knowledge of public interest/federal government work;
  • actively promoting the Department at law schools, bar association conferences, and other forums through personal and video presentations, trainings, as well as through broader written and oral communication, to attract a wide range of highly-qualified applicants for law student and attorney positions throughout the Department;
  •  independently developing and conducting presentations and training for Department management and staff on a variety of topics related to effective and inclusive recruitment, sound hiring practices, and issues related to workforce development;
  • providing ongoing assistance and support to Department offices, including the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and component field offices outside of the Washington metro area to assess and strengthen their professional development and retention practices, as well as provide guidance on the continued implementation of the Department’s diversity and inclusion initiatives;
  • supporting the administration of recruitment and retention programs such as the Attorney General’s Honors Program, Summer Law Intern Program, and the Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program;
  • managing and administering the Department’s Attorney Mentor Program, including coordinating with components and USAOs to ensure broad and effective program participation; and
  • drafting appropriate correspondence to Department officials, the judiciary, law school career services offices, and applicants on behalf of the Director and Deputy Director on a variety of topics, and assisting with various administrative functions associated with a small office.

Location: Washington, D.C. Relocation expenses will not be authorized.

This position will be open until filled but applications must be received by January 11, 2013.

For more information about the position and the Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management visit the website.

Partners Global Offers Varied Internship Opportunities

Partners is a small and dynamic organization that allows interns a hands-on, valuable opportunity to gain exposure to an international, non-profit working in the field of change and conflict management.

Latin America Program Internship:

Partners Global (“Partners”) is seeking an intern to join the Latin America Team to support implementation of current projects and assist in securing new ones. Some responsibilities envisioned include: research of new funding opportunities; support to proposal efforts; and assistance to the program teams on day-to-day operation. While the internship is unpaid, a stipend of $1,000 is available.

Position Title:Latin AmericaProgram Intern, Part-time (3 days per week; 24 hours)

Qualifications: Experience and interest in the international development field in Latin America; specific experience or interest in rule of law, conflict resolution and/or human security; some graduate-level studies; exceptional research, writing and editing skills; flexibility to respond to ever-changing needs; excellent interpersonal skills; and a desire to learn. Proficiency in Spanish language is desired.

Start/End Dates: January – May 2013

To Apply: Please send (via e-mail) a résumé, cover letter, writing sample (maximum 1,000 words) and contact information for three references via email. Please indicate in the email and cover letter that you are applying for the Latin America Program Internship.

No phone calls please. Partners will contact applicants for an interview or to request additional information.

Africa Program Internship:

Partners is seeking an intern to join the Africa Team to support implementation of current projects and assist in securing new ones. Some responsibilities envisioned include: support to the development and publication of a security sector reform scorecard methodology; research of new funding opportunities; support to proposal efforts; and assistance to the program teams on day-to-day operation. While the internship is unpaid, a stipend of $1,000 is available.

Position Title:AfricaIntern, Part-time (3 days per week; 24 hours)

Qualifications: Relevant work or academic experience and interest inAfrica, conflict management and/or international development; graduate-level studies; strong research, writing and editing skills; computer proficiency; excellent interpersonal skills; and a desire to learn. Knowledge of French is strongly preferred.

Start/End Dates: January – May 2013

To Apply: Please send (via e-mail) a résumé, cover letter, writing sample (maximum 1,000 words) and contact information for three references via email. Please indicate in the email and cover letter that you are applying for the Latin America Program Internship.

Please indicate in the email and cover letter that you are applying for the Africa Program Internship.

No phone calls please. Partners will contact applicants for an interview or to request additional information.

Evaluation Internship:

Partners seeks Evaluation Interns to: contribute substantially to a large scale, internal organizational evaluation, including historical data collection and analysis for 19 independent Partners institutions; collect, summarize and report on existing project evaluations and program documentation from PDC’s history; and conduct other related support as needed. While the internship is unpaid, a stipend of $1,000 is available.

Position Title: Evaluation Intern, Part-time (3 days per week; 24 hours)

Qualifications: Relevant work or academic experience and interest in monitoring and evaluation, conflict management and/or international development; undergraduate-level studies; strong research, writing and editing skills; computer proficiency; excellent interpersonal skills; and a desire to learn.

Start/End Dates: January – May 2013

To Apply: Please send (via e-mail) a résumé, cover letter, writing sample (maximum 1,000 words) and contact information for three references via email. Please indicate in the email and cover letter that you are applying for the Evaluation Internship.

No phone calls please. Partners will contact applicants for an interview or to request additional information.

Communications Internship:

Partners seeks a Communications Intern to work directly with a Senior Manager to: maintain the Partners website and presence in social media outlets; write up news items and other communications pieces; update and maintain contact databases; conduct and summarize country-specific and subject-area research; help prepare proposals for future projects; assist in event planning and preparation; and conduct other administrative or program-related work as needed. While this internship is unpaid, it is an excellent opportunity to gain exposure to an international, non-profit working in the field of change and conflict management. A $1,000 stipend is available.

Position Title: Communications Intern, Part-time (20-24 hours per week)

Qualifications: Relevant work experience and/or interest in conflict resolution or international issues; work toward a bachelor’s degree; strong research, writing and editing skills; computer proficiency; excellent interpersonal skills; and a desire to learn.

To Apply: Please send (via e-mail) a résumé, cover letter (please indicate the number of hours per week you are available), writing sample (maximum 1,000 words) and contact information for three references to:

Please indicate in the email and cover letter that you are applying for an Communications Internship position.

No phone calls please. Partners will contact applicants for an interview or to request additional information.

For additional information, please visit the website.


Attend the Upcoming “Meet the Judge” Lunch Series

Meet the Judge Lunch Series with Judge Jacqueline Hogan Scola

When:  Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 12:00 p.m.

Where: Fratelli Milano’s, 213 SE   1st Street, Miami, Florida (Downtown)

RSVP to Mallory Gold. Lunch is Dutch Treat.


BABSEA International Legal Studies Externship Clinic – June 3, 2013 – July 27, 2013

Deadlines: Priority: March 10, 2013; Final: April 1, 2013

Apply Now!

Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia Community Legal Education Initiative (BABSEA CLE) is currently accepting applications for its 2013 June-July Legal Studies Externship Program. Entering into its 8th year, the BABSEA CLE Legal Studies Externship Program offers an opportunity to make a real contribution to assisting others in overcoming the hardships and legal inequity in Southeast Asia while being involved in a remarkable experience of living and working in the region.

Make a Difference!

As a BABSEA CLE 2013 Legal Studies Extern, you will contribute in four ways:

– Community legal education research and curriculum development
– Community service
– Education and culture
– Self development through reflection.

What is the Program?

During the 8 week experience, your activities will include a variety of community based legal education teachings, legal research and writing, not-for-profit organizational management and administrative activities, service projects with local and rural communities and many educational events and cultural experiences. Externs will work and interact with the BABSEA CLE International Community Legal Education team as well as local lawyers, legal educators, community and governmental organizations from BABSEA CLE’s partner network in theSoutheast Asia region.

Who Can Apply?

The program is open to legal studies and non-legal studies students, graduates and professionals. Dates of the program may be flexible, depending on your schedule and availability. You may be eligible for academic credit, fellowships and/or financial support depending on your university institution.

When is the Deadline?

Apply by April 1, 2013. To apply early and gain first priority, as well as a reduction in fees, applicants should submit their materials by March 10, 2013. Late applications may still be considered depending on circumstance and available space in program.

How Do I Apply?

Complete and submit the application form, current resume, statement of purpose, writing sample, two personal references, the liability and waiver form, and a photocopy of the applicant’s valid passport.

What Does It Cost?

Externs contribute $2,350 USD for their costs (shared accommodations included). There are a limited number of partial cost waivers for applicants who demonstrate great financial need and a history of being involved in access to justice/community service projects.

Who Will Be Chosen?

Preference will be given to applicants who display a strong academic record, interest in access to justice and community service, awareness of different cultures, ability to work effectively in teams, to be flexible, open minded, a willingness to commit to the full 8 week program and to be connected and support the work of BABSEA CLE during and after completion of the program.

For forms and more information on the BABSEA CLE International Legal Studies Externship Program, please visit the website or contact the BABSEA CLE Externship Manager, Ms. Judith Mandel.

*Dates may be flexible

CALL FOR INTERNSHIP APPLICATIONS: Special Tribunal for Lebanon Office of the Prosecutor

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (located near The Hague, Netherlands) has several vacant unpaid-internship positions for 2013, including from January 2013. Minimum commitment is 3 months.

Trial in the case of Prosecutor v. Ayyash et al is scheduled to start on March 25, 2013, so this may be a great time to play a part in this first international trial of terrorism charges related to the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri in 2005.

Applicants may apply to serve as legal interns for the prosecution, defense office, defense teams, registry, or in chambers. Please visit the link to the STL internship program page.

Bert W. Levit Essay Contest – Deadline is February 22, 2013

The Bert W. Levit Essay Contest is sponsored by the ABA Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability and Long & Levit, LLP.

Deadline for Submission:

ONLINE entries MUST be submitted by 11:59 PM CST on February 22, 2013.
MAILED entries MUST be postmarked by February 22, 2013.


* Cash award of $5,000.

* All expense paid trip to the Spring 2013 National Legal Malpractice Conference in New Orleans, LA, on April 24–26, 2013.

The Bert W. Levit Essay Contest is conducted by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability and the San Francisco law firm of Long & Levit LLP. The 2013 contest is administered and judged by a subcommittee designated by the ABA Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability.

The Assignment:

The 2013 Contest Essay Hypothetical involves questions about a law firm’s potential malpractice exposure when it relied upon a third-party vendor to provide document review services for a client, which ultimately resulted in the release of privileged documents.

Contest Rules/Essay Requirements:

Entries should be written as scholarly essays. All entries must be prepared for this contest and not previously published. Each entrant is required to assign to the ABA all rights, title and interest in the essay submitted. It is the policy of theABA, however, to release all assigned rights in all but the winning essay.

Essays should not exceed 3,000 words, including quoted matter and citations. Footnotes are not permitted and citations should be incorporated into the main text.

Entrants may seek general feedback on their draft essays from professors, colleagues, and the like. An essay submitted to the competition, however, must be entirely the entrant’s own work product and may not be written or edited by any other person.

The essay should be typewritten double-spaced on 8 1/2″ x 11″ pages. The number of words on each page should be entered on the bottom right hand corner of each copy. The total number of words should be entered on the last page. In computing the number of words, all articles and prepositions should be counted. Count numbers and abbreviations as words. For example F.2d = 1 word; 746 F.2d 619 = 3 words.

Complete and sign the paper entry form (PDF) or you can use the Online Contest Entry & Agreement Form, providing your full name, address and telephone number as indicated.


The contest is open to Young Lawyers Division or Law Student Division members of the ABA, in good standing as of February 22, 2013, according to the membership records of the Association. Excluded from the competition are previous winners; current ABA officers and members of the Board of Governors; employees of the ABA or its sections, divisions and committees; and officers and employees of the American Bar Foundation or the American Bar Endowment). Only one essay may be submitted by each entrant, and no co-authored essays will be accepted.

National Legal Malpractice Conference:

The winner of the contest will receive round-trip coach airfare to the 2013 Spring American Bar Association National Legal Malpractice Conference in New Orleans, LA, lodging for up to two nights during the conference, and will be a guest at conference meals and events.

For additional information, please visit the website or contact Meghan Monahan.