The 2013 Gellhorn-Sargentich Law Student Essay Competition


Discuss any topic relating to administrative law. 


The competition is open to currently enrolled students of ABA-accredited law schools who are also members of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. Submissions can include papers submitted for a law school course, law review notes and comments, or pieces written specifically for the competition. Essays must be the work of the submitting student without substantial editorial input from others. Co-authored papers are ineligible. Only one essay may be submitted per entrant. 


Submissions must be in Microsoft Word. The text of the essay must be double-spaced, in twelve-point font, with one-inch margins; footnotes or endnotes should be single-spaced, also in twelve-point font and with one-inch margins. Citations may be embedded in text or set out in footnotes or endnotes and should conform to the current edition of the Uniform System of Citation (Bluebook). Submissions may not exceed 40 double-spaced pages exclusive of footnotes and end-notes. (At the discretion of the Section, the winning student may be asked to prepare a shorter version for inclusion in the Administrative and Regulatory Law News.). 

Entry Procedure:

Each submission must include two cover pages. The first should include the paper’s title and the entrant’s name, law school, year of study, mailing and email address, and phone number. The second page should be a cover page that includes only the title of the paper. The contestant’s name and other identifying information, such as school name, MAY NOT appear on any page other than the first cover page.

Entrants must email an electronic copy of their submission in Word format to Section Director Anne Kiefer. Entries must be received by 7 pm Eastern time on May 1, 2013.

Staff of the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice will assign a random number to each entry. Neither the contestant’s identity nor his/her law school will be known to the selection committee.

By submitting an entry in this contest, the entrant affirms that the entry is his or her own work and grants the ABA and the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice permission to edit and publish the entry in the Administrative and Regulatory Law News and/or the Administrative Law Review. Publication will be at the sole discretion of the Section and the Editors and Editorial Boards of these publications. Please direct any questions about the contest to the Section Director as set forth above.


The entries will be judged anonymously by Fellows of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. Entries will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and clarity of the proposal or thesis
  • Organization
  • Quality of the analysis and research
  • Grammar, syntax and form

The entries will be judged anonymously by the Fellows of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice.


The winner will receive a $5,000 cash prize and round-trip airfare and accommodation to attend the Section’s Fall Conference in Washington, DC. At the discretion of the Section and the respective editorial boards, the winning entry may be selected for publication in the Administrative and Regulatory Law News and/or the Administrative Law Review.


Opportunities With the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

The central mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products.

There are currently 2 Attorney Avisor positions posted:

Attorney-Advisor (General) – Closes Feb. 27, 2013:

OFFICE: Research, Markets, & Regulation

GRADES: 60, 71 : $103,000 – $224,983

APPOINTMENT: Open to All US Citizens (Excepted service – Permanent)

This position is located in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Office of Research, Markets and Regulations. This organization is responsible for one or more specific areas of consumer protection law and regulation. You will serve as an authority on the most significant legal issues and conducts complex projects related to the formulation, implementation and interpretation of laws, regulations and rules in one or more areas of financial services and consumer credit law.

Attorney-Advisor (General) – Closes Feb. 28, 2013:

OFFICE: Research, Markets, & Regulation

GRADE: 53 : $98,000 – $149,036

APPOINTMENT: Open to All US Citizens (Excepted service – Permanent)

This position is located in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office of Regulations, which is part of the Division of Research, Markets and Regulations. This position serves as a journeyman level attorney handling complex legal assignments involving the interpretation of consumer financial laws and other regulatory matters in one or more areas of financial services and consumer credit law, including matters involving complex facts and no clear-cut precedent.  The incumbent is expected to produce thorough and accurate legal analyses of complex legal and policy initiatives with little supervisory direction.

To see different Attorney opportunities with the CFPB and for additional information, please visit the website.

UM HOPE 2013 Summer Programs

There are three distinct summer public interest opportunities available for students at Miami Law through the HOPE: (1) HOPE Summer Fellowships; (2) Public Interest Summer Fellowships; and (3) the African Probate & Policy Initiative.

HOPE Summer Fellowships:

  • All 1Ls and 2Ls who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.
  • Fellows must complete a minimum of 360 hours of work over a period of no less than 9 weeks.
  • Fellows have an ongoing reporting and feedback commitment throughout the duration of their placement consisting of weekly journals and weekly article reviews followed by group discussions.
  • Each Fellow receives a $5,000 stipend for otherwise uncompensated work at a public interest agency.
  • Fellows do not receive school credit for the work.
  • Placements are at the local, national, and international levels, and some students may be eligible for travel assistance based on location and need.
  • To apply or for more information visit the HOPE Fellows webpage.

HOPE Summer Public Interest Fellowships:

  • All 1Ls who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.
  • Fellows must complete a minimum of 35 hours per week over the course of 8 weeks.
  • This highly competitive program includes a public  interest law seminar and a legal research and writing project for which Fellows receive a $2,500 stipend and 3 academic credits.
  • Fellows may choose among the following local Miami public interest agencies: Americans for Immigrant Justice; Catholic Charities; Legal Aid Services of Broward County; Legal Aid Society of the Dade County Bar Association; Legal Services of Greater Miami; and the Public Defender’s Office.

African Probate & Policy Initiative:

  • All 1Ls and 2Ls who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.
  • The Initiative provides students with an intensive summer experience of human rights coursework and experiential learning opportunities.
  • The Initiative is a 4- or 6-credit program apportioned as follows: 2-credit workshop pre-departure class with a Pass/Fail exam; 2-credit seminar to fulfill the writing requirement; and an optional 2-credit externship.
  • Students are responsible for securing their own flights, and must pay for all related travel expenses.
  • Students who participate in the African Probate & Policy Initiative are not eligible for a HOPE Summer Fellowship or for a Public Interest Summer Fellowship.
  • To apply or for more information visit the African Probate & Policy Initiative webpage.

Application deadline: February 15th, 2013.

For additional information, please click here.



HOPE News for the Week of February 11, 2013

Upcoming Events:

Friday, February 15th, Deadline for Applying for HOPE Summer Fellowships, Summer Public Interest Fellowships, and the African Probate & Policy Initiative. Email HOPE for more information. These application deadlines are distinct from summer clinic application deadlines. Have any questions? Come meet the HOPE Staff for coffee on the bricks from 8:30-10:00am on Tuesday , February 12th.

Conversation with Peter Edelman, Thursday, February 14th, 3PM, Faculty Lounge. Join the HOPE Office for a conversation with Peter Edelman. A law professor at Georgetown University Law Center, he specializes in the fields of poverty, welfare, juvenile justice and constitutional law. Additionally, he has worked for Senator Robert F. Kennedy and for the Clinton Administration. For more info, conatct HOPE. 

Equal Justice Works is hosting a free webinar on Wednesday, February 13th at 3PM to share information about the Summer Corps Program and Application. To sign up, click here.

Saturday, February 23rd, 11AM-3PM, Join the Florida Immigrant Coalition for a day of helping legal permanent residents in the area apply for U.S. citizenship. The event will be held in Deerfield Beach. For more information, click here.

The Impact Conference @ Sustainatopia is one of the world’s leading conferences for social, financial and environmental sustainability. This year, the Conference is designed for social entrepreneurs engaged in transformative ventures. The program brings together leaders from more than 50 countries, and is taking place at the Miami Beach Convention Center between April 17th and 19th. For more information, visit here.

Featured Fellowships:

 PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law is pleased to invite applicants to the PILnet Fellowship for 2013-2014. PILnet will select lawyers for eight months of study and practical experience in New York City. The program, now in its sixteenth year, targets future leaders in various fields of public interest advocacy. For more information, click here 

The George Washington University Law School is now accepting applications for its Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics’ graduate clinical fellowships for the academic years of 2013-15. Fellows obtain LL.M. degrees while examining and engaging in clinical legal education and public interest law. For more information, visit the website 

The Turner Environmental Law Clinic is hiring a fellow for the 2013-2014 academic year. Law school graduates within three years of graduation (including 2013 graduates) are encouraged to apply. Email HOPE for more information.

Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago is looking to hire for the next year. Email HOPE for more information.

Harvard Legal Aid Bureau seeks 16 law students to serve as Summer Fellows, who will interact directly with clients, opposing parties, witnesses and government agencies. Find out more here. Application instructions for HLAB: Please send (1) a resume, (2) a cover letter, (3) a writing sample, (4) a law school transcript, and (5) two references to Joshua Rovenger, Executive Director, Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, 23   Everett Street, First Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138. The positions are unpaid, but visit our website to find out how you can qualify for a HOPE Fellowship.

Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti is accepting applications for a Legal Intern (Summer 2013) and a Legal Fellow (2013-2014) to work on legal and public advocacy seeking UN accountability for Haiti’s cholera epidemic. More information on these positions can be found here.

$300,000+ in Funding Available for CGI U 2013 Students! Turn your ideas into action by applying online for Clinton Global Initiative University.

Equal Justice Works: New application period for 2013 Summer Corps program. Applications accepted on a rolling basis beginning Tuesday, December 18, 2012 until Monday, March 18, 2013. See here for program details.

2013 Deborah T. Poritz Summer Public Interest Legal Fellowship Program. Approximately 15 positions are available for first and second year law students at Legal Services of New Jersey. Click here for application.

FASPE (Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics) is now accepting applications for a fellowship that uses the conduct of lawyers and judges in Nazi Germany as a launching point for an intensive two-week early summer program about contemporary legal ethics. Click here for information.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Division seeks second year law students as legal interns to assist with its enforcement and outreach efforts. Please send a cover letter, resume, and writing sample (5-10 pages) to to apply. The positions are unpaid, but visit our website to find out how you can qualify for a HOPE Fellowship.

Announcements & Opportunities:

Miami Law’s Clinics are now accepting applications for the fall and summer. Information sessions will be held on Tuesday, February 12, at 12:30pm in Room E-352, and Thursday, February 21, at 12:30pm in Room E-352. Pizza will be served. You can learn more about each clinic here, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions. You can click here to watch short videos about each clinic. The deadline to apply for a fall clinic is March 6th. You can apply online here. The deadline for summer clinics is rolling, but you are encouraged to apply early.

The Court of Appeals For Veterans Claims Bar Association (CAVC) has announced a scholarship competition. Five students will be selected to receive a paid registration to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims 12th Judicial Conference from April 18th-19th. Email HOPE for more information. 

The 2013 Miami Law African Probate & Policy Initiative provides students with an intensive summer experience of human rights coursework and experiential learning opportunities. The Initiative is designed to foster study, research, and professional experiences in Africa. It is currently the only course focused on human rights in the African context. The deadline to apply is February 15th. For more info, visit here.

Florida Legal Services would like the help of law students to create client-oriented brochures. The brochures will notify unemployed people that they have certain legal rights in the RA program and will list information about how to get free legal assistance with RA claims.

Empowered Youth and Child Advocacy and Family Society is looking for volunteers and mentor. For more information, email them.

LSGMI, Inc. Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. is seeking clerks to fill a variety of volunteer law clerk positions. Interested students should be able to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours a week for the Spring semester. For more information regarding the program, visit the website. For more information on how to apply, email UM HOPE.

19th Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference, February 22-23, 2013. Registration is now open! HOPE will provide a $100 travel stipend to students who have not already used the benefit through EJW.


Call for Applications: 2013 PILnet Fellowship

Deadline: Monday, 25 March 2013

Applications for the 2013 PILnet Fellowship are invited from candidates in Brazil, China, the Middle East and North Africa region, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia and Southeast Asia. For the Middle East and North Africa region, special consideration will be given to candidates in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. For Southeast Asia, special consideration will be given to candidates from Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam.

PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law is pleased to invite applications for the PILnet Fellowship for 2013-2014. PILnet will select lawyers from Brazil, China, the Middle East and North Africa region (especially Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia), Nepal, Nigeria, Russia and Southeast Asia (especially Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam) for eight months of study and practical experience in New York City. The program, now in its sixteenth year, targets future leaders in various fields of public interest advocacy.

During their eight months in the U.S., PILnet Fellows will develop a project designed to further the rule of law in their home countries. The Fellowship begins with a semester of study at Columbia University School of Law and a series of professional development trainings. In the spring, the PILnet Fellows will participate in study visits to various cities in the US and Europe, as well as two-month internships at New York-based public interest law organizations.

At the end of the program, the Fellows will return to their home countries ready to implement the rule of law projects they developed during their Fellowships.  PILnet will cover the cost of a round-trip coach airfare to the U.S., housing in New York City, a monthly stipend, and emergency medical insurance. Selected candidates for the Fellowship are required to sign an agreement to the terms of the program, stating that they will complete it in full.

For additional information, please visit the website.

This Week at the CDO (February 11, 2013)

Monday, February 11, 2013: 

  • Justice KennedyCoffee w/Justice Kennedy – 11:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Student Lounge 

Wednesday, February 13013: 

  • Judicial Clerkships Law Review Meeting –12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. – Room F-109
  • Toppel Career Expo – 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.Patti and Allan Herbert Wellness Center 

Friday, February 15, 2013: 

  • Multicultural Admissions Fair – 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Student Lounge/Room F-109

2013 American Inss of Court Warren E. Burger Prize

The Warren E. Burger Prize is a writing competition designed to encourage outstanding scholarship that “promotes the ideals of excellence, civility, ethics and professionalism within the legal profession,” the core mission of the American Inns of Court.

Interested authors are asked to submit an original unpublished essay of 10,000 to 25,000 words on a topic that addresses issues of legal excellence, civility, ethics and professionalism.

The submission deadline for the 2013 Warren E. Burger Prize is July 15, 2013.

For more information, please contact Cindy Dennis.

Rules for the Warren E. Burger Prize writing competition are available on the website.

American Judges Association/ American Judges Foundation Twenty-Fifth Annual Law Student Essay Competition

The American Judges Association (AJA) announces its annual essay competition open to all full-time law students enrolled in and attending an accredited law school in the United States or Canada.

The first prize for the contest is $3,000; second is $1,500; and third is $1,000. First, second, and third place winners and their law schools will be presented with an award certificate. The winning essay may be published in AJA’s journal, Court Review.

The following rules and regulations apply:

  1. Any student regularly enrolled in and attending classes at an accredited law school in the United States or Canada is eligible to enter. Submission of a paper, with one cover page and the completed entry form constitutes entry. Essays submitted for the 2013 competition MUST be under the topic of “Comparing Hearsay Rules in Different Courts.” Essays determined not to meet this qualification will be not evaluated.
  2. The cover page of the paper must be submitted in a separate document and shall include the title and the author’s name, current mailing and e-mail addresses, and telephone number. The author’s name should appear only on the cover page and the entry form. The title and page number must appear at the top of each page of the paper.
  3. All papers shall be the original, unpublished work of an individual student, but may have been prepared as a course assignment. Normal guidance of law school faculty is permitted.
  4. Entry grants AJA the right of first publication of the paper and is agreement to hold AJA and its members harmless from, and to indemnify them for, any and all damages and costs relating to copyright infringement or plagiarism.
  5. Papers become the property of the American Judges Association and may be published in the Court Review.
  6. Papers should be double-spaced and 10-25 pages in length. Extensive footnoting or end noting is discouraged and is included in the paper’s length. Citations, footnotes, and endnotes should be in accord with the current edition of A Uniform System of Citation.
  7. Papers will be evaluated considering: writing quality and clarity; the interest of the topic and content to a broad segment of the judiciary; analysis and reasoning; timeliness, originality, and creativity; quality and use of research; and compliance with these rules.
  8. Papers will be evaluated, and prizes awarded, at the sole discretion of a panel of AJA members who will have no knowledge of the author’s name or law school.
  9. Winners will be publicly announced at the Association’s 2013 Annual Educational Conference in Hawaii, September 22-27, and thereafter notified by phone or email. All law schools and authors will also be notified by mail or email.
  10. Entries must be e-mailed or postmarked no later than June 1, 2013, and sent to or mailed to: AJA Essay Competition, 300 Newport   Avenue, Williamsburg, VA 23185
  11. First prize is $3,000, second prize is $1,500, and third prize is $1,000. Prize monies are contributed by the American Judges Foundation.
  12. Please notify the organization if any of your contact information changes.

For more information see here.

U.S. Department of State, Office of Legal Adviser, Summer Intern Program & Work Study Extern Program

The Office of the Legal Adviser furnishes advice on all legal issues, domestic and international, arising in the course of the Department’s work. This includes assisting Department principals and policy officers in formulating and implementing the foreign policies of the U.S., and promoting the adherence to, and development of, international law and its institutions as a fundamental element of those policies.

Summer Program: The Office typically selects about twelve highly qualified second-year law students to participate in its Summer Intern Program. This provides a unique opportunity for students interested in public service and foreign affairs to become acquainted with the work of the Office, as well as the Department (and to demonstrate their legal skills and acumen). Summer interns are normally given the same level of work as junior attorney-advisers. Interns are ordinarily assigned to two offices that they serve consecutively to ensure that they receive as broad an exposure as possible to the various facets of the Office’s practice within the time allowed. Interns are encouraged also to take advantage of special summer programs and activities sponsored by the Department, the Federal Bar Association, the Department of Justice, and others.

The Office’s summer intern program is highly competitive. Outstanding academic achievement, relevant international experience and/or extracurricular activity, and demonstrated professional potential are important factors in the selection process. Consideration is given only to U.S. citizens. The Office is flexible in allowing students to schedule students’ internships any time between May and September with a minimum of six weeks of employment.

All applicants must submit a complete resume, including a law school transcript, together with a list of at least three professional references. Applications should be submitted as early as possible in the fall and must in any event be received no later than September 1 of the second year. Applications submitted without a law school transcript will not be considered. Successful applicants will be notified around December 15, but their participation is conditional upon eligibility for receipt of a Secret-level security clearance. Interns receive no pay and the U.S. Government defrays none of their personal expenses. Interns will be requested to provide a statement affirming that the institution permits participation in such a program.

Students should be aware that all materials produced while working in the Office are considered U.S. Government property and permission to use them for other purposes must be obtained from the proper authority at the Department of State. Students are subject to all requirements relating to retention or use of classified information (whether written or not) obtained in the course of employment.

Work Study Extern Program: The Office typically accepts five to 10 highly qualified second or third-year law students as full-time or part-time “work-study externs” in the fall and spring semesters. Externs receive no pay and the U.S. Government defrays none of their personal expenses.

This Program provides an unparalleled opportunity for intensive involvement in a particular area of the Office’s work. Externs generally assume the same level of responsibility as summer interns and are expected to work between twenty and forty hours per week, the specific hours to be agreed upon prior to employment. Externs are typically assigned to one section of the Office, but may have the opportunity to work in several areas of the Office’s practice. The academic requirements of the sponsoring institution are considered in the selection of assignments and projects, but the student should expect to invest a considerable amount of personal time outside the Office to accomplish projects assigned by the institution.

Externs, like interns, must be eligible to receive a Secret-level security clearance. Only U.S. citizens are considered for the program. Academic excellence, relevant experience, and professional promise are important factors in the selection process. Applications for externship during the fall semester must be received no later than the preceding March 31, and for the spring semester no later than the preceding May 31 (since all externs must be continuing students, third-year candidates typically are considered only for the fall semester). All applicants must submit a comprehensive resume, law school transcript, and two letters of recommendation from faculty members or officials of the sponsoring institution. Externs will be requested to provide a statement affirming that the institution permits participation in such a program.

Students should be aware that all materials produced while working in the Office are considered U.S. Government property and permission to use them for other purposes must be obtained from the proper authority at the Department of State. Students are subject to all requirements relating to retention or use of classified information (whether written or not) obtained in the course of employment.

Fir additional information and opportunities, please visit the website.


Free Federal Circuit Bar Association Career-Oriented Webinar for Students: Going In-House – Tips for a Successful Transition to Corporate Counsel Teleconference

The Diversity and Law Clerks and Students Committees Present: Going In-House: Tips for a Successful Transition to Corporate Counsel Teleconference. In this teleconference, which takes place on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm ET, moderator Dawn-Marie Bey will lead a panel of corporate counsel who hold positions with the world’s leading technology companies. The panelists will share thoughts on how to successfully transition to corporate counsel and they will explore issues such as timing, what to expect, pitfalls, how to advance, managing outside counsel and other aspects to consider before going in-house.


Lesley Boveri, Senior IP Attorney, IP Compliance and Transactions, SAP

Yoncha Kundupoglu, Director, Licensing In, Technicolor

Tiep Nguyen, Director, FMSA Patent Center (FPC), Fujitsu Mgmt Services of America, Inc.

Juan Otero, Corporate Counsel and Secretary, Energy Revovery, Inc.

Aurelia Flores Roch, Senior Counsel, Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)

Jim Zeng, IP Compliance Counsel for Asia Pacific, SAP


Dawn-Marie Bey, King & Spalding, LLP

Price for Teleconference (Free for all FCBA Members):

Private   Practitioner Government/Academic/Retired
$120   non member $35 non member
Member:   Complimentary Member:   Complimentary

To register for this Program, please follow these instructions:

  • Internet Participation. Those wishing to participate in the teleconference, please click here, select the title of this teleconference and follow the prompts.
  • Participation for law students is free however registration is required. Use link above or contact Andrew Hunter, for special “group” pricing and student groups interested in FREE internet participation.