Ed Baker Fellowship in Democratic Values

With a generous gift from the estate of renowned media scholar C. Edwin Baker, Demos, the New York think tank,  has established the Ed Baker Fellowship in Democratic Values. As part of our Emerging Voices Initiative, the fellowship provides:

  • Two-three years of financial support;
  • Editorial assistance and publishing connections;
  • Media training and a professional communications platform, and
  • Support for events and travel to promote fellowship work.

Based in our New York offices, Ed Baker Fellows will give voice to strong democratic values within a wide range of potential issues, including voting rights, citizen engagement, immigration policy and civic inclusion, campaign finance reform and money in politics, and media reform, among others.

Applications are now being accepted for fellowships beginning in February 2011. Candidates should have a strong writing background on democracy issues–including policy journalism, feature writing, social criticism, blogging and commentary, or documentary media work. Well-defined research and writing plans, promising to bring new information and arguments into the arena of democracy concerns, will stand out in the application process. Candidates with diverse social backgrounds and active concern to bring change in under-represented communities are especially encouraged to apply.

To apply, please send an email indicating “Ed Baker Fellowship” in the subject line, and attach as separate documents your resume or CV, a 2-3 page overview of your research interests and writing plans, and a writing sample. Send to Fellows Director Lew Daly.  Please no calls. Candidates selected as finalists will be interviewed in January.

DEADLINE: Applications are due by December 18, 2010.

Learn More about the Fellows Program at Demos

The Florida Bar Foundation Legal Aid Summer Fellowship (1L and 2L Students)

The Florida Bar Foundation is sponsoring the 2011 Legal Aid Summer Fellowship Program at legal aid and legal services programs in Florida.

Florida Bar Foundation Legal Aid Summer Fellowship Brochure

Florida Bar Foundation Legal Aid Summer Fellowship Program Placement Sites

Florida Bar Foundation Legal Aid Summer Fellowship Online Application

The Florida Legal Aid Project Directors’ Association sponsors a Terry Russell Summer Fellow to honor Terry Russell, who has made significant pro bono contributions to the delivery of legal services for the poor in Florida; and when President of The Florida Bar, he led the successful effort to pass and fund the Florida Access to Civil Legal Assistance Act.

The Foundation will designate a Rebecca Knox fellow to honor her dedication to legal services to the indigent. Rebecca Knox was a devoted legal aid attorney in Florida representing victims of domestic violence when she unexpectedly died at an early age.

It is expected that approximately 20 full-time fellowships will be offered to first and second-year law students. The Legal Services Summer Fellowship Program runs for a period of 11 weeks and is a full-time position for the summer. Fellowship stipends are expected to be $5,500 for first-year students and $7,000 for second-year students for the eleven week period.

Fellowship Purposes

  • To involve fellowship recipients in the provision of high-quality, significant civil legal assistance to the poor in critical areas of need.
  • To provide an in-depth educational experience in representing the poor and working with individual clients and client groups in civil matters.
  • To increase law student interest in and awareness of the legal problems of the poor and the challenges and satisfaction of representing the poor.
  • To promote commitment to pro bono representation of the poor.

Student Eligibility and Selection Criteria

First and second-year law students attending accredited law schools are eligible to apply as long as they are in good-standing with their law school. Minority students are specifically encouraged to apply. Among the factors to be considered in selections are: experience in working with the low-income community, academic achievement, writing skills, and previous contact with and long-term commitment/interest in public service/pro bono work. Law student applicants will be provided an opportunity to specify program placement preference. Due to the necessity of insuring placement throughout Florida in a variety of programs and sites, student flexibility in preference sites may be a factor in selection.

All applications were due at the Florida Bar Foundation on Wednesday, January 19, 2011. Students will be notified of their selection by early February 2011

Fellowship Term

The fellowship commences with a two-day mandatory training and orientation seminar – to be held May 19 and 20, 2011 in Orlando, Florida – prior to the fellows arriving for work at the programs. Housing, meals, and reasonable travel expenses for the two-day training will be provided. Fellows are scheduled to report to work at their programs on Monday, May 23, 2011 with the fellowship ending on Friday, August 5, 2011.

Application and Selection Process

Summer Fellowship applications will be available on the Foundation website November 15, 2010. Summer Fellowship application information will also be provided to Career Services offices at each of the law schools in Florida.

The application deadline is January 19, 2011. Selection and notification to students will be completed by early February 2011.

Putting Your Law Degree to Work in a Non-Legal Career

Join the Academic Achievement Program for a lecture featuring Miami Law alumnus and former Dean’s Fellow,

Joel Rose, Esq.

CEO of School of One

New York City Board of Education

and learn how you can put your law degree to work in a non-legal career

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

12:30 p.m.

Room 352

This Week at the CDO (Week of November 15, 2010)

Monday, November 15

Deadline for Class of 2010 (December 2009-May 2010) J.D. graduates to apply to Legal Corps.

Wednesday, November 17

1L Judicial Internship and Clerkship Information Session.  12:30 p.m. in Room F109.

1L Judicial Internship and Clerkship Information Session

Are you interested in a judicial clerkship after graduation?

Do you want to intern with a judge this summer?

If so, join Professor Sergio Campos and the CDO to learn what you can do now – as a 1L – to prepare yourself for the judicial clerkship hiring process and to find out how to apply for judicial internships for the summer of 2011.

Wednesday, November 17th

12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Room F109

We hope to see you there.

Janet D. Steiger Fellowship for 1L and 2L Students

The American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law sponsors a summer fellowship program, named the Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Project, honoring the memory of the late Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission.  In this program, 20 first or second year law students serve a minimum of eight weeks in the consumer protection department of one of the participating State Attorney General Offices during the summer of 2011:

Phoenix, Arizona                                 Little Rock, Arkansas                         California (LA or SF)

Denver, Colorado                                 Des Moines, Iowa                                Topeka, Kansas

Baltimore, Maryland                          Jackson, Mississippi                            Helena, Montana

Lincoln, Nebraska                               Concord, New Hampshire                 Newark, New Jersey

Santa Fe, New Mexico                       New York, New York                          Columbus, Ohio

Portland, Oregon                                  Nashville, Tennessee                           Salt Lake City, Utah

Montpelier, Vermont                          Richmond, Virginia

Each selected student will receive a $5,000 stipend for the summer (administered through the offices of the state attorneys general and subject to certain federal taxes).  The program also offers an optional small supplemental housing/travel allowance for those students who are not living at home for the summer (administered through the American Bar Association).  This supplemental allowance will not be considered until after Fellows have been selected.

The application period is November 15, 2010 until January 31, 2011.  Applications will not be accepted beyond the January 31, 2011 deadline date.  Students must submit: (1) the application form; (2) resume; (3) writing sample; and (4) statement of interest.  The application form available online.

Presentation on Securities Laws – Law Students Welcome

The Florida Bar’s Business Law Section and the Dade County Bar Association’s Business Law Committee Present:

Demystifying the Securities Laws: A Practitioners Approach to Getting the Deal Done Part 4-A

The Florida Bar’s Business Law Section and the Dade County Bar Association’s Business Law Committee present “Demystifying the Securities Laws: A Practitioners Approach to Getting the Deal Done Part 4-A.” This event will be held on Tuesday, November, 30 2010 from 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. The 1.0 hour CLE will be presented by Alan H. Aronson of Akerman Senterfitt. You may attend this event either in person or by telephone conferencing.

For those attending in person, the session will be held at:

Akerman Senterfitt

One SE Third Avenue

25th Floor

Miami, Florida 33131

A call-in number will be provided one day prior to the course to the participants attending by telephone conference. Please mute your line for the duration of the call, unless you wish to speak or ask a question.

Law students are encouraged to participate in this event.

Please RSVP (and indicate whether participating in person or telephonically) to Alan Aronson.

Florida Bar Business Law Section Presentation – Law Students Welcome

The Florida Bar’s Business Law Section Presents:

Understanding the Little FTC Acts and their Implications

The Florida Bar’s Business Law Section presents “Understanding the Little FTC Acts and their Implications.” This event will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 from 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. The 1.0 hour CLE will be presented by Leon F. Hirzel, an associate with Zarco Einhorn Salkowski & Brito, P.A. You may attend this event either in person or by telephone conferencing.

For those attending in person, the session will be held at:

Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center

Faculty Lounge (2nd Floor)

3305 College Avenue

Ft. Lauderdale-Davie, Florida 33314

A call-in number will be provided one day prior to the course to the participants attending by telephone conference. Please mute your line for the duration of the call, unless you wish to speak or ask a question.

Law students are encouraged to participate in this event.

Please RSVP (and indicate whether participating in person or telephonically) to Alan Aronson. Lunch will be provided.

Equal Justice Works and Southern Public Defender Center’s Public Defender Corps

Equal Justice Works and the Southern Public Defender Center have partnered to develop the Public Defender Corps, a pilot project that will provide fellowships for top students to engage in indigent defense with a strong training and support structure. These will be three year fellowships inside select public defender offices. This initiative addresses the ongoing national crisis of failing to provide quality representation to accused persons who cannot afford counsel.

Applicants to Public Defender Corps will undergo a rigorous selection process. Once selected, they will receive expert advocacy training and mentoring, and be integrated into a community of defenders to help them develop the skills needed to provide the highest quality of representation to clients and imbue them with a commitment to indigent defense reform.

Public Defender Corps is scheduled to launch as a pilot program in the fall of 2011 and is currently accepting application for approximately 20 Fellowship positions. Application and supporting documents are due by 5:00 PM on December 17, 2010.

Application instructions and additional information about the Public Defender Corps Fellowships are available online under the Programs tab.

University of Miami School of Law Legal Corps

The University of Miami School of Law recently established Legal Corps, an ambitious postgraduate fellowship program which will place recent law graduates in government agencies, public interest organizations, and judicial chambers in Florida and throughout the country. The recent economic crisis has resulted in a reduction of funding for public sector agencies while the demand for legal services has dramatically increased. The goal of Legal Corps is to fill the gaps at these understaffed agencies by providing them with some of the most prepared, skilled and diverse individuals entering the legal community today. Below are responses to some of the most frequently asked questions about the fellowship program.

J.D. graduates of the University of Miami School of Law’s December 2009 and May 2010 classes who have been admitted to a state bar or are awaiting “character and fitness” results are eligible to apply for a Legal Corps fellowship.

For more information, please visit the Legal Corps website.