This Week at the CDO (Week of January 26, 2015)


Tuesday, January 27, 2015: 

  • 1L CDO Workshops – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Room F-309 – During the spring semester, 1L students will have an opportunity to participate in Spring Recruiting, which includes the Spring On Campus Interview Program, Spring Resume Referral Program and Summer Externship Program. By participating in these programs, 1L students will have an opportunity to apply for legal internships for the upcoming summer. The 1L CDO Workshops will provide students will complete instructions on how to prepare for and participate in Spring Recruiting, including how to use Symplicity, the web-based program used to administer Spring Recruiting. Students need only attend one session this week. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015: 

  • 1L CDO Workshops – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Room E-352 – During the spring semester, 1L students will have an opportunity to participate in Spring Recruiting, which includes the Spring On Campus Interview Program, Spring Resume Referral Program and Summer Externship Program. By participating in these programs, 1L students will have an opportunity to apply for legal internships for the upcoming summer. The 1L CDO Workshops will provide students will complete instructions on how to prepare for and participate in Spring Recruiting, including how to use Symplicity, the web-based program used to administer Spring Recruiting. Students need only attend one session this week.

This Week at the CDO (Week of January 19, 2015)

Monday, January 19, 2015:

  • Martin Luther King Holiday  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015:

  • All You Need to Know About Interning at the Miami-Dade Public Defender Office from PD Carlos J. Martinez – 12:30 p.m. – 1:50 p.m., Room F-109 – Miami-Dade Public Defender Carlos J. Martinez and his chief assistants will have a panel discussion about interning at the PD office.

Epstein Becker Green 17th Annual Health Law Writing Competition – Entries Due by January 25, 2015

Epstein Becker Green is pleased to announce its 17th Annual Health Law Writing Competition. The competition is designed to encourage the preparation of scholarly papers on current topics of interest relating to health law. Cash prizes will be awarded as follows for the three best papers:

First Place: $4,000 | Second Place: $2,000 | Third Place: $500

Entrants should take advantage of the fact that health law is a very broad and diverse field, encompassing aspects of almost every area of law. Papers may address any traditional area of the law as applied to health care (e.g., antitrust, tax, corporate) or areas of law unique to health care (e.g., fraud and abuse, managed care, Medicare/Medicaid, clinical trials). Entries in the top 20 percent will be considered for publication in the Annals of Health Law, which is published by the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.

For additional information and an official entry form, visit the website.

Competition entries are due by January 25, 2015.



Subject:           Any topic in the field of employee benefits law.

Open to:          Any J.D. and graduate (LL.M. or S.J.D.) law students enrolled at any time between August 14, 2014 and August 15, 2015.

Submit by:       June 2, 2015 

Prizes:              ACEBC Award: $1,500; Sidney M. Perlstadt Memorial Award: $1,500

Winners will be honored during the College’s annual black tie dinner on September 19, 2015 in Chicago, IL.  They will receive a plaque and an employee benefits treatise published by Bloomberg BNA Books.  If deemed suitable by the editors, one or more of the winning papers will be published by the Bloomberg BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter, the Bloomberg BNA Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal or another employee benefits publication.  The winning papers will also be distributed to the Fellows of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, experienced attorneys who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the employee benefits field in a wide range of practice settings including law and consulting firms, universities, labor unions, advocacy organizations and government agencies throughout the United States. For information concerning the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, consult the website.

Eligibility/Topics.  Except as provided in (6) below, applicants must be enrolled full-time or part-time in law school between August 15, 2014 and August 15, 2015 and seeking a J.D. or a graduate law degree (e.g., LL.M. or S.J.D.).  Papers must deal with employee benefits topics.  As an illustrative example, a paper might address legal issues involving health benefits, pensions, 401(k) plans, severance, executive compensation, claims, appeals, current or former spouses’ or domestic partners’ benefits, collectively-bargained benefits, benefits in bankruptcy, ERISA litigation, fiduciary obligations or the tax treatment of benefits/contributions.  

  • Papers should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced, in 12 point type, with an inch margin on each side), not including footnotes.  Footnotes should be single-spaced endnotes starting on a separate page.
  • Papers must be submitted as email attachments and should be submitted as Word or .pdf documents.  No information identifying the author or law school should be included in the text, the footnotes, or the filename.  That information, an address, a telephone number and enrollment status information should be provided in the email message.
  • Submissions may include papers prepared for class assignments, law journals or other purposes, as well as those written especially for the Prize.
  • Student papers submitted for publication in law reviews or other law school journals or periodicals but not yet published are eligible for the Prize, provided that (i) the version submitted for the Prize does not reflect any changes made to the paper after submission of the manuscript to any publication and (ii) the College receives any consents necessary to publish.

Selection of Winners.  Winning papers will be selected by the Writing Prize Committee based on the factors they deem relevant.  Among other facts, the Committee will consider: (i) depth and creativity of legal analysis; (ii) thoroughness of legal research; (iii) organization and writing style; (iv) difficulty of subject matter; and (v) consideration of employee benefits policy implications.  The determination of the Committee is final.  It is anticipated that winners will be notified by July 24, 2015, or shortly thereafter.

Publication of Winning Articles(s).  The College will use its best efforts to arrange for publication of the winning papers in the BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter, the BNA Tax Management Compensation Planning Journal or other professional publications, subject to receiving any necessary consents from the author and any other journal.  In addition, the winning papers will be distributed to the Fellows of the College.

Prizes.  Cash prizes will be awarded for up to two winning papers.  The College may, in its discretion, decide to split prizes, to award additional prizes or to award fewer than two awards.  Winners will be guests of the College during its annual black tie dinner to be held on September 19, 2015 in Chicago IL.

Deadline.  Papers must be submitted in the manner described in paragraph 1(b) above and must be received no later than Midnight, Eastern Time, on June 2, 2015. 

Disclaimer.  The College disclaims responsibility for any failure to give due consideration to any submission due to any email or other electronic transmission, storage or archival errors, regardless of the cause.  However, the Committee may waive the eligibility requirements applicable to any student whose submitted paper was not afforded due consideration on account of such an error in a prior year’s contest.




Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) Scholarships and Opportunities

The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) Advancement of Animal Law Scholarships are available to law student members of Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) chapters and are awarded based upon demonstrated commitment to ALDF’s mission, “to advance the interests and protect the lives of animals through the legal system.” Applicants should be committed to the advancement of animal law through active involvement with their SALDF chapter while in law school and anticipated participation in the field after graduation.

A secondary goal of the scholarship is to ensure the recipient’s chapter will remain active and maintain engaged leadership. Therefore, scholarship recipients are encouraged to act as a SALDF advisor to their chapter for up to two years after graduation; this mentorship will help ensure continuity of the chapter and contribute to its ongoing vitality.

Scholarships are for one year only. However, students are eligible to apply for continued funding. Scholarships for 1Ls (and part-time students) are $2,500 and scholarships for 2Ls and 3Ls are $5,000.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a member of an active SALDF chapter.
  • Applicant must demonstrate outstanding commitment to animal law.
  • Applicant should be interested in serving as an SALDF advisor for up to two years after graduation.
  • Only current 1Ls and 2Ls are eligible to apply (or 3Ls in a four-year program), with the scholarship to be applied during the next academic year.
  • Applications must be emailed (preferred method), mailed, or faxed (503-231-1578) by April 17, 2015 to:
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Attn: Nicole Pallotta
919 SW Taylor, 4th Floor
Portland, OR 97205 

Applicants must submit: 

  • Two letters of recommendation, at least one from a law school professor (letters of recommendation from ALDF staff are not permitted).
  • Current academic transcript (unofficial is okay).
  • A copy of your most recent resume.
  • Provide complete answers to the following questions. There is no page limit. Answers must be typed and double spaced. Include your name, SALDF chapter, year in school, address, phone number, and email address.
  1. Describe your interest in animal issues and tell us how your law school education will help you to be a better advocate for animals.
  2. Describe your role within your SALDF chapter.
  3. Describe any other animal law (or animal protection) activities and experience (academic, volunteer, activism, employment, etc.) to date.
  4. ALDF’s mission is to advance the lives and protect the interest of animals through the legal system. Describe how you see yourself contributing to this mission, and tell us how you will support the field of animal law after graduation.
  5. How will receiving this scholarship help you to achieve your goals?
  6. Recipients of the ALDF Advancement of Animal Law Scholarship are encouraged to serve as a SALDF advisor for two years after graduation. How do you envision yourself in this role and how would you contribute to your chapter’s ongoing vitality once you graduate?


The 5th Annual The Law Student Reporters (LSR) Program

The Law Student Reporters (LSR) program was created to provide an opportunity for law students to attend ABA-IPL’s IP programming. Each LSR is introduced to the ABA-IPL structure, working with attorneys to provide previews, reviews, and live coverage of CLEs and ABA commitee meetings. LSRs gain a lot of exposure and a solid start with the ABA.

LSRs have the opportunity to engage and interact with IP practitioners from around the world at the largest ABA-IPL event of the year — the Intellectual Property Law Conference in Washington, D.C. Applicants also have the chance to participate in the ABA Annual meeting in the summer if not chosen for the ABA-IPL Spring conference.

The conference will take place March 25-27, 2015 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center in Bethesda, MD. This year will mark the 30th anniversary of the conference and we want you to be a part of it! Applications will be accepted for the second round starting on January 12, 2015. The deadline to return your completed application for early decision is Friday, January 30, 2015 by 5:00 PM EST. A shortened application window will reopen again in the Spring semester although preference will be given to early applications, so get your application in as soon as possible. Download the application online.

For additional details regarding LSR eligibility and requirements, please visit the website.


The Florida Bar Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Section Presents the 2014-2015 Louis Tertocha Fashion Law Writing Competition

Entries must be received no later than March 23, 2015. See Official Rules and Social Media flier for specific details regarding submission guidelines, judging, prizes and rules.

Pending confirmation of the finalists, the winner will be published in The Florida Bar Journal, an online publication, and recognized by EASL.

In the past, the annual Fashion Law Writing Competition has been open only to Florida law students. This year, however, it is being opened to all law students enrolled in ABA-approved law schools.

Entries must be received no later than March 23, 2015.




Applications are being accepted for a summer internship with the Diversity Initiatives staff at the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). The summer intern works under the general supervision of the Executive Director for Diversity Initiatives. The intern will assist office staff with LSAC’s diversity initiatives, including but not limited to, the website, Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars Programs, and LSAC Law School Forums. The intern will be expected to prepare memos and written assignments, answer inquiries from prospective students, and assist with other projects as assigned. Some travel will be required. The duration of the position is 10 to 12 weeks.

Qualifications:  The summer internship is restricted to currently enrolled law students in good academic standing. Preference will be given to candidates with advanced communication skills, including strong knowledge and understanding of various social media websites. We are seeking applicants who share LSAC’s commitment to promoting diversity in the legal profession.


The intern will be expected to work a 37.5-hour week, and the compensation will be $22 per hour. The intern will work at the LSAC headquarters in Newtown, PA, and housing assistance will be provided, if needed.

How to Apply: 

Applicants are required to submit a letter of interest; a résumé; and the names, addresses, and contact information for two references. The letter of interest must explain why diversity, especially racial and ethnic diversity, is important to the legal profession, and must not exceed two pages in length. Applications must be submitted by email only with the Diversity Initiatives Subject: 2015 LSAC Diversity Initiatives Intern.

NOTE: Applications submitted other than by email or that lack the required documentation will NOT be considered.

Application Deadline: Friday, February 20, 2015.

NNEDV is Seeking Attorney for WomensLaw Project

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is a national organization dedicated to creating a social, political, and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists. NNEDV seeks a bilingual (English/Spanish) Program Attorney who has knowledge or experience working with Latin@ communities to join WomensLaw (a project of NNEDV).

The Program Attorney will play an integral role in all WomensLaw activities, with a particular emphasis on overseeing the Spanish-language portion of the website; responding to Spanish-language inquiries on the Email Hotline; and making presentations / performing outreach in Spanish to Latin@ communities in person and through social media about the ways in which WomensLaw can help them.

This is a full-time exempt position that reports to the WomensLaw Legal Director. The bilingual Program Attorney will work in NNEDV’s Washington, D.C. office. Some travel will be required.

**Please note that the Program Attorney will not provide representation or work on specific legal cases, or give legal advice, solely legal information.**  


  • Interpreting legal statutes and translating them into “plain language” in English and Spanish – native speaker preferred.
  • Updating existing legal content and developing new content for the website.
  • Working with other experts in the field to share information and create materials appropriate for users.
  • Translating and revising Spanish website content and recruiting/managing Spanish-speaking translators.
  • Maintaining and establishing new relationships with community-based organizations throughout the country, with a focus on organizations that help Spanish-speaking populations.
  • Updating and maintaining legal and non-legal resource listings in Spanish and English.

Email Hotline:

  • Answering emails received on our Email Hotline, mostly in Spanish, from victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and others.
  • Assisting with management of law school student volunteers who answer emails weekly.
  • Assisting in training/recruiting new law school volunteers to answer the Email Hotline.

Social Media, Outreach, Workshops, and Presentations:

  • Leading workshops or creating presentations for community partners, primarily in Spanish; performing outreach in Spanish to Spanish-speaking population to publicize WomensLaw’s services.
  • Maintaining a presence in Spanish on social media, making presentations in person and through webinars, and developing creative ways to let victims know about the ways WomensLaw can help them understand the laws and their legal recourse.
  • Facilitating presentations at conferences throughout the United States.
  • Representing WomensLaw in the Spanish language media.


Competitive salary. Benefits package includes medical, life and disability insurance, vacation, sick leave and 401(k) retirement program. 


  • Must be bilingual (Spanish/English) and completely fluent in both languages, native speaker preferred
  • Must have knowledge of or experience working with the Latin@ community
  • J.D. and Bar admission required (may be admitted in any state)
  • Prior experience as a litigator, representing clients in family-law matters or domestic violence-related issues a plus
  • Must have prior experience working in, or a proven commitment to, domestic violence, sexual assault or related women’s issues
  • Knowledge of immigration laws preferred
  • Excellent writing, grammar, and communication skills in both English and Spanish
  • High level of attention to detail
  • Strong legal research or statutory analysis skills
  • Excellent interpersonal, networking and inter-cultural skills
  • Experience providing workshops and/or trainings preferred
  • Experience recruiting, managing and training volunteers preferred
  • Proficient in MS Office and Internet-literate and
  • Ability to work collaboratively on a team as well as independently.

REQUIRED TO APPLY: There are 5 required items to apply: 

  • cover letter in English (please clearly explain what your knowledge or experience of working with Latin@ communities entails)
  • same cover letter in Spanish
  • resume
  • salary history and expectations
  • a 1-2 page writing sample showing your ability to succinctly and in plain-language summarize a complex legal issue or statute 

Please email all 5 documents to Stacey Sarver, Esq., Legal Director of WomensLaw. No mail or faxes please.



2015 ABA Legal Career Development Expo in Chicago

Are you a Law Student? Recent Graduate? Young Lawyer? This is an event you don’t want to miss! Practicing attorneys and legal professionals seeking to advance their careers are also welcome to attend.

The American Bar Association’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion is pleased to announce the ABA Legal Career Development Expo. The Expo will take place on Thursday, January 15, 2015, from 8am to 5pm at the ABA Headquarters in downtown Chicago located at 321 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654. 

Format:                In-Person

Location:             American Bar Association 321 N Clark St Chicago, IL 60654-4714

Date:                     January 15, 2015

Time:                    8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT

Why attend the ABA Legal Career Development Expo?

– Admission is only $10 (Complimentary to all ABA Staff)

– Career and business development sessions

– Networking opportunities with current law students, lawyers, and ABA staff

– Practical skills training, including resume editing, one-on-one interviewing tips, and mentoring

– Career Development info from the substantive legal and professional ABA entities

– A chance to win a package for three (3) executive coaching sessions

General Inquires:

If you have any additional questions, please contact the office at (312) 988-5667 or email. Visit the website for more details.