Lee County Association for women Lawyers Scholarship Award Program

LCAWL is pleased to offer a $1,000.00 scholarship to deserving women from Lee County, Florida OR who intend to practice in Lee County, Florida, who have a financial need, the potential to succeed in law school, and who demonstrate the potential to uphold the highest standard of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession, promote reform in law, and facilitate administration of justice. T he deadline to submit your application is April 25, 2016.

Lee County Association for Women Lawyers (LCAWL): 

LCAWL is the local chapter of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers (FAWL). FAWL was established in 1951 to serve as a statewide voice for Florida’s women lawyers and to actively promote gender equality and the leadership roles of its members in the legal profession, judiciary and community at large.

Lee County Association for Women Lawyers Scholarships:

Purpose: LCAWL will offer a scholarship(s) to deserving women from Lee County, Florida OR intend to practice in Lee County, Florida w ho have a financial need, the potential to succeed in law school, and who demonstrate the potential to uphold the highest standard of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession, promote reform in law, and facilitate the administration of justice.

Award: One or more scholarships, which shall vary, shall be paid when the recipient submits a copy of her law school registration to LCAWL verifying enrollment. Scholarship funding is expected to assist the recipient with educational expenses. The recipient may apply to renew for one or more subsequent terms, although there is no assurance of renewal; and/or the Scholarship recipient shall receive an honorary membership to LCAWL until such time as she obtains her license to practice law in the State of Florida.

Eligibility: LCAWL scholarship(s) will be awarded based upon the applicant’s academic potential to entering 1Ls, rising 2Ls, or rising 3Ls who: (i) are women; (ii) are from Lee County, Florida or intend to practice law in Lee County, Florida; (iii) have a demonstrated financial need; (iv) have a commitment to practice law in Lee County, Florida; and (v) have a commitment to promote the philosophy of FAWL and LCAWL. Each applicant shall be required to: (i) submit a five hundred word essay describing why she is applying for the scholarship, any extraordinary circumstances that she has overcome and how she intends to uphold the highest standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, promote reform in law and facilitate administration of justice during her career; (ii) have either a: (a) member of LCAWL; (b) community leader; or (c) instructor, sponsor her application with a written statement of support; (iii) most recent academic transcript; and (iv) submit a completed application, (together the “Application”).

Application Submission: The Application should be emailed to LCAWL Scholarship Chair, Liridona Sinani, via email, with the subject heading “LCAWL Scholarship.” Extensions will n ot be granted. Applications that are incomplete or received after the deadline will not be considered. Letters of recommendation should be emailed with the application, if possible, but, in any case, must be received prior to the deadline. Scholarship recipients will be notified by the end May 2, 2016 and will be recognized at the LCAWL Annual Judicial Reception on M ay 5, 2016, to which the recipient will be invited but is not required to attend.

For a copy of the application, please visit the CDO.

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SECTION OF ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY, AND RESOURCES Law Student Writing Competition: Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules

Rules concerning the competition are as follows.

1. ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to any student enrolled in an ABA-accredited law school during the academic year of the competition who is a legal resident of the United States. Directors, officers and employees of the ABA and their immediate family or household members are not eligible.

2. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: All submissions must be the original work of the entrant. Any relevant article or essay may be submitted for the competition, including writing submitted for academic credit. Submissions must not have been previously published in any media. Only one essay, per competition theme, may be submitted by each entrant.

a. Entries for the Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources Law Student Writing Competition: Alternative Dispute Resolution should discuss any aspect of dispute resolution or dispute prevention practice, theory or research related to environmental, energy, or natural resource conflicts or should critique or analyze the dispute resolution process used in a particular case. Essays should conform to the theme of the competition. Submissions may advocate a position, educate the reader, or analyze one or more cases. The decision of whether a particular essay qualifies as to subject matter is entirely within the discretion of the Section.

b. Essays must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format following these criteria: 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper format, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point type (10-point for footnotes), and must not exceed 2,000 words in length (a maximum of approximately 8 pages, excluding footnotes). Each page must have a header including the title of the paper and a page number. For anonymous evaluation of the entries, no information that could identify the author should appear anywhere in the body of the paper, including in the header, footer or, document properties. Entries are to be submitted as an email attachment to  with the subject line: Law Student Writing Competition: Alternative Dispute Resolution.

c. The following information shall be presented on a separate cover sheet: competition theme, essay title; author’s name; law school; expected year of graduation from law school; author’s permanent and temporary addresses; author’s telephone numbers and email address.

d. Entrants should write essays in traditional law review style, presenting a scholarly discussion with full citation to authority in footnotes. Essays should conform to the current edition of The Bluebook—A Uniform System of Citation.

e. Participants acknowledge that ABA will not return any submitted essay entries. All participants retain full copyright to their entries except that winners are required to license certain rights to the ABA (see paragraph 7 below) as a condition of entry.

3. SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS: The format of this competition has been selected to stimulate creativity of thought and research. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria: (1) writing quality; (2) analysis and legal reasoning; (3) originality; (4) quality and use of research; and (5) compliance with these Rules. The entries will be judged anonymously by a committee comprised of members of the Section’s substantive committee that sponsored the competition theme. Winning selections will be made by the committee. The Section Director will notify the winners by email of their selection no later than May 1, 2016. The Section reserves the right not to award any prizes if it is determined that no entries are of sufficient quality to merit selection that year. If a potential winner does not respond within ten (10) business days after ABA’s first attempt to contact him or her, or if the contact is returned as non-deliverable, the potential winner forfeits all rights to be named as winner or receive a prize, and an alternate winner may be chosen.

4. PRIZES: The first place winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize, the second place winner will receive $750, and the third place winner will receive $500. The winners will be announced in e-News, the Section’s monthly electronic newsletter, as well as on the Section’s website. The three winning essays will be posted on the Section’s website in a .pdf format. Winning essays will appear in an upcoming issue of the Section’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Newsletter. Winners must submit a completed W-9 to receive their cash prize. The full fair market value of the prize will be reported on a 1099. Winners are responsible for all taxes in connection with receiving a prize.

5. ODDS OF WINNING: Chances of winning will vary depending on the number and quality of entries. However, Sponsor reserves the right not to award any prize if the judges determine that no entries are of sufficient quality to merit selection that year.

6. ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS: For a list of prize winners, send a self-addressed stamped envelope by May 31, 2016 to the Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, American Bar Association, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654.

7. LICENSE/GRANT OF RIGHTS: By entering, the winners grant to the ABA the following rights: (1) the exclusive worldwide right of first publication of their entry in any and all ABA media or form of communication; (2) the non-exclusive worldwide right, in ABA’s sole discretion, to use, transcribe, publish reproduce, distribute, sell (as part of an ABA publication) or display the entry, alone or in conjunction with other materials; (3) the right to edit the essay to conform to the publication’s standards of style, technological requirements, language, grammar and punctuation, provided the meaning of the essay is not materially altered; and (4) the non-exclusive worldwide right to use the winner’s name and likeness in connection with the essay or this Writing Competition without further compensation. Additionally, the winning entrant must execute a separate licensing agreement giving the ABA the publication rights enumerated above and the right to use the article for any other purpose related to the ABA mission. If the winner fails to sign the agreement within 10 business days of receipt, the prize will be considered forfeited and another winner named.

8. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Entries must be submitted by e-mail on or before Friday, April 1, 2016, by 11:59 p.m. (central).

9. LAWS AND REGULATIONS: This contest is governed by U.S. law and all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply. By entering, all participants agree that the competition shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, that the courts of Illinois shall have exclusive jurisdiction, and that Cook County, Illinois shall be the venue for any dispute or litigation relating to or arising from the competition. Void where prohibited by law.

10. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: By participating, each entrant agrees to these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, and releases and discharges the ABA, subsidiary and affiliated entities, and each of their respective officers, directors, members, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively “Sponsor”) from any and all liability whatsoever in connection with this promotion, including without limitation legal claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages, demands or actions of any kind (including without limitation personal injuries, death, damage to, loss or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation, or portrayal in a false light) (collectively “Claims”). Except where prohibited, acceptance of a prize constitutes a release by any winner of the Sponsor of any and all Claims in connection with the administration of this promotion and the use, misuse or possession of any prize. All entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. Sponsor is not responsible for errors or for lost, late, or misdirected mail or email, or telecommunication or hardware or software failures, including by reason of any bug or computer virus or other failure. Sponsor may cancel, modify or terminate the promotion if it is not capable of completion as planned, including by reason of infection by computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, force majeure or technical difficulties of any kind.

11. OPT-OUT OPTION: Any individual may elect to opt out of receiving future contest mailings by calling the ABA Service Center at 800-285-2221.

12. PRIVACY POLICY/DATA COLLECTION: Information provided by entrants in connection with this sweepstakes is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy, available online.

13. SPONSOR: American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654.

ABA TIPS Admiralty & Maritime Law Committee, UM Maritime Law Society & International LL.M. – Ocean and Coastal Law Present: NAVIGATING A CAREER IN MARITIME LAW!

ABA TIPS Admiralty & Maritime Law Committee, UM Maritime Law Society & International LL.M. – Ocean and Coastal Law Present:

NAVIGATING A CAREER IN MARITIME LAW! This event takes place on TUESDAY, March 15, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the STUDENT LOUNGE.


Panelists are:

Valentina Tejera
Litigation Counsel,
Carnival Cruise Line
Scott J. Silverman
(Retired Judge 11th
Judicial Circuit), JAMS
Robert L. Gardana
Robert L. Gardana, P.A.
Michael E. Conroy
McAlpin Conroy


The Committee on Animals and the Law of the New York State Bar Association is very pleased to announce the Eighth Annual Student Writing Competition.  The deadline for submission is July 1, 2016.

The Committee on Animals and the Law was established to provide information resources for the New York State Bar Association’s members and the public about non-human, animal‑related humane issues, which arise from and have an effect upon our legal system.  This competition seeks to foster legal scholarship among law students in the area of animals and the law.  This competition provides law students with an incentive and opportunity to learn more about this area of law.

Law students (which include J.D., L.L.M., Ph.D., and S.J.D. candidates) are invited to submit to the Committee on Animals and the Law an article concerning any area of Animal Law.  All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of attorneys and other professionals practicing or otherwise involved in animal law.  The winner will be chosen in accordance with the competition rules.  The first place winner will receive $1,000 and a certificate of achievement.  The second place winner will receive $500 and a certificate of achievement.


Topic: Any topic on Animal Law.

Eligibility: To be eligible for consideration, the submission must be written by a student currently enrolled (full time or part time) in an ABA-accredited law school.  Students expecting to receive their degree in 2016 are eligible for consideration.  The submission must be written by one and only one student, i.e., papers jointly written by more than one student or that have been subjected to line editing by professors or advisors shall not be considered.  No paper that has been previously published in any form shall be considered.  We will only accept one submission per entrant.

Deadline: Papers must be postmarked no later than July 1, 2016.

Award Criteria: Written submissions will be judged based on quality, clarity, originality, and organization.  All essays must also meet the following criteria:

Length: Type written, double spaced, no less than 12 point Times New Roman font, on 8 ½ inch by 11 inch paper, with 1 inch margins, and no more than 25 pages, including footnotes.  Footnotes should be single spaced, and no less than 10 point font.

Format: One hard copy of the written submission and one electronic copy in Microsoft Word format on a disk or CD must be submitted by mail, postmarked no later than July 1, 2016, and addressed to:

Linda McMahon, NYSBA Staff Liaison
Committee on Animals and the Law
New York State Bar Association
One Elk Street
Albany, NY  12207 

Cover Page:   Entrants must submit a cover page indicating the entrant’s name, law school, expected year of graduation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number.  All other references to identifying information, such as name, law school, and contact information should be deleted or redacted from the body of the submission.

Prizes Awarded:

1st place: $1,000 and a certificate of achievement

2nd place: $500 and a certificate of achievement

The Committee also reserves the right to offer the winners (and other entrants), in the Committee’s discretion, the opportunity to publish his/her paper in the Committee’s Laws & Paws publication.  Offers to publish are purely within the discretion of the Committee and the Committee in no way guarantees entrant’s the opportunity for publication.

This Week at the CDO (Weeks of February 29, 2016)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016:

  • 18th Annual Informational Career Fair  – 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM – Law School Campus Bricks 1:Meet with attorneys from government, business, law firms and public interest organizations. Hear about their practice areas and experience while you network. For additional information and details, please contact Debbie Rowe-Millwood at the CDO.

National Association of Women Lawyers 2016 Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Competition

The mission of the National Association of Women Lawyers is to provide leadership, a collective voice, and essential resources to advance women in the legal profession and advocate for the equality of women under the law. Since 1899, NAWL has been empowering women in the legal profession, cultivating a diverse membership dedicated to equality, mutual support, and collective success. NAWL has established the annual Selma Moidel Smith Law Student Writing Competition to encourage and reward original law student writing on issues concerning women and the law.
The rules for the competition are as follows:
Entrants should submit a paper on an issue concerning women’s rights or the status of women in the law.
Essays will be accepted from students enrolled at any law school during the 2015-16 school year. The essays must be the law student author’s own work and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers written by students for coursework or independent study during the summer, fall, or spring semesters are eligible for submission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, students may incorporate professorial feedback as part of a course requirement or supervised writing project.
FORMAT: Essays must be double-spaced in 12-point, Times New Roman font. All margins must be one inch. Entries must not exceed fifteen (15) pages of text, excluding notes, with footnotes placed as endnotes. Citation style should conform to The Bluebook – A Uniform System of Citation. Essays longer than 15 pages of text, excluding notes, or that are not in the required format will not be read.
JUDGING: NAWL Women Lawyers Journal® designees will judge the competition. Essays will be judged based upon content, exhaustiveness of research, originality, writing style, and timeliness.
QUESTIONS: Questions regarding this competition should be addressed to the chair of the Writing Competition, Professor Jennifer Martin.
SUBMISSION AND DEADLINE: Entries must be received by May 1, 2016. Entries received after the deadline will be considered only at the discretion of NAWL. Entries must provide a cover letter providing the title of the essay, school affiliation, email address, phone number, and mailing address. Entries must be submitted in the following format: email an electronic version (in Microsoft Word).
AWARD: The author of the winning essay will receive a cash prize of $500. NAWL will also publish the winning essay in the Women Lawyers Journal. The most recent winning paper was “The Practice of Name Suppression: How the News Media Promotes the Stigmatization of Rape Victims” written by Emily Suran, University of Michigan Law School. Please view paper by clicking here.

Attend the 18th Annual Informational Career Fair on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 on The Bass Bricks!

The 18th Annual Informational Career Fair will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 on The Bass Bricks from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Come out and meet attorneys from various practice areas and learn about their career paths.

There will be attorneys from the private, public and government sectors representing practice areas such as corporate law, litigation, housing, military JAG, corporate finance & securities, tax & estate planning, criminal prosecution and defense, civil rights, dependency, public interest, IP, government law, healthcare, real estate, entertainment  and much more. We look forward to seeing you!!

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Rowe-Millwood at the CDO.


The Florida Bar Practice Resource Institute, in partnership with YourMembership, will host a virtual career fair on Thursday March 31, from noon-3 p.m. EDT. The event lets legal professionals network with multiple employers from the comfort of their homes or offices, all within one afternoon. Professionals looking for career opportunities will be able to chat online with top employers looking to hire lawyers in different specialties.

“The Florida Bar Virtual Career Fair is a very dynamic and proactive way to introduce candidates with strong skill sets directly to potential employers who are looking to fill open positions,” said Jonathon Israel, Director of The Florida Bar Practice Resource Institute. “By using an online platform, The Florida Bar Virtual Career Fair makes it very easy for hiring companies and job seekers to connect from anywhere.”


The virtual platform makes it easy to register, upload a resume and learn about participating employers before the event. On the day of the event, participants can log in from anywhere and interact one-on-one with employers through online interviews. After the event, participants can log in to facilitate follow-ups.


To register, go to the website.


About YourMembership: Established in 1998, YourMembership helps associations, organizations, publishers and other companies around the world provide more value to their users, drive non-dues revenue through innovative career centers and buyers guides, increase their relevance through innovative engagement tools, and enhance overall operational efficiencies. YourMembership’s SaaS-model membership management solution provides associations with the tools they need to effectively brand their organizations, engage their customer bases, and streamline their administrative processes. As the globe’s largest provider of membership management and association management software, YourMembership now provides comprehensive membership solutions to over 4,300 customers in 32 countries. For more information visit YourMembership.

Attend the 18th Annual Informational Career Fair on the Bricks!

When:                 Wednesday, March 02, 2016 from 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM 

Where:               Law Campus Bricks 1

Meet with attorneys from government, business, law firms and public interest organizations. Hear about their practice areas and experience while you network.

For additional details, visit or email the Career Development Office.

Clearwater Bar Association Volunteering/Networking Opportunity

If you are interested in practicing in the Clearwater/Pinellas County area and would like to network and meet potential employers, colleagues and judges, the students at Miami University School of Law have been invited to participate in the 77th Annual Clearwater Bar Association’s Oyster Roast as a student volunteer. The Oyster Roast is being held on the Grounds of Florin Roebig, P.A., 777 Alderman Road, Palm Harbor, FL. 

The Oyster Roast is an event held annually by the Clearwater Bar Association where local attorneys and judges put aside the adversarial process, “kick off their shoes,” and enjoy food and drinks from local vendors. In addition to being a great time, it can be a unique opportunity for law students to socialize with practicing attorneys and judges. 

This year, as they have in the past, they are inviting law students to attend for FREE (yes, free!) if they assist with the cleanup process. There are a limited number of volunteer spots available, so if this is something that you or your organization is interested in participating in, please contact Caitlein Jammo or Jason Lambert (information below) as quickly as possible. 

Jason Lambert, Esq.
(727) 787-3121
Caitlein Jammo, Esq.
(727) 461-1818

The volunteer spots will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please include the following in your email:

1. Name, address, and phone number;

2. Your law school;

3. Are you a student-member of the Clearwater Bar Association? (We encourage all student-volunteers to sign up for the Clearwater Bar Association. There is not a membership fee for student-members and this is a great way to connect with the local legal community);

4. Are you available for cleanup on:

a. The night of the Oyster Roast (Saturday, April 2, 2016 3:30-10:00 p.m.);

b. The morning after the Oyster Roast (Sunday, April 3, 2016, 10 a.m.-Noon); or

c. Both? 

We ask that you only offer to volunteer for time slots if you are genuinely able to attend, as we will be depending on your help.