Please read below for upcoming events on campus, opportunities in the community, and other announcements.
Events on Campus:
Monday, April 16th, Pro Bono Clinic for Nonprofits, 5:30 – 8:30 pm: Miami area attorneys are coming together to provide free legal consultations to area nonprofit organizations. Students have the opportunity to shadow participating attorneys during the consultations. Reception and information session on the Bricks at 5:30 pm, with appointments starting at 6:30 pm. Spots are limited. Please email Daniela Gordon if you are interested.
Monday, April 16th, Nonprofit Networking Night, 6 pm, CAS Gallery: Meet and mingle with professionals from local not for profit organizations, learn about working in the not for profit industry, and brush up on your professional networking skills in a fun and structured environment! Business casual dress encouraged. Refreshments will be served.
Monday, April 16th – April 18th, Tunnel of Oppression, 4 – 10 pm, UC Ballrooms: Click here for details.
Tuesday, April 17th, Exposing Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, 6 – 8 pm, Faculty Meeting Room: Join us for a brief discussion reviewing the current Florida Law on sex trafficking followed by a screening of Very Young Girls by Rachel Lloyd. This documentary exposes the exploitation of young girls in New York City, sold into sex trafficking. RSVP to UMHOPE.
Tuesday, April 17th, When Diplomacy Fails: The Syria Dilemma, 12:30 pm, F309: Click here for details.
Thursday, April 19th, Community Organizing In the Wake of the Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis, 12:30 pm, F109: Come hear 3L Nabeel Basit tell about his experience while a HOPE Fellow at Florida Legal Services. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to UMHOPE.
April 16-21 is National Volunteer Week/Social Justice Week/Earth Week! This trio of weeks is sponsored by the Office of Civic and Community Engagement and theButlerCenter for Service and Leadership, and will consist of a wide variety of events to encourage engagement in the community.
Tuesday, April 24th, Post-Graduate Fellowship Info Session, 12:30 pm, F209: Interested in a post-graduate fellowship? Come hear from former Skadden and Equal Justice Works Fellows about their experiences as well as information about Echoing Green, Open Society and other prestigious post-graduate opportunities. RSVP to UMHope.
Pro Bono Legal Research Project: Legal Services of Greater Miami is in need of a student to draft a memorandum of law regarding the following: What is the statute of limitations for a lender to file a foreclosure or collections suit against a borrower? What facts affect the computation of the statute of limitations (ie. tolling provisions, a short sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure judgment, a previously dismissed foreclosure action on the same debt). If you are interesting in taking on this assignment, email Myles Cochran.
Book Drive to Benefit Local Shelters and Juvenile Correctional Facilities: The Wrongful Convictions Project, Law Students for Reproductive Justice, and American Constitution Society are seeking donations of new or used books. The donations will benefit a local juvenile correctional facility in need of books for recreation and teaching, as well as a local shelter for women and children. Any books will be accepted, but we are in particular need of books for children and boys ages 10 to 17. Donations may be dropped in the bin located in the Law Library lobby between April 9th and April 21st.
Catholic Legal Services is looking for volunteers for its Citizenship Initiative on Saturday, April 21st. Email Daniela Gordon for more info and if interested in helping out.
Florida Supreme Court Internship Program application are available! Click here. Contact Amy Perez for details.
Summer Resources:
Inspired Leaders is looking for 2 law student volunteer instructors: Inspired Leaders is a 5 week summer program for high school students to develop academic and leadership skills. See attached document for details.